Tagged Shark with a tracking device

We caught this fish last week, along with several others, off of the IOP Pier.

First Shark I’ve ever seen tagged. Also had some sort of tracking device attached through its dorsal fin.

Anyone have any info on who might be tracking this fish?

Forwarded to some folks who might can help

Did you write down the number in the capsule tag on the dorsal?

The satellite tag would have also had a number under all that growth

Wow…did you cut the tag off per chance? That is one of my tagged blacktip sharks from ~5 years ago. Those tags are supposed to pop off after 28 days, but they occasionally fail…this one clearly failed. This was part of a post-release mortality study to assess the fate of tagged sharks after recreational catch and release.

No Sir, we enjoy catching these fish, and do our very best to get them back in the water, in a swift, and efficient manner.

I noticed the tracking device, on the way to beach the fish, but, though it was a previous rig, entangled with seaweed.

I didn’t notice the small tag until I saw it in the pic, as I was on the Pier, and my daughter was helping to beach the fish.

No, on cutting the tag off. I didn’t notice it until later.

Gotcha, so no numbers recorded etc on the tags? Would be really interesting to see what fish that was…here’s the study if you are interested.


It was actually likely tagged 7+ years ago!


Just for a reference for your “post-release mortality study”.

We had two break offs, at the pier pilings Sunday night (5/12).

Monday night (5/13) we beached a Black Tip, with both rigs from the previous night still hooked in the corner of its jaw. Hook, line, sinkers…

Sorry Guys, on my failure to gather the information, but, I was sincerely trying my best to not interfere with someone else’s interest in the fish, after noticing the tracking device.

No worries!

Nice to see you back!!

Hang around a while…