The Invisible War

Do you had a scripture for that Mac Daddy? I’m just interested in getting Biblical support for what I believe. However, I do think we need to pray continuously, including asking for forgiveness of our sins. And, we should be continuously trying to rid our lives of anything that displeases God.


1980 Skandia 21 w/ '93 JohnRude 150 gas drinker

spec, scripture is Revelation chapter 2, among MANY others I looked up, but the Holy Spirit gave me our BEST answer, that is–

The Apostles were our best examples on earth, except Jesus of course, IF their sins were ALREADY forgiven, and yours and mine, why did Jesus say to the Apostles “pray this way, forgive us our tresspasses” regularly as we pray.

No need to ask forgiveness, if we already have fogiveness, especially to say our tresspasses are forgiven BEFORE WE EVEN COMMIT THEM. That COULD as skinneej said, give us a license to sin, if we so chose that.

That belief does not make human sense, far less, it makes spiritual sense .

Revelation 2 was written to believers, not unbelievers, and the Bible says anyone can be “dead in sins”, ie with unforgiven sin to be atoned for through repentance, not automatically forgiven, without repentance.

As skinneej said, sin SEPARATES us from God, meaning He cannot hear us, or communicate with us with unrepentant sin in our life, that, as skinneej said, is very clear in Isaiah, reference Israel, and many other places in the Bible.

Hope that helps, this is discussion, not arguing, for all to benefit. Skinneej helped me here yesterday, to look at today before the end time prophecies.

Gotcha has helped me many times on this site to be taught by the Holy Spirit, and my brothers in the word. HALLELUJAH TO THE LAMB!!!###

“The big one’s still swimming, let’s go.”

spec, reference your comment that God has only given us SOME end time insight-

Luke 8:10-- And Jesus said, it is given unto you to (KNOW) the MYSTERIES of the kingdom of God.

Mark 13:23-- But take ye heed: Behold, I have foretold you ALL things. The subject of that chapter was the END TIME, Jesus said “I have told YOU all things.”

Scripture like these are not taught enough for we Christians to have a FULL knowledge of the word as God intended us to have, for sure!!!###

“The big one’s still swimming, let’s go.”

Originally posted by mac daddy

spec, scripture is Revelation chapter 2, among MANY others I looked up, but the Holy Spirit gave me our BEST answer, that is–

The Apostles were our best examples on earth, except Jesus of course, IF their sins were ALREADY forgiven, and yours and mine, why did Jesus say to the Apostles “pray this way, forgive us our tresspasses” regularly as we pray.

No need to ask forgiveness, if we already have fogiveness, especially to say our tresspasses are forgiven BEFORE WE EVEN COMMIT THEM. That COULD as skinneej said, give us a license to sin, if we so chose that.

That belief does not make human sense, far less, it makes spiritual sense .

Revelation 2 was written to believers, not unbelievers, and the Bible says anyone can be “dead in sins”, ie with unforgiven sin to be atoned for through repentance, not automatically forgiven, without repentance.

As skinneej said, sin SEPARATES us from God, meaning He cannot hear us, or communicate with us with unrepentant sin in our life, that, as skinneej said, is very clear in Isaiah, reference Israel, and many other places in the Bible.

Hope that helps, this is discussion, not arguing, for all to benefit. Skinneej helped me here yesterday, to look at today before the end time prophecies.

Gotcha has helped me many times on this site to be taught by the Holy Spirit, and my brothers in the word. HALLELUJAH TO THE LAMB!!!###

“The big one’s still swimming, let’s go.”


In all due respect, this is the type of post where you start to loose people and appear to be a little cray… cray!

AGAIN, tone down, NOT water down the message, and we may gain some traction…


My name is RBF, and I am a recovering major thread hijacker.

Roger, RBF, I get too excited probably, I will take your advice and see what happens.

Probably the 40+ years of collecting info, brain is on overload.

Thanks, buddy.

“The big one’s still swimming, let’s go.”

Mc Daddy, some of your teachings line up with what I believe, and some contradict my beliefs. You may be a great guy, but you appear to have your own doctrines that differ from what I have learned. I really do not care to debate this.


1980 Skandia 21 w/ '93 JohnRude 150 gas drinker

Originally posted by spec

Mc Daddy, some of your teachings line up with what I believe, and some contradict my beliefs. You may be a great guy, but you appear to have your own doctrines that differ from what I have learned. I really do not care to debate this.


1980 Skandia 21 w/ '93 JohnRude 150 gas drinker

Well, this one has just moved the over/under page count betting mark up by three…


My name is RBF, and I am a recovering major thread hijacker.

Originally posted by mac daddy

Roger, RBF, I get too excited probably, I will take your advice and see what happens.

Probably the 40+ years of collecting info, brain is on overload.

Thanks, buddy.

“The big one’s still swimming, let’s go.”

Please don’t tell me you have finally gotten a sense of humor… I actually believe I smell a stinch of sarcasm in the air from you… AWESOME, seriously.


My name is RBF, and I am a recovering major thread hijacker.

No reason we can’t have a friendly debate. Theologians have been doing it since the resurrection. Many of the letters in the NT were written to clear up confusion and that was still while the apostles were alive!

I actually have NO INTEREST in debates, disagreement is human, no problem with that.

Spec, if you are only going to believe what you have been taught, you will be a VERY sad Christian, knowledge wise.

Especially in the end time you will be able to be deceived very easily, due to not being taught how to discern falseness from truth. God said that, not just me, infact, God said the VERY ELECT would be deceived IF He did not shorten the Tribulation period.

You have probably never heard any of that last paragraph, so you and all Christians are commanded by God to BEWARE, and to WATCH, but is your belief getting you in that condition???

I would doubt it is, and I would believe looking into NEW scriptures you haven’t been taught would be very scrupulous indeed.

If you want to keep your salvation info as is, maybe no problem, but to keep your end time prophecies info where it is, will be disastrous possibly.

“The big one’s still swimming, let’s go.”

“Don’t assume that a person’s initial negative response to the truth you speak, and the life you live, is their last word.” - John Piper

If you’re lucky enough to be fishing, you’re lucky enough.

Roger, SFL, hopefully this situation will change, but this is not the first negative response from spec, concerning the info I have given freely.

He responded very negatively to the end time prophecies thread, which I scriptural ly rebutted, but he chooses to stay with what he has been taught, and not discuss differences in interpretations, or beliefs as doctrine, which is his privilege to do, of course.

“The big one’s still swimming, let’s go.”

Originally posted by mac daddy

Roger, SFL, hopefully this situation will change, but this is not the first negative response from spec, concerning the info I have given freely.

He responded very negatively to the end time prophecies thread, which I scriptural ly rebutted, but he chooses to stay with what he has been taught, and not discuss differences in interpretations, or beliefs as doctrine, which is his privilege to do, of course.

“The big one’s still swimming, let’s go.”

You are only responsible for sowing.

If you’re lucky enough to be fishing, you’re lucky enough.

I just don’t want to learn the wrong thing. I’d rather learn in a church setting from a pastor who holds a degree from a seminary. I rarely hear anything from our church pulpit that disagrees with God’s Word. If I do, I can talk to the pastor in person.

I admire Mac Daddy’s commitment to serving the Lord, and I think he has strong beliefs. But, I am not sure I want to place myself under the teaching of someone I know nothing about.

I also don’t want to insult him or anyone else. But, my choice is to learn in a church setting. Discussing my beliefs on an internet forum apparently will draw me into arguments - not what I get on this site for.

I mean no harm to anyone. Yes, I am “set” in my beliefs, formed over years of church and Bible study. I am willing to share my beliefs if asked, but do not intend to tell anyone what they must believe. They are free to choose their beliefs as they see fit.


1980 Skandia 21 w/ '93 JohnRude 150 gas drinker

but Mac has 40 years of ministry

“Enough hijacking, this is a major thread”

Originally posted by PeaPod

but Mac has 40 years of ministry

“Enough hijacking, this is a major thread”

No offense PeaPod, but it is spelled misery …

We knew what you meant, but I did not want it to get twisted around incorrectly… Typos happen…


My name is RBF, and I am a recovering major thread hijacker.

Well stated, spec. I do respect your thoughts on this subject, and I fully understand your position, it was my position for 28 years also.

Then one day God chose to draw me out for teaching, just as He didthe Apostles, and just as He has done for MANY, MANY men of God through the ages.

Some He allowed to go to Bible college, some He allowed to go to Seminary, some He teaches through His Holy Spirit, as recorded in John 14:26.

In the Apostles day, some men went to schools, and studied under priests, scholars, etc., but God selected His Apostles from the “foolish,things of the world”, and the “base things of the world”, in order through God to “confound the wise(or scholars)”.

So you see from His example, and from many scriptures referring to the world’s knowledge and wisdom, that God prefers His servants be taught by Him, through the Holy Spirit and the Bible, one at a time.

Many will ask then, ‘why does God allow Bible schools, and Seminaries’? One can also ask ‘why does God allow false teachers, and satan?’ Or ‘why does God allow evil and death, and wars, etc’?

ALL these questions are answered in the word, still many Pastors and teachers answer is often “we just don’t know”. There is one example of something being taught that does not agree with the word, among MANY others.

I have no pleasure in exposing these things personally, it is very displeasing actually. But, God is giving millions of His servants this information,not to destroy Christians, but to help them grow.

I hope you read what I posted Hebrews chapter 6, God said “leaving the principles of the doctrine of CHRIST, let us go on unto perfection”(maturity in Greek).

My message and God’s message is "don’t put faith in any man(me too), but “study to show YOURSELF approved unto God”, don’t depend on anyone else to teach you everything, TEST the word of man concerning God, with a testing eye, not a trusting, dependent eye.

Last, I ask NO ONE to accept mine, or any man’s teaching from schools, OR OPINIONS, mine or otherwise

Originally posted by mac daddy

Then one day God chose to draw me out for teaching, just as He didthe Apostles

I’m speechless

“Enough hijacking, this is a major thread”

Originally posted by PeaPod
Originally posted by mac daddy

Then one day God chose to draw me out for teaching, just as He didthe Apostles

I’m speechless

“Enough hijacking, this is a major thread”

Haven’t you learned, you’re supposed to listen, not speak. It’s about time you got with the program…


My name is RBF, and I am a recovering major thread hijacker.

See, guys, EVERY Pastor or teacher is to be CALLED OUT, as the word says, so many are not, thus the shortage of teaching the word with assuredness.

I see Pea left off THE MILLIONS I included, as usual, twisting the truth.

You guys sure did respond quickly, I must have more followers here than I thought. Who knew?

“The big one’s still swimming, let’s go.”