South Carolinians at thier finest

Originally posted by 7cs
Originally posted by poly ball
Originally posted by Richard Beer Froth

Let’s see how many South Carolinians offer up their homes for those affected to stay…

Anyone here on this site ready to commit?


I have a guest bedroom upstairs, wouldn't mind putting up a couple. Was here for Hugo and realized then how much help out-of-towners provided, would return the favor any day, those were a tough few months in 1989 in the lowcountry.

Poly,if you give me your contact info, I will run an ad in the Houston area (on my dime), offering shelter at your place for two. I will give you $500.00 to help with food. How bout it, Bo?

I don't accept money from strangers,send it to or

My relative working the recovery,through Red Cross in Houston says they’re trying to relocate disaster victims in neighboring states ,to keep costs as low as possible. Federal disaster aid will probably be close to $1 billion.

Red Cross has my 411 if additional housing is needed on the east coast, thanks anyway, Bo!

Originally posted by bangstick

The article I posted was about South Carolinians. I figured it was pertinent because, oh I don’t know, we’re in South Carolina. This had nothing to do with drawing lines between who’s helping and who isn’t. I know for a fact there are people from all walks of life and countless different locales helping but that had nothing to do with this article. Nowhere in this article did it say or imply South Carolinians were the only people there helping. This was simply an article, by a SC publication (regardless of how we feel about them), about South Carolinians. Why does it have to be more or less than that.

As far as me “kinda” proving your point, you’d have to have a point before anyone can “kinda” make it.

If you want to play politics, there’s a separate forum for that and this isn’t it.

God bless the “ignore” function.

Trust me, this crisis, and the response to it, will be political and not because of RBF… That’s reality…

Like the old saying… “No good deed goes unpunished”. Let’s be reasonable and wait and see how this develops before we claim the woes of our nation are fixed by a brief helping of others… It’s good others have helped, but let’s see how it plays out before we start claiming victory…


Originally posted by PalmerScott
Originally posted by Richard Beer Froth

Let’s see how many South Carolinians offer up their homes for those affected to stay…

Anyone here on this site ready to commit?


Over the years, have on more than one ocassion put up flood refugees for a while. And, I know of several other that have also.b So, piss off.

17’ Henry O Hornet w/ Johnson 88 spl
26’ Palmer Scott project hull
14’ Bentz-Craft w/ Yamaha 25

Good on you… You have done the right thing…


Originally posted by Richard Beer Froth
Originally posted by bangstick

The article I posted was about South Carolinians. I figured it was pertinent because, oh I don’t know, we’re in South Carolina. This had nothing to do with drawing lines between who’s helping and who isn’t. I know for a fact there are people from all walks of life and countless different locales helping but that had nothing to do with this article. Nowhere in this article did it say or imply South Carolinians were the only people there helping. This was simply an article, by a SC publication (regardless of how we feel about them), about South Carolinians. Why does it have to be more or less than that.

As far as me “kinda” proving your point, you’d have to have a point before anyone can “kinda” make it.

If you want to play politics, there’s a separate forum for that and this isn’t it.

God bless the “ignore” function.

Trust me, this crisis, and the response to it, will be political and not because of RBF… That’s reality…

Like the old saying… “No good deed goes unpunished”. Let’s be reasonable and wait and see how this develops before we claim the woes of our nation are fixed by a brief helping of others… It’s good others have helped, but let’s see how it plays out before we start claiming victory…


And there is a politics forum waiting to see that thread pop up but this one isn’t it.

Please show me where anyone said anything about “the woes of our nation are fixed.” Please show me where anyone started “claiming victory.” Let me save you some time…YOU WON’T FIND IT BECAUSE NO ONE SAID

Originally posted by bangstick
Originally posted by Richard Beer Froth
Originally posted by bangstick

The article I posted was about South Carolinians. I figured it was pertinent because, oh I don’t know, we’re in South Carolina. This had nothing to do with drawing lines between who’s helping and who isn’t. I know for a fact there are people from all walks of life and countless different locales helping but that had nothing to do with this article. Nowhere in this article did it say or imply South Carolinians were the only people there helping. This was simply an article, by a SC publication (regardless of how we feel about them), about South Carolinians. Why does it have to be more or less than that.

As far as me “kinda” proving your point, you’d have to have a point before anyone can “kinda” make it.

If you want to play politics, there’s a separate forum for that and this isn’t it.

God bless the “ignore” function.

Trust me, this crisis, and the response to it, will be political and not because of RBF… That’s reality…

Like the old saying… “No good deed goes unpunished”. Let’s be reasonable and wait and see how this develops before we claim the woes of our nation are fixed by a brief helping of others… It’s good others have helped, but let’s see how it plays out before we start claiming victory…


And there is a politics forum waiting to see that thread pop up but this one isn’t it.

Please show me where anyone said anythi

You’re as bad as Ed and/or Sea Tonic when it comes to reading what you want to read in a manner that best fits your argument.

Even though you chose to ignore the two things I asked of you in my last post, I’ll ask something of you again. Please show me when I, or anyone else, said anything about “everything is kumbaya.” Only a fool would believe everything is perfect in our country. Speaking of our country, yes, I believe America is a great country. It’s the greatest country in the world, in my opinion. Don’t confuse greatness with perfection. If something or someone isn’t perfect, there is always room for improvement.

You keep talking about what we “need” to do. I don’t and never have disagreed with that. Does that make the outpouring of aid and help for the victims of Harvey any less positive? Maybe, since you’re so “successful” at such a relatively young age, you’ve become jaded and the view from the heights of your ivory tower has blurred your ability to recognize positivity when it occurs. Maybe you’re simply the greatest human being on the planet. Maybe you’re the measuring stick for humanity. Regardless, you can’t simply right off or ignore the truly positive and selfless acts that are happening every day during the rescue/recovery efforts in TX and LA. Simply going off of your words here, your 15 year old daughter probably thinks you can’t be pleased and your wife must think you can’t be made happy. Unless, of course, you are in fact the perfect human being/humanitarian.

If all you’re going to do is continue to ignore the positive and fail to answer the things I’ve asked of you then don’t respond at all and simply go enjoy your perfect life in your perfect world because through all of this, YOU (no one else) are the only person to reference perfection and what it should look like. The rest of us realize, given the lack of perfection in society, just how positive and selfless and good the actions and efforts of those helping Harvey victims truly are.

God bless the “ignore” function.

Originally posted by bangstick

You’re as bad as Ed and/or Sea Tonic when it comes to reading what you want to read in a manner that best fits your argument.

Even though you chose to ignore the two things I asked of you in my last post, I’ll ask something of you again. Please show me when I, or anyone else, said anything about “everything is kumbaya.” Only a fool would believe everything is perfect in our country. Speaking of our country, yes, I believe America is a great country. It’s the greatest country in the world, in my opinion. Don’t confuse greatness with perfection. If something or someone isn’t perfect, there is always room for improvement.

You keep talking about what we “need” to do. I don’t and never have disagreed with that. Does that make the outpouring of aid and help for the victims of Harvey any less positive? Maybe, since you’re so “successful” at such a relatively young age, you’ve become jaded and the view from the heights of your ivory tower has blurred your ability to recognize positivity when it occurs. Maybe you’re simply the greatest human being on the planet. Maybe you’re the measuring stick for humanity. Regardless, you can’t simply right off or ignore the truly positive and selfless acts that are happening every day during the rescue/recovery efforts in TX and LA. Simply going off of your words here, your 15 year old daughter probably thinks you can’t be pleased and your wife must think you can’t be made happy. Unless, of course, you are in fact the perfect human being/humanitarian.

If all you’re going to do is continue to ignore the positive and fail to answer the things I’ve asked of you then don’t respond at all and simply go enjoy your perfect life in your perfect world because through all of this, YOU (no one else) are the only person to reference perfection and what it should look like. The rest of us realize, given the lack of perfection



Gotta Google that one

“I don’t want to be accused of not being helpful so, I’d start by keeping my mouth closed when outside. Hope this helps.” -DFreedom Aug 28 2017

Originally posted by PeaPod


Had a teacher call me that, She was mostly right at the time.

“Why Bruce?”

Originally posted by PeaPod



Gotta Google that one

“I don’t want to be accused of not being helpful so, I’d start by keeping my mouth closed when outside. Hope this helps.” -DFreedom Aug 28 2017

This is the perception I get when BS disagrees with someone while he is wearing custom made boots…


In other words, you don’t have a response to my questions that would allow you to give them and still maintain piss-poor attitude towards humanity that you’ve echoed throughout this entire thread.

Your own words is what made it possible to draw my conclusions of you so if anyone “belittled” you, it was your own doing. Surely if my willingness to defend my comments against the level of ignorance you put on display can allow you to “belittle” me by calling my pugnacious, then surely I can use your own words against you in regards to what you believe to be “belittling” towards you. I never insulted your family so drop the victimized tone. It’s not flattering on you.

Also, if you can’t deal with someone countering your opinion or comments without considering that person “combative,” you should probably become a shut-in. Or, maybe that’s just how things are in your perfect society.

I’ll proudly wear my boots and pugnaciousness and make sure to avoid your exposed toes in your Birkenstocks. Wouldn’t want you crying “assault” when someone steps on your toes, Eeyore.

Cute artwork. I can play that game too…

The perception I get when RBF reads or hears anything positive and wets himself in the process of trying pissing all over it…

God bless the “ignore” function.

Originally posted by bangstick

In other words, you don’t have a response to my questions that would allow you to give them and still maintain piss-poor attitude towards humanity that you’ve echoed throughout this entire thread.

Your own words is what made it possible to draw my conclusions of you so if anyone “belittled” you, it was your own doing. Surely if my willingness to defend my comments against the level of ignorance you put on display can allow you to “belittle” me by calling my pugnacious, then surely I can use your own words against you in regards to what you believe to be “belittling” towards you. I never insulted your family so drop the victimized tone. It’s not flattering on you.

Also, if you can’t deal with someone countering your opinion or comments without considering that person “combative,” you should probably become a shut-in. Or, maybe that’s just how things are in your perfect society.

I’ll proudly wear my boots and pugnaciousness and make sure to avoid your exposed toes in your Birkenstocks. Wouldn’t want you crying “assault” when someone steps on your toes, Eeyore.

Cute artwork. I can play that game too…

The perception I get when RBF reads or hears anything positive and wets himself in the process of trying pissing all over it…

God bless the “ignore” function.

Never said you insulted my family. You used my family to insult me which is pretty low. Anyhoo, glad you are satisfied with everything going on in our country. Hey, to each his own. Doesn’t cause me any less joy in my world, but I do feel for certain others who are getting the shaft in life and try to help where I can…

Anyway, you believe I am seeking perfection which is false. Perfection

Last word.

God bless the “ignore” function.

Originally posted by bangstick

Last word.

God bless the “ignore” function.

smoking reefer will make you think like that… and obuma loves his reefer.

“Why Bruce?”

Watch out RBF, the all powerful “banger” will place you on ignore, Ha Ha

I envision more of this…

From a FB post

Let this sink in for a minute…Hundreds and hundreds of small boats pulled by countless pickups and SUVs from across the South are headed for Houston. Almost all of them driven by men. They’re using their own property, sacrificing their own time, spending their own money, and risking their own lives for one reason: to help total strangers in desperate need.

Most of them are by themselves. Most are dressed like the redneck duck hunters and bass fisherman they are. Many are veterans. Most are wearing well-used gimme-hats, t-shirts, and jeans; and there’s a preponderance of camo. Most are probably gun owners, and most probably voted for Trump.

These are the people the Left loves to hate, the ones Maddow mocks. The ones Maher and Olbermann just know they’re so much better than.

These are The Quiet Ones. They don’t wear masks and tear down statues. They don’t, as a rule, march and demonstrate. And most have probably never been in a Whole Foods.

But they’ll spend the next several days wading in cold, dirty water; dodging gators and water moccasins and fire ants; eating whatever meager rations are available; and sleeping wherever they can in dirty, damp clothes. Their reward is the tears and the hugs and the smiles from the terrified people they help. They’ll deliver one boatload, and then go back for more.

When disaster strikes, it’s what men do. Real men. Heroic men. American men.


It’s great to see all the people helping. It would be better if they just voted to support programs that would do this kind of work. Nobody wants to fund government programs. It’s tax money but as soon as a disaster happens their all in. Pat yourself on your back for “helping” others. I call BS. If your offering a room here in South Carolina but not offering to pay for said people’s expenses then it’s a false offer. People who can get to Charleston from Houston don’t need your help. They could go anywhere.

Mixed nuts- that’s about the dumbest thing I’ve read about people helping. Could it be more political? Or more about the author getting his political views across? I wish people would open their ears and brain. Make a decision based on educated facts. Stop listening to one sided media and Facebook. As soon as it said. "Facebook " post I knew it was gonna be one sided.

Originally posted by Reeldawg

Mixed nuts- that’s about the dumbest thing I’ve read about people helping. Could it be more political? Or more about the author getting his political views across? I wish people would open their ears and brain. Make a decision based on educated facts. Stop listening to one sided media and Facebook. As soon as it said. "Facebook " post I knew it was gonna be one sided.

Sad that you feel that way. My only experience helping in a disaster was in Columbia, S.C.(Cold Stream) a couple of years back, after the flood. Volunteers and Church groups were the only folks around for several days. We ended up working there for almost a year, helping the victims rebuild their lives. And, before you make some smart a$$ remark, NO, I didn’t work a year for free. The extent of my crew and I volunteering was only a few weeks, but it did reinforce my faith in humanity!