Sullivan's 10/27.

A buddy of mine and I decided to hit the beach for a couple hours before work this morning. Rising tide looked promising at our favorite spot on Sullivan’s Island. No real bait moving in the water so we hit the tide pool and pulled in some decent mullet (4"-8"). Hooked the biggest guy up on my biggest rod and got it out past the breakers. Hooked some shrimp up on the smaller rods and sat down. Butt hadn’t been in the sand for 15 minutes before the big rod started screaming. Fought an approximately 4’-5’ shark for about 10-15 minutes before he broke my leader in the surf. He jumped out of the water about 4’. It was a very impressive display and a wonderful fight. The hook seemed to be right in his jaw so I hope it will rust/fall out easily and won’t bother him for long.

Hit a couple of blues and whiting on the small rod, along with another big run on the mullet rod. Didn’t manage to land that one either.

Finally had a solid run on the big rod, and turned it into a 36" red drum! My buddy’s first time landing a red and my personal best red all in less than 3 hours this morning. What a great day.

Headed back out Wednesday morning to fish more of the rising tide.

Christus Rex

So awesome when they jump!

Nice fish!

Originally posted by iggy097

So awesome when they jump!

It certainly was awesome! Is there a particular species that jumps more than others?

Christus Rex

spinner shark. nice red!

-Wishes Charlotte was 3 hours closer to the ocean…-

Sent you a pm!

keith mcpherson
Wilderness systems ride 135
1996 key west explorer 1520