So we fished the afternoon on Thursday till dark with okay results, no Red Drum. Figured I would try early AM on Sunday hoping for a Red or two…
Before I continue let me say, I rarely fish cut bait. And targeting Red Drum is not something I do alot, even this time a year( unless I am with runbabyrun:stuck_out_tongue: ) I do catch my share of Reds, but if I don’t no biggie. Seems when I TRY and focus on Reds, my catch rate on anything else suffers.
I’m a trough hunter, which normally results in tons of nice Whiting and Black Drum with some Specks and Red Drum thrown in. My bait of choice is fresh shrimp…always.
Okay…early morning Sunday…
Was a beautiful morning, great sunrise, very light breeze, falling tide. Went to a spot I scouted on thursday I knew would have water all day. Set up on a point at the head of a very nice trough. Cut Whiting chuncks in about 7:30…BOOM!!!..shark:dizzy_face:…BAM!!!..Ray:dizzy_face:…BOOYA!!!..shark:dizzy_face:…repeat…and of course the Blues were machine gunning my fish chunks ALL day, landed a hand full, chunked them up also, same result as Whiting; shark, ray, bluefish…
To summarize the trip, I landed a bunch of…things. The most exciting catch was a healthy Bonnet on SHRIMP!!!</font id=“size5”>
“There’s a fine line between fishing and standing in the surf like an idiot.”