Does this look like a 67 incher or a little guy.
Went for some Sharks and reds at Sullivan’s island since the surf was rough at folly. We fished from 6:30-10:30pm and caught two sandbar sharks one little guy and a 67 incher. Had 2 hits on casters, one landed, one bite off, 2 runs on big rods, missed one and landed the 67 incher 2 other big baits had sand bar bites on them but they never shook the rod, pulled drag or did anything to let you know you had a hit. Cownose ray on the big rods and mullet on the caster for bait. Im liking the mini double hook rig, and was effective.
The 29incher from the Mt P pier on Saturday
Pre-push, my biggest of the year so far.
Pushing it to the max, should of hid my fingers, they kill the push effect.