The HighJack Thread

Talk about anything you want to here . Often times while reading here I think of something I want to say but I don’t because I don’t want to change the subject . Talk about anything that comes to your mind when here . Now I got it off my mind .
A couple of metal doors I built and installed for some super rich folks a few years back .

they look long and firm

Fishingpox, I don’t appreciate you showing off my doors! Now everyone will have them:face_with_head_bandage:

Do you know what burns my butt ?
A flame about 3’ high !

I have been so busy getting my mothers house for sell and other stuff I have not gotten to fish in the past 2 months but I like to let the fish spawn out anyway .

Sorry about showing off your doors Easy

[quick]Fishingpox, I don’t appreciate you showing off my doors!

He said super rich people, not Yankees that try to steal men’s wives with fancy boxed wine.

“Apathy is the Glove into Which Evil Slips It’s Hand”, but really, who cares?

DF, that’s a work in progress! Sides, she likes Rich Yankees, with nice doors:imp:

they look long and firm

[:0] Don’t tell my wife!

How can you hijack an off topic thread anyway? :smiley:

Coming soon to a country near us, I think…

Really nice gate:sunglasses:

Capt. Larry Teuton
Swamp Worshiper

Long and firm , hummm I remember those days !
Larry I don’t think I better go to Venezuela anytime soon but I could be talked into staying at your place and fishing with you if somebody there will feed me and let me take naps.

Oh that Df is a sharp people to be a poorliceman … grin

This one time I was in a cage match with an internet persona…

May all your favorite bands stay together…

What burns me up:

Left lane campers.

People driving cars who stop in the acceleration lane.

Inconsiderate dolts and JA’s who take up two or more parking spaces.

Non-handicapped people parking in handicapped spaces.

Women who think they are men, and try to act like it.

Men who think they are women, and try to act like it.

Fish that don’t bite.

Bugs that do.

Lazy workers who think they should get paid.

People who won’t let a car into traffic from a side street but then get pissed off if THEY need to get on the road but no one lets them in. (hypocrites)

Frauds, Charlatans, and the like.

Self righteous folks who think they know how you should live your life, what to eat, what to believe, etc.

Whew! I fell better now that I have some of that off my chest.

Thanks for the therapy fpox


23 I bet you lost because he beat you with them chains

and he won , come on tell the truth for ounce ,or was that pound ?

Larry done caught my Highjack , Hijack but he didn’t catch it that being high while in here was ok .

Speaking of Larry , where did you go . to fix my bedroom at your place.

jisuho , wow , you needed this thread . you was a loaded firecracker.

I wish Andy would change my username to “FPox” too

Originally posted by 23Sailfish

This one time I was in a cage match with an internet persona…

May all your favorite bands stay together…

Awesome… However; technically, RBF called a ladder match…

You still wanting some of it…:smiley:


I’m classy 2% of the time…

And, I hope your Brother’s El Camino runs forever…

Speaking of Larry , where did you go . to fix my bedroom at your place

Just listening :smiley: Nice chain!

Capt. Larry Teuton
Swamp Worshiper

I stopped at the circle k on bees ferry friday for a cup of coffee. Had $2 in my hand anout to pay and the lady said $2.96! I said $2.96 for a regular cup of coffee? She said yes, so i paid and walked out with my overpriced regular cup of coffee. Didnt want to make a scene over $1. She must have charged me for the gourmet stuff.

Nice doors btw.

Can you really put a price on quality convenience store coffee?

“Apathy is the Glove into Which Evil Slips It’s Hand”, but really, who cares?

Fracwilt , high priced coffee . one cup in the morning for me and I am over for the day . Coffee is about $7 for 2# , I think ?

I was making some thru wire lures a few months back . They sure work good for a novice

This crazy weather is messing with my tomato plants .

I was thinking of buy a house on Poplin Ave North Charleston, Does anybody know if this a good or bad location , anybody ?

Oh about the copper doors . I had to make 2 doors with copper between them just for one door . Wild what people will pay for 3 doors , $3700.oo . That was just part of a backyard remodel landscaping which cost her 135,000 . Can you believe that just to fix a yard in the back ?

Yea; when they got more dollars than cents.:smiley:


When you see “Old Glory” waving in the breeze, know that it is the dying breaths of our fallen hero’s that makes it wave.
author unknown