Just to let you know,
After reading the reports and seeing the pictures that you guys post, I was complelled to get my Open Waters certification(finished today).
If the weather and scheduling suits, I’ll get the advanced before the year is out.
The water in Lake Jocassee was 59 degrees yesterday brrrrrr. We were in keowee at the “hot hole” or exhaust pipes where it was 75 in the water today (toasty).
I’ll be asking some questions along the way.
For starts, what is the heaviest wet suit that you all like to use on the coast?
The heaviest I have ever used is a 7mm farmer john set up. I ■■■■ near died getting into the water(hot as hell) but the water temp was in the 50’s. It was a bit restrictive to me. I do not make it a habbit of diving in that cold of water. I usually use a 3mm and hood when it’s in the upper 60’s and I get a little cool. But then again is was in the thirties here last night and I was outside talking to a buddy wearing shorts, t-shirt and no shoes.
Remember, a nut in the hand is worth two in the bush.