Syrian refugees

Great points Skineej, especially that we’ve already reached a point that there are so many potential terrorists in the US now that another 10,000 won’t make much difference. Sure, there will be some bad apples among 10,000 but show me any group of 10,000 people (or even 10) that doesn’t have a few bad ones. I actually live in Palestine (yes, THAT Palestine) and I’m still wondering when I’m going to meet the crazy Islamist terrorists. I’m sure they are here…I just haven’t seen them yet. Maybe they are disguised as people inviting me over for dinner 3-4 times per week. I run into those people all the time.

If you’re lucky enough to be fishing, you’re lucky enough.

You have to wonder though. With so many Muslim countries in the general area of Syria, why so many refugees are travelling so far to end up in predominantly Christian countries.
To me it does appear that the refugee crisis has become a seeding opportunity.

Several neighboring nations are overflowing with the refugees. The Gulf nations won’t take them nor will they offer any assistance. Syria has been a rogue nation for many years and has few friends. Russia aka Putin has only one plan and that is to make it a client state. I wouldn’t doubt they will try to eliminate the various Muslim groups just as the USSR did in Afghanistan. This tragedy will only get worse and absorbing refugees is not the answer. Recall the skinny socialist drew a line in the sand and Assad is still in power.

Originally posted by skinneej
Originally posted by Easy

Ahhh skinneej! Would you want one marrying your daughter? A simple Yes or No, will suffice!

If they were a solid Christian and I felt confident they would take up their role of spiritual leadership in their family, then I would be okay with it.

That being said, I don’t see how the “would you allow a person to marry your daughter” be the filter for if I offer assistance to someone. I would help MOST people, but would not want MOST people marrying my daughter. A hungry child and\or family should not need to pass the “would you be okay with them marrying your daughter” test for me to offer a meal.

Perhaps the best of your 19,000+ (or however many) posts. :wink: Well done, sir.

“I’m not a hundred percent in love with your tone right now…”

Originally posted by Easy

How about being a Muslim? I’m just wondering what your trip wire would be! Everyone has one! I’m not getting down on you, but just want to see where you draw the line, on being a good neighbor! I would feed them and care for them, but don’t what them in the country! We have enough, we can’t take care of now! Sooner or later, we are going to run out of real Tax Payers, with real jobs to pay for all the takers! I do believe that this country was founded on Christian principals and that we should stay that way! When we let others in, that don’t embrace those beliefs and don’t embrace this country, I feel we don’t need them! We can send money to help feed them, but we don’t need them here! Were just asking for trouble, down the road!

Well, if they were a muslim, then they wouldn't be a "solid Christian"... So, NO, I can very clearly say that I do not want my daughter to marry a muslim no matter how nice of a guy he was... Remember why God warned Solomon NOT to marry foreign women? It wasn't a racist thing. It's because he knew that they would turn Solomon's heart to other gods... I think that's a great model to follow.

That being said, I would give food and meds to a starving muslim in the blink of an eye. I wouldn’t knowingly “invest” in a muslim’s business (no empire building for Islam), but in the time of personal need, I would not deny them personal necessities required to live. Who knows, maybe out of those 10,000 Syrian Muslims, the message of love would penetrate their heart and make them take a deeper look at their own beliefs… Even muslims can eventually repent and follow Jesus.

You talk about “beliefs in this country”, but I think it’s pretty clear that this country is not following God anymore. Sure, there are many God-fearing Christians in this country,

Jason, you may be right! I just don’t trust any of them, when their religion tells them to kill me!

Originally posted by Easy

Jason, you may be right! I just don’t trust any of them, when their religion tells them to kill me!

I have no doubt that the Koran instructs them to kill infidels... Even though I have never personally verified this, a few sources that I trust have said this and I am taking their word on it...

That being said, if that is what it says, why is it only a select few carrying out the commandments? Heck if just 1% of the 1.6 BILLION muslims each year killed 1 person, that would be 16 million murders each year, but we know that terrorist attacks are no where close to that number… It’s probably closer to 0.00000001 → 0.000001% (16 people). So, something is not adding up for me.

I personally believe, that while there are some whackos out there, it’s probably incredibly difficult for a sane person to murder someone in cold blood when it comes down to it… Heck, even executioners in charge of death row have a hard time pulling the lever on someone that they know is a convicted murderer.

I do not think that muslims are stronger in their faith than Christians are in theirs. The root cause of sin is man’s desire to “turn his own way” (away from God) and pursue his own glory. Note, I didn’t say “root cause of sin is a Christian’s” desire… ALL MEN no matter what religion you subscribe to, are still just men (and women). No matter what “god” they worship, they turn to the desire of MAN. In other words, turning away from God is baked into the nature of MAN (no matter what religion), not just Christians… In other words, to think that a muslim will follow the commandments in the Koran any more completely than a Christian will follow the commandments of God is not logical. Either you would have to admit that their religion is more powerful (not true), or that they do n

Originally posted by skinneej
Originally posted by Easy

Jason, you may be right! I just don’t trust any of them, when their religion tells them to kill me!

If 1.6 BILLION Muslims are instructed to kill every "infidel" they see on the street, why isn't it happening? Something\somebody is keeping them from doing it.

Easy, I would encourage you to go out in the world and meet some real Muslims here in the US. I think you would have a change of heart.

Re: religious text interpretation vs reality, don’t forget that the bible also has some crazy stuff in Leviticus that aren’t followed.

Don’t harden your hearts about your fellow man because of what you have heard on the internet. Go find some folks and reach out to them and see if we can’t all be better for it.

mhebbard, I’ve met more Muslims, in the Middle East, than you have ever seen in your life and I don’t trust one of them. You want to go out in the world and meet them have at it! I’ll send flowers! Imagine, telling me to go out in the world! I’ve seen more of the dark side of the world, than I care to see!

Originally posted by Easy

mhebbard, I’ve met more Muslims, in the Middle East, than you have ever seen in your life and I don’t trust one of them. You want to go out in the world and meet them have at it! I’ll send flowers! Imagine, telling me to go out in the world! I’ve seen more of the dark side of the world, than I care to see!

Are we talking on opposite sides of the battlefield, or purely civilian engagements?

How many times did they kill you? :smiley:

I can respect the fact that you don’t trust them… Trust is something that needs to be earned sometimes. But, I don’t see the harm in helping women and children who are willing to leave everything behind except for the shirt on their back trying to escape a civil war.

skinneej, I don’t see any harm in helping anyone that need a helping hand! But we can do it at arms length! We don’t need to bring them into this country to do so!

Originally posted by Easy

skinneej, I don’t see any harm in helping anyone that need a helping hand! But we can do it at arms length! We don’t need to bring them into this country to do so!

I agree 100%. While I don't fear bringing them here, help is help.

Thus, I don’t know the logistics of this… Where would we keep them abroad? My understanding is that many countries are taking them in and America is just trying to do their “fair share” of offering up refuge…

I've met more Muslims, in the Middle East, than you have ever seen in your life and I don't trust one of them. You want to go out in the world and meet them have at it! I'll send flowers! Imagine, telling me to go out in the world! I've seen more of the dark side of the world, than I care to see!

And that’s why you got the lighter :wink: There are those who know, those who don’t know, and those who don’t even have a clue. I’ll send flowers too.

Capt. Larry Teuton
Swamp Worshiper

Yep Larry! They say what feels right for them! They just haven’t seen real savages kill for the fun of it!

I’m all for helping our fellow man but, don’t we have Americans right here in America that need help (legitimate help, not handouts)?

“Apathy is the Glove into Which Evil Slips It’s Hand”, but really, who cares?

Thank you Skinnee!

I know we have plenty of problems here but helping some refugees isn’t that big a deal. I love how everyone who loves to bash Obama wouldn’t want to give $5 to help a refugee but they would love to spend another couple trillion fighting ISIS or whoever the next big bad terrorist group is. For some reason they consider a bunch of AK47 toting nuts on the other side of the globe a threat but don’t see the detriment of throwing trillions of dollars into war machine. Imagine what we could have done with that money domestically. They must really have long shooting AK’s over there to scare so many americans.

ALL religions/countries have their nuts, not just Islam. Don’t act like Christians haven’t had their own holy wars either, ironically right there in the ****hole middle east. Hell the closest thing that I can think of as a terrorist attack in Charleston was a crazy white boy shooting up a black church. Maybe we should worry a little more about things that will actually affect our lives. If you had any sense you would worry more about a nutcase gun toting neighbor losing it or a drunk driver crushing you on 17 one day.

First, Most, Biggest

Originally posted by DFreedom

I’m all for helping our fellow man but, don’t we have Americans right here in America that need help (legitimate help, not handouts)?

“Apathy is the Glove into Which Evil Slips It’s Hand”, but really, who cares?

Sure, but what does that do for foreign relations? Also, chances are, the local homeless people are not getting shot at, raped, or tortured. We have many places the homeless can walk up to, get a meal, water from a water fountain, etc. These refugees aren't "hungry" because they refuse to work. They are fleeing a country that is deep in civil war. Many of them might have been hard working citizens that had to make a choice... "Do I give up the home that I have lived in for 30 years, or do I risk seeing my 3 year old get run over by a tank?" We are pretty lucky that we don't have those issues here...

We need some good PR. Pretty much every other country in the world sees America as a country full of arrogance, greed, and selfishness. One day, the inhabitants of the USA might need help from other countries…

Sure, but what does that do for foreign relations?

I see what you are saying but,we send billions of dollars out every year and most of the world despises/hates us.

Pretty much every other country in the world sees America as a country full of arrogance, greed, and selfishness.

I guess the rest of the world doesn’t know/care that we send billions of dollars to the rest of the world.

I’m not saying we shouldn’t help, we should just be selective and careful who we admit to this country. We need more skilled people and fewer non-skilled folks that will add to the drain on our system.

“Apathy is the Glove into Which Evil Slips It’s Hand”, but really, who cares?

Fair enough, but this seems to be a little bigger than “giving to the poor”… The UN states this as “biggest humanitarian emergency of our era”. If the richest country in the world can’t lend a hand to starving kids during the “biggest humanitarian emergency of our era”, then something is seriously wrong with our perspective.

I believe the USA has a part to play in helping them. But as a infamous Secty. of State says inspect and verify. What happened to all of the money Clinton and Bush raised for Haiti? Throwing assets at a problem is not any way to assist with out getting the assets to the needy. This applies overseas or in our back yard. Any one who believes what the UN says believes in fairy tales. Speaking of the UN were is all of there recourses from the members many who want nothing to do with the tragedy?