The Invisible War

Originally posted by mac daddy

See, guys, EVERY Pastor or teacher is to be CALLED OUT, as the word says, so many are not, thus the shortage of teaching the word with assuredness.

I see Pea left off THE MILLIONS I included, as usual, twisting the truth.

You guys sure did respond quickly, I must have more followers here than I thought. Who knew?

“The big one’s still swimming, let’s go.”


My name is RBF, and I am a recovering major thread hijacker.

Ephesians 2:8-9… If we are saved by works, then every man is doomed. There is no way you could physically do one good work for every sin you did. Also, the pharisees were rebuked by Jesus because of their adherence to the works of the law without a change of heart. That being said, a change of heart will almost always result in works. If it does not, then you should question your “change of heart”. Works doesn’t save you. God saves you, but someone who is trying to be more Christ-like will be doing works. WWJD? One who is saved, (in Christ) will show fruits of the Holy Spirit. Works are fruits!!!

Originally posted by mac daddy

Well stated, spec. I do respect your thoughts on this subject, and I fully understand your position, it was my position for 28 years also.

Then one day God chose to draw me out for teaching, just as He didthe Apostles, and just as He has done for MANY, MANY men of God through the ages.

Some He allowed to go to Bible college, some He allowed to go to Seminary, some He teaches through His Holy Spirit, as recorded in John 14:26.

In the Apostles day, some men went to schools, and studied under priests, scholars, etc., but God selected His Apostles from the “foolish,things of the world”, and the “base things of the world”, in order through God to “confound the wise(or scholars)”.

So you see from His example, and from many scriptures referring to the world’s knowledge and wisdom, that God prefers His servants be taught by Him, through the Holy Spirit and the Bible, one at a time.

Many will ask then, ‘why does God allow Bible schools, and Seminaries’? One can also ask ‘why does God allow false teachers, and satan?’ Or ‘why does God allow evil and death, and wars, etc’?

ALL these questions are answered in the word, still many Pastors and teachers answer is often “we just don’t know”. There is one example of something being taught that does not agree with the word, among MANY others.

I have no pleasure in exposing these things personally, it is very displeasing actually. But, God is giving millions of His servants this information,not to destroy Christians, but to help them grow.

I hope you read what I posted Hebrews chapter 6, God said “leaving the principles of the doctrine of CHRIST, let us go on unto perfection”(maturity in Greek).

My message and God’s message is "don’t put faith in any man(me too), but “study to show YOURSELF approved unto God”, don’t depend on anyone else to teach you everything, TEST the word of man c

Originally posted by skinneej

Ephesians 2:8-9… If we are saved by works, then every man is doomed. There is no way you could physically do one good work for every sin you did. Also, the pharisees were rebuked by Jesus because of their adherence to the works of the law without a change of heart. That being said, a change of heart will almost always result in works. If it does not, then you should question your “change of heart”. Works doesn’t save you. God saves you, but someone who is trying to be more Christ-like will be doing works. WWJD? One who is saved, (in Christ) will show fruits of the Holy Spirit. Works are fruits!!!

Well said, SJ.


My name is RBF, and I am a recovering major thread hijacker.

AMEN, Skinneej, well stated again.

I also believe God has either called you out or is in the process, I am certain you understand that procedure to be the same as the Apostles of old.

NO BIG DEAL to understand the word says that, unless you have a prejudice against the word, or the man delivering the word.

“The big one’s still swimming, let’s go.”

Watch the details, RBF. I said "don’t depend on teachers to teach you “EVERYTHING”, " we need to DIG OUT deep things for ourself, also.

VERY FEW know how to “determine BS”, as you stated, so they just find a leader and say “I’m sure he teaches the word”, when they don’t have a clue, typically.

VERY SAD, so many “sheep led to slaughter”.

“The big one’s still swimming, let’s go.”

You were not called out ‘just’ as the apostles

“Enough hijacking, this is a major thread”

I do follow you. I’d love to follow you on Facebook Twitter Instagram whatever else you got.

next to the dog whisperer thread, you’re the most fun I’ve had this week

“Enough hijacking, this is a major thread”

Originally posted by mac daddy

Watch the details, RBF. I said "don’t depend on teachers to teach you “EVERYTHING”, " we need to DIG OUT deep things for ourself, also.

VERY FEW know how to “determine BS”, as you stated, so they just find a leader and say “I’m sure he teaches the word”, when they don’t have a clue, typically.

“The big one’s still swimming, let’s go.”

Sounds as though they would be better off without seeking teachers, and learn for themselves. I am always suspicious of teachers, and their motives. I see no need for them, and I have maintained that stance all along. Fellowship, peers learning from each other, yes. Teachers in my opinion are in it for the wrong reasons. We are equal in the eyes of the Lord, therefore, no need for teachers. I do believe I have said that many times. AGAIN, I stated there is no NEED for teachers. If one want to pursue that option, best of luck. There is nothing in the Bible you can’t learn on your own. Seeing it manifested through peers is a great opportunity to learn about others, but you will not learn more about Jesus.


My name is RBF, and I am a recovering major thread hijacker.

I agree with skinneej’s Ephesians quote and comments above. It does not have to be so complicated. If you truly love Jesus, then your life will be filled with works. Works are not something that you must do to “earn” something. It is like doing stuff for your kids. You’ll bend over backwards to help them because you love them. Works come naturally from our love of Jesus.


1980 Skandia 21 w/ '93 JohnRude 150 gas drinker

No question, spec, except for what the word says.

The word says our “righteous robes”, and the word says some will be “naked” .
Whatever robe one desires, they can have by their works of righteous deeds as their reward.

Pea, who made you God, to determine how one is called out or not called out? Spec and skinneej’s Pastor or teacher should be CALLED out, same as the Apostles too.

RBF, “we are ALL equal”, we covered that many times here, no way. The word says some are called, some chosen, some elect, some very elect, some according to Ephesians chapter 5 are Apostles, Prophets, Pastors, TEACHERS, Evangelists.

“There is nothing in the Bible we can’t learn for ourselves”, come on RBF, God ordained teachers, and all the listed positions for definite reasons, AND gave them special anointings, and special knowledge of the MYSTERIES OF THE KINGDOM, as quoted earlier from the word.


“The big one’s still swimming, let’s go.”


adverb (Webster’s)

: to an exact degree or in an exact manner

you were not called ‘just’ as the Apostles

“Enough hijacking, this is a major thread”

Messiah complex. What does the Lord say about bearing false witness?

I'm speechless

So am I

Capt. Larry Teuton
Swamp Worshiper

Mac, there is no question that works are important. But we are ALWAYS subject to God’s will. Suggesting that we are saved by our own deeds suggests that we can save ourselves. Salvation is a GIFT. That being said, people like Abraham, Moses, and David were saved by their FAITH in God. It says so in scripture. But what kind of FAITH? Belief is not the same as faith. People who walk by the Spirit in faith, first start with obedience. Obedience IS a type of good works. And why would one be obedient to God if they didn’t have faith? Someone who seeks to please the Father likely does other good works: take care or poor, orphans, widows, seeks justice, etc. In addition, testimony to others, spreading the gospel, etc. If one is not doing works, and only pleasing themselves, what master are they serving? So, it is not works that we can save ourselves, but it is the mercy, love, and grace of God alone. But he expects the level of faith that produces fruit (works). Works are a way to test our faith.

And even though we may not agree with mac on every point, one thing you cannot say about him is a lack of love for God. I think this is one of his strongest attributes. Honestly, there is a lesson itself in that. I think it’s pretty obvious that there isn’t anything that mac daddy wouldn’t give up for God! He is way ahead of many of us in that category which is arguably the MOST important.

One more thing to consider. If we are saved by works alone, this suggests that a morally “good” atheist could be saved, and none of us would agree with that premise.

Sorry one more thing. I want to highlight something that spec said that should NOT be overlooked. That is, if you TRULY live your life for God, your life should be FULL of works. We should be chasing God! We should be so thankful that he saved us from eternal torment that we spend the rest of our earthly lives in gratitude by serving Him and our brothers. Even Jesus himself washed the feet of others.

Skinneej, key word there is BROTHER. Jesus told the Pharisees in John 8:44, “you are of your father, the devil”, sinners are NOT our brothers, only those who love the Lord. Thus, He said “don’t offend your brother”, and “have fellowship with your brother”, etc.

Only worldly people say “we are all brothers”, as in the “brotherhood of man”, not of God.

As Reference to being saved by works, we all learn that very early in our walk, salvation is never INSTANT, as in “he who endures unto the END, the same SHALL BE SAVED”.

Also, NOW(in the end) has come SALVATION, and strength, for themselves ACCUSER of our brethren is cast down, which accused them before our God day and night. Revelation 12:10

“The big one’s still swimming, let’s go.”

Romans 16:17


1980 Skandia 21 w/ '93 JohnRude 150 gas drinker