Sometimes the (redfish) eyes have it...

This fish came on my last cast Sunday. Took a VuDu shrimp. Measured 28 1/4…hooked right above eye. Helluva fight to get her in foul hooked and against the current!
Stayed in fish all day. Michael Mark and I kept 5 trout and 2 nice black drum. He helped me get this one in the boat. Thanks Michael!

You da man!! Good job, Jim.



21’ Triumph T-Top 150

nice fish!

Now if you had been using one of those “TROUT EYE JIGS” that would have been something.

Triumph 17
Honda 75

That fish need to see about a new pair of glasses! Glad yall had a good day!

Jim-we may need some fishing/lure lessons when we come over for that trolling motor :slight_smile: Live shrimp on popping corks has always been our “go to”…have tried arties a few times but have never done very well with them.