Tarpon showing up in Edisto. Saw this on Fontaine Charters Facebook.
Friend caught one in St Helena two weeks ago. Cant wait to try them this weekend.
Hydra-Sport 3300VX
18 Key West
Not asking for numbers but any advice to where to some good spots in St Helena to find the tarpon?
Try the bar at the B can at EDISTO
Egg Bank is huge. look for a spot where the current is running over the sandbar and float baits back into the shallow water. Don’t be discouraged by sharks. They live in the same neighborhood as the tarpon.
Hydra-Sport 3300VX
18 Key West
What’s the more common/productive way of fishing for tarpon – do most people cruise these areas looking for visible fish, or do they anchor over one of these bars and drift baits?
1994 Hewes Redfisher 18, 2004 Yamaha 150 VMAX
Malibu X-Factor Kayak
Most successful tarpon fisherman off Edisto are typically targeting something completely different and accidentally catch one
I have a friend in Beaufort who is one of the better tarpon fishermen around. He fishes big menhaden under float and on the bottom around the sand bars in St. Helena. Looks for little points and things like that, anchors and drifts baits back. Big circle hooks, rods in full drag in the holders. Has the anchor line on a float and tosses it when he hooks up to follow the fish. I caught both my fish last year copying his method. I am sure there are other equally good ways to do it but that’s what I do.
Hydra-Sport 3300VX
18 Key West