Staying or Going???

Evacuating is not about fear. It’s survival 101. “Hunkering down” is option #2. If you have the means, option #1 is to avoid being in a survival situation to begin with. Statistically speaking, chances are, the storm will miss Charleston and conditions will be just fine for those who do decide to “hunker down”. Then, they will come out of the woodworks shaming people who evacuated. That being said, it’s “risk vs reward” in play here. The cost of being wrong is very high if a cat 4 comes into Charleston harbor for those who stay behind. The cost of evacuating and being wrong is low. If you do evacuate, you can use it as a “mini-vacation” and chance to spend time with the family, so it’s really a “no lose” scenario. Evacuating is like buying an insurance policy. You don’t buy insurance because you KNOW you are facing an impending disaster. You buy insurance IN CASE you face a disaster. Is there anyone who doesn’t have insurance on their house and is like “Hey man, you are stupid for buying insurance, because I haven’t bough insurance in 10 years and I haven’t needed it”… Maybe, but we all know that a statement like that is nonsense.

Originally posted by skinneej

Once it heads back out to sea, I say we drop an nuke on it… I’ve been watching movies for a long time, and you can do a lot with nukes against natural disasters.

It seems you’re not the first person to try to be nominated for a Darwin…

'06 Mckee Craft
184 Marathon
DF140 Suzuki

Originally posted by skinneej

Once it heads back out to sea, I say we drop an nuke on it… I’ve been watching movies for a long time, and you can do a lot with nukes against natural disasters.

It’s not an asteroid or comet, everybody knows if you drop a nuke on a hurrycane it’ll mutate and get stronger. Jeez, would have thought you knew that. :smiley:

Pioneer 222 Sportfish Yamaha F300
Yeah, but do you consider a dog to be a filthy animal? I wouldn’t go so far as to call a dog filthy but they’re definitely dirty. But, a dog’s got personality. Personality goes a long way.

“Life’s tough…It’s even tougher if you’re stupid” John Wayne

We went to Asheville. Good luck guys, best wishes

“mr keys”

I’m on the fence. Fiancé is off to the hospital tonight, be there working and sheltering until Monday. Don’t want her to feel like I going to leave her behind, even though she’s up in the hospital for the next 4 days anyways. The dog is at her parents in Aiken, gotta go to Aiken to get her soon, might as well do it tomorrow and come back in the early hours of Sunday morning to see what happened at the house. Make the final decision in the morning.

We left today around 330pm today, traffic wasn’t to bad except where the merge lanes come together in Columbia.

SeaPro 220CC

Dixie Craft-custom flats boat

we are down in hardeeville… really close to 95… gonna hunker down and see what happens… being from south fl we have road through a few… my biggest fear is the looting and bleeping stuff that goes on afterwards…

21’ Triumph T-Top 150

I’m leaving in the morning…I gotta go somewhere I can fish for a few days. Charleston’s getting wet. Be back Monday ish.

Leaving. Be back when there is no traffic to fight. Hugo as enough. Hugo memories still to fresh!!

“smart people” might not have much left…

-Albemarle 248xf “Chella”
-Dolphin 18BC Pro
-Miscellaneous boats
“Everybody dances when shotgun sings” Stewart and Winfield

Looting has already started on Folly and James Island so I have heard.

1979 17’ Montauk
90 Johnson

Wilderness Ride 115

They should send out national gaurd and shoot looters on site.

Staying…I have one of those desks that when I was in the sixth grade you would climb under if the atom bomb hit. Remember those drills in school? (that was 1963) Anyways…if they will protect you from an atom bomb…a hurricane should be no problem. Good luck to everyone.


Pathfinder 23 HPS

where did you hear there’s looting on JI and Folly?

Originally posted by PeaPod

where did you hear there’s looting on JI and Folly?

Prolly from that gangsta signer dude in Florida…


“Make America Sane Again.”


Love that guy

Another Niki presser at 11. Get to see the sign language guy again. Can’t wait

Most of that “looter” talk is typical of the mob mentality, big talk and no balls. I don’t doubt there will be some scumbags that will try and take advantage of the situation but most of these “people” are all talk. There will be a strong LE presence on the ground following the storm so hopefully any looting will be limited.

“Apathy is the Glove into Which Evil Slips It’s Hand”, but really, who cares?

Just watched Gov, Halie’s latest news conference! She couldn’t even look at the signer, cause I think she didn’t want to laugh! This guy is great! Hell, I can understand him[:0] He said, Get the hell out!!! Oh! He also said, don’t ride a boat out[:0][:0][:0]

James Island. Where’s the looting

The State newspaper had an interesting article about the signer. He is actually deaf. My sources were not aware of any looting at this time. Doesn’t man it hasn’t happened but.

“Apathy is the Glove into Which Evil Slips It’s Hand”, but really, who cares?