Syrian refugees

So are you saying that 100% of what the UN says are “fairy tales”? Is there not a Syrian crisis right now? Seems that it would be hard to fake.

I’m not saying that I support the concept of the UN, but you are speaking in a very broad generilization there…

There are dead toddlers washing up on the beach. I don’t think helping children in another country is above anyone, regardless of your opinion on Muslims. I’d rather see my tax dollars go to helping these people than destabilizing another regime that we don’t like. I don’t live in fear of a terrorist attack, os I say bring them in.

“Edaniel is a compromising liberal, according to past threads, so consider that info here too.” - mac daddy

Originally posted by skinneej

Fair enough, but this seems to be a little bigger than “giving to the poor”… The UN states this as “biggest humanitarian emergency of our era”. If the richest country in the world can’t lend a hand to starving kids during the “biggest humanitarian emergency of our era”, then something is seriously wrong with our perspective.

Very well said.

“Edaniel is a compromising liberal, according to past threads, so consider that info here too.” - mac daddy

Over the last 15 years the government has brought a huge bunch of Somalia refugees over here and seeded them in different locations. Minneapolis has an area that has a large amount of refugees, and it seems that regardless of how Americanized they appear to have become, they all seem to want Shariah Law over freedom, which is of course the worldwide goal of ISIS.
Sooner or later people are going to recognize that Islam is a political movement disguised as a religion, and it’s ultimate goal is to eliminate freedom in all of it’s forms. The nice Muslims are willing to wait for the militant Muslims to get around to doing the dirty work, but they all want the same thing…a worldwide Caliphate.
I really think it’s best we keep them as far from the USA as possible.

The Syrian civil war has been going on for years. A civil war is more than a crisis it is killing, burning and destruction on a large scale. Don’t see the blue helmets if it was a UN crisis were have they been? I guess they get there news from TV like the skinny socialist. No generalization just a well known fact they don’t want to do a thing, the security council is like a glacier. What do they do with the billions they take in? The border nations don’t want to do anything to help. It is pretty specific the UN is worthless. They are no different then your street criminal they will tell you what you want to hear. I have seen a nation after a war and it is devastation and guess who fought the war and the blue flag did nothing but live high on the hog.

Originally posted by Edistodaniel
Originally posted by skinneej

Fair enough, but this seems to be a little bigger than “giving to the poor”… The UN states this as “biggest humanitarian emergency of our era”. If the richest country in the world can’t lend a hand to starving kids during the “biggest humanitarian emergency of our era”, then something is seriously wrong with our perspective.

Very well said.

“Edaniel is a compromising liberal, according to past threads, so consider that info here too.” - mac daddy

You do realize that every time we agree on something, I am writing it down right? I think this is 2 so far...

Originally posted by mcvlbound

Over the last 15 years the government has brought a huge bunch of Somalia refugees over here and seeded them in different locations. Minneapolis has an area that has a large amount of refugees, and it seems that regardless of how Americanized they appear to have become, they all seem to want Shariah Law over freedom, which is of course the worldwide goal of ISIS.
Sooner or later people are going to recognize that Islam is a political movement disguised as a religion, and it’s ultimate goal is to eliminate freedom in all of it’s forms. The nice Muslims are willing to wait for the militant Muslims to get around to doing the dirty work, but they all want the same thing…a worldwide Caliphate.
I really think it’s best we keep them as far from the USA as possible.

My father used to tell me, "You can 'want' in one hand and &@&$t in the other and see which one gets filled faster".

Point being, Shariah law will never happen in the USA. Just because someone “wants” something doesn’t mean it will happen.

Are these “militant muslims” going to defeat the USA by planting IEDs in Bahgdad? Or are they going to run onto military recruiting centers and wipe out the army 4 recruiters at a time?

If you guys really want to be scared of something, you need to be scared of Russia and China. The “muslims” do not have the weapons, technology, or manpower to take on the USA in any form…

The only “fairy tale” on this thread is thinking that “militant muslims” have a snowball’s chance in taking over the USA. Don’t you guys have any faith in the domestic capab

Remember that time 2 people in the USA were infected with Ebola and we were going to all die from that? Now it’s muslims in Minnesota… Come on guys… Try the diet koolaid. It might be a bit better for you…

Originally posted by skinneej

Remember that time 2 people in the USA were infected with Ebola and we were going to all die from that? Now it’s muslims in Minnesota… Come on guys… Try the diet koolaid. It might be a bit better for you…

I get it, but to me it sounds like you’re saying you don’t have a problem letting them gain a foothold and leaving it for your grandchildren and great grandchildren to deal with.

Originally posted by mcvlbound
Originally posted by skinneej

Remember that time 2 people in the USA were infected with Ebola and we were going to all die from that? Now it’s muslims in Minnesota… Come on guys… Try the diet koolaid. It might be a bit better for you…

I get it, but to me it sounds like you’re saying you don’t have a problem letting them gain a foothold and leaving it for your grandchildren and great grandchildren to deal with.

10,000 people is gaining a foothold? I just don't think that "muslims" are as organized as you guys are lead to believe... It's not like they all have some sort of secret encrypted radio channel that they all listen to waiting for their next instruction.

There is absolutely NOTHING that those muslims in Minnesota are doing that the feds aren’t watching. When they start yelling “Sharia” law, they probably assign a drone to your house.

It’s not that I don’t care… It’s that I am just not buying it that we need to be at DEFCON 4. How many large attacks have they successfully perpetrated since 2001?

Originally posted by skinneej
Originally posted by mcvlbound
Originally posted by skinneej

Remember that time 2 people in the USA were infected with Ebola and we were going to all die from that? Now it’s muslims in Minnesota… Come on guys… Try the diet koolaid. It might be a bit better for you…

I get it, but to me it sounds like you’re saying you don’t have a problem letting them gain a foothold and leaving it for your grandchildren and great grandchildren to deal with.

10,000 people is gaining a foothold? I just don't think that "muslims" are as organized as you guys are lead to believe... It's not like they all have some sort of secret encrypted radio channel that they all listen to waiting for their next instruction.

There is absolutely NOTHING that those muslims in Minnesota are doing that the feds aren’t watching. When they start yelling “Sharia” law, they probably assign a drone to your house.

It’s not that I don’t care… It’s that I am just not buying it that we need to be at DEFCON 4. How many large attacks have they successfully perpetrated since 2001?

Their religion organizes them. The concept of a Caliphate ruling the world is ingrained in them as their ultimate goal and purpose. If they speak against it they will suffer in their community. If they speak against Sharia Law, they will suffer in their community. It’s not about an Imminent Dange

Originally posted by skinneej

Remember that time 2 people in the USA were infected with Ebola and we were going to all die from that? Now it’s muslims in Minnesota… Come on guys… Try the diet koolaid. It might be a bit better for you…

It was actually 4 people and 452 that completed surveillance.

I didn’t agree with the panic, but I did think it needed to be taken seriously. :wink:

Originally posted by Easy

Ahhh skinneej! Would you want one marrying your daughter? A simple Yes or No, will suffice!

Talk about a snowballs chance,you want a simple answer from who?:smiley:

that EdistoDaniel whiteboard count should be a sticky with a runnin talley

“I am not involved in this thread, only helping Fred understand who he is dealing with.”

Originally posted by capehorn 16
Originally posted by Easy

Ahhh skinneej! Would you want one marrying your daughter? A simple Yes or No, will suffice!

Talk about a snowballs chance,you want a simple answer from who?:smiley:

I always give simple answers!!!
Originally posted by skinneej
Originally posted by Edistodaniel
Originally posted by skinneej

Fair enough, but this seems to be a little bigger than “giving to the poor”… The UN states this as “biggest humanitarian emergency of our era”. If the richest country in the world can’t lend a hand to starving kids during the “biggest humanitarian emergency of our era”, then something is seriously wrong with our perspective.

Very well said.

“Edaniel is a compromising liberal, according to past threads, so consider that info here too.” - mac daddy

You do realize that every time we agree on something, I am writing it down right? I think this is 2 so far...

Oh man- I spit coffee on that one.

“Edaniel is a compromising liberal, according to past threads, so consider that info here too.” - mac daddy

It just makes me sad for humanity that people would rather let children drown in the ocean than open their borders, because maybe 1 terrorist might sneak in. News flash…an undocumented terrorist can walk across the border from Mexico. We have the capability to help a ton of people, while simultaneously keeping tabs on them to make sure they’re not up to no good. Muslim does not equal terrorist.

“Edaniel is a compromising liberal, according to past threads, so consider that info here too.” - mac daddy

Originally posted by Edistodaniel

It just makes me sad for humanity that people would rather let children drown in the ocean than open their borders, because maybe 1 terrorist might sneak in. News flash…an undocumented terrorist can walk across the border from Mexico. We have the capability to help a ton of people, while simultaneously keeping tabs on them to make sure they’re not up to no good. Muslim does not equal terrorist.

“Edaniel is a compromising liberal, according to past threads, so consider that info here too.” - mac daddy

I have been typing and deleting angry things for two days. This is a much better summary.

Beyond fear of terrorists, which I think has been covered thoroughly, what really gets me is the glibness with which some folks dismiss 3 million people in danger of their lives. To dehumanize folks like that is really upsetting - is it so hard to understand that each of those people in those sad pictures has a life just as complex and important as your own?

I have an old friend that lives in nowhere LA, He has a 250 acre farm in Catahula Parish! After Katrina, FEMA wanted to rent his farm on a longgggggg term basis! They wanted to move people from New Orleans, into a FEMA trailer park there. They offered him Millions of $$$$$$$$$$$$! He thought about it and said NO, and he sure could have used the money! His thoughts on it were! The Parish only has 17,000 people and moving 20,000 people there would change the whole complexion of the place! No pun intended! The influx of that many people would require a huge infrastructure development! New Schools/Hospitals/Roads/ Fire Departments/Police, ect! Not to mention that they would become the dominate voting block, which could vote in the Government in the area! He would have had to take his money and literally RUN! He didn’t rent the place to FEMA and is still broke because he values his friends and neighbors! The cost of the development of this influx, would have been borne by the taxpayers that lived there! They couldn’t charge the influx, because they were already on the dole! There are ramifications! Again, we can HELP people but we can HELP them in place! We don’t have to bring them here, to do so!

Originally posted by Easy

I have an old friend that lives in nowhere LA, He has a 250 acre farm in Catahula Parish! After Katrina, FEMA wanted to rent his farm on a longgggggg term basis! They wanted to move people from New Orleans, into a FEMA trailer park there. They offered him Millions of $$$$$$$$$$$$! He thought about it and said NO, and he sure could have used the money! His thoughts on it were! The Parish only has 17,000 people and moving 20,000 people there would change the whole complexion of the place! No pun intended! The influx of that many people would require a huge infrastructure development! New Schools/Hospitals/Roads/ Fire Departments/Police, ect! Not to mention that they would become the dominate voting block, which could vote in the Government in the area! He would have had to take his money and literally RUN! He didn’t rent the place to FEMA and is still broke because he values his friends and neighbors! The cost of the development of this influx, would have been borne by the taxpayers that lived there! They couldn’t charge the influx, because they were already on the dole! There are ramifications! Again, we can HELP people but we can HELP them in place! We don’t have to bring them here, to do so!
