The Invisible War

Thanks Surf. I have had many fine Christian people, both men and women, show me how to live the Christian life. They had the same life problems, disappointments, battles, etc. as the rest of us. Yet, through it all, these folks maintained such a strong Christian character that I, and many others, looked up to them as examples of how to handle life’s ups and downs. They were the type people that I thought, “I would like to be like them”. When controversies arose, as they will among humans, these folks were the ones who could “calm the storm”, and who everyone listened to with great respect. When they spoke, they said things that brought healing.

I do not mean that Christians should always be a “doormat”. There are times, as Mac’s post illustrated, when Jesus did, and we must, do violence to put a stop to evil. But, our normal demeanor should display the character traits in Galatians 5:22-26.

I, personally, don’t always behave as I should. But, it is my goal to be the type Christian that shows these traits. I think that the cause of Christ is served better by being the type Christian who other people enjoy being around, than to be unbearable and “Holier than Thou”. I don’t have to “preach” to folks every minute while we are on a fishing trip, for example. But, if I conduct myself properly, my life will “preach” its own sermon. That is a goal, not always a reality for me.


1980 Skandia 21 w/ '93 JohnRude 150 gas drinker

“Hardships, broken promises, controversies, it ain’t easy.”

Those are NOT the promises of God, and Jesus’ teaching, their promises are "peace, love, and JOY, in the Holy Ghost.

The Holy Ghost replaced Jesus (John chapter 14), here on earth, as our teacher, that is old teaching, not new, Jesus teaching ended when He went to be with the Father, then the Holy Ghost teaching started, just read the suggested reading.

Jesus told the Disciples, “the people don’t follow me for my teaching, they follow me for my MIRACLES”. Still the same today, people don’t want teaching, they want HEALING, as spec mentioned, and they don’t want correction, they want EXAMPLES, as spec mentioned, that is not the word of God in action.

The word of God in action will reprove, correct, instruct, and admonish.

The watered down version of today is love, love, love, one sided teaching, that, contrary to what spec said, and many believe, will NOT consistently bring people to the cross, only the BLOOD will do that, not for just redemption, but for “fear of the Lord is the BEGINNING of wisdom, and knowledge”, not the end.

You guys have refused my teaching long enough, time to move on to greener pastures, I will still monitor, and comment occasionally, but the teaching phase has ended, which I am sure will please you guys, too.

Keep searching the word, and God be gracious to you all.

“The big one’s still swimming, let’s go.”

Originally posted by mac daddy

“Hardships, broken promises, controversies, it ain’t easy.”

Those are NOT the promises of God, and Jesus’ teaching, their promises are "peace, love, and JOY, in the Holy Ghost.

The Holy Ghost replaced Jesus (John chapter 14), here on earth, as our teacher, that is old teaching, not new, Jesus teaching ended when He went to be with the Father, then the Holy Ghost teaching started, just read the suggested reading.

Jesus told the Disciples, “the people don’t follow me for my teaching, they follow me for my MIRACLES”. Still the same today, people don’t want teaching, they want HEALING, as spec mentioned, and they don’t want correction, they want EXAMPLES, as spec mentioned, that is not the word of God in action.

The word of God in action will reprove, correct, instruct, and admonish.

The watered down version of today is love, love, love, one sided teaching, that, contrary to what spec said, and many believe, will NOT consistently bring people to the cross, only the BLOOD will do that, not for just redemption, but for “fear of the Lord is the BEGINNING of wisdom, and knowledge”, not the end.

You guys have refused my teaching long enough, time to move on to greener pastures, I will still monitor, and comment occasionally, but the teaching phase has ended, which I am sure will please you guys, too.

Keep searching the word, and God be gracious to you all.

“The big one’s still swimming, let’s go.”

I hope you accept these statements as sincere and not a personal attack. I believe your calling is to be a subject matter expert rather than a teacher. You have enormous technical knowledge of the Bible to share when someone needs that type of info for clarity. The teaching part, well I have already stated my beliefs on the methods employed, and

That was well said, RBF. I also wish him the best and he is still welcome to come by for BBQ and beer.

Capt. Larry Teuton
Swamp Worshiper

Originally posted by Cracker Larry

That was well said, RBF. I also wish him the best and he is still welcome to come by for BBQ and beer.

Capt. Larry Teuton
Swamp Worshiper

I still have 2 nekid Wateree Queens, 1 gallon of shine, 50 viagras, and a basset hound I can contribute to the road trip for MD…

The motel 6 costs are on his tab…


My name is RBF, and I am a recovering major thread hijacker.

This song is basically the bible for “worldly” events vs spiritual ones. I am still seeking the other 61 things I need to know as a man…

Enjoy and learn:


My name is RBF, and I am a recovering major thread hijacker.

Originally posted by spec

Thanks Surf. I have had many fine Christian people, both men and women, show me how to live the Christian life. They had the same life problems, disappointments, battles, etc. as the rest of us. Yet, through it all, these folks maintained such a strong Christian character that I, and many others, looked up to them as examples of how to handle life’s ups and downs. They were the type people that I thought, “I would like to be like them”. When controversies arose, as they will among humans, these folks were the ones who could “calm the storm”, and who everyone listened to with great respect. When they spoke, they said things that brought healing.

I do not mean that Christians should always be a “doormat”. There are times, as Mac’s post illustrated, when Jesus did, and we must, do violence to put a stop to evil. But, our normal demeanor should display the character traits in Galatians 5:22-26.

I, personally, don’t always behave as I should. But, it is my goal to be the type Christian that shows these traits. I think that the cause of Christ is served better by being the type Christian who other people enjoy being around, than to be unbearable and “Holier than Thou”. I don’t have to “preach” to folks every minute while we are on a fishing trip, for example. But, if I conduct myself properly, my life will “preach” its own sermon. That is a goal, not always a reality for me.


1980 Skandia 21 w/ '93 JohnRude 150 gas drinker

Well said. I’ve been lucky to have some fine role models as well as some good teachers. I’m a big believer in the Body of Christ a.k.a. the Church working to help and support one another. None of us are perfect but together we make a huge difference.

If you’re lucky enough to be fishing, you’re lucky enough.

50 viagras,


Capt. Larry Teuton
Swamp Worshiper

This song is basically the bible for "worldly" events vs spiritual ones. I am still seeking the other 61 things I need to know as a man....

Enjoy and learn

</font id=“quote”></blockquote id=“quote”>

I’m still laughing. That is funny stuff there:smiley:

Capt. Larry Teuton
Swamp Worshiper

Originally posted by Cracker Larry
50 viagras,


Capt. Larry Teuton
Swamp Worshiper

You got the Stoner, MD’s bringing the BONER… He is anxiously awaiting the Nam reunion…

You may want to put Mrs. Cracker in the house when he arrives. MD has not been socialized in years… The Wateree Queens should help break the ice when all of them arrive. I told them WQs’ pork shoulder, swamp, moonshine, and ripple… I hope you enjoy their company, they are really nice…


My name is RBF, and I am a recovering major thread hijacker.

You may want to put Mrs. Cracker in the house when he arrives.

Not. Trust me, she can handle herself just fine. Ain’t much she cant handle. Including automatic weapons and big guys. If she can’t, I’ll pick up whatever crumbs she leaves me to clean up. Usually I can just stand stand back and watch. She don’t leave me many crumbs:wink:

Capt. Larry Teuton
Swamp Worshiper

Originally posted by Cracker Larry
You may want to put Mrs. Cracker in the house when he arrives.

Not. Trust me, she can handle herself just fine. Ain’t much she cant handle. Including automatic weapons and big guys. If she can’t, I’ll pick up whatever crumbs she leaves me to clean up.

Capt. Larry Teuton
Swamp Worshiper

Just make sure to tell Mrs. Cracker to be careful of the odd looking leg when you introduce them…

Never know what Uncle Fester may do when on the rod roids… I am probably over concerned, I am sure the WQ’s will take care of that issue before they all arrive…


My name is RBF, and I am a recovering major thread hijacker.

Just make sure to tell Mrs. Cracker to be careful of the odd looking leg when you introduce them...

I don’t need to tell her much of anything anymore. She knows the 3rd leg and he’d probably lose it.

Capt. Larry Teuton
Swamp Worshiper

Originally posted by Cracker Larry
Just make sure to tell Mrs. Cracker to be careful of the odd looking leg when you introduce them...

I don’t need to tell her much of anything anymore. She knows the 3rd leg and he’d probably lose it.

Capt. Larry Teuton
Swamp Worshiper


Always remember, never let a bald man borrow your comb, and if your gonna get married be the ugly one…


My name is RBF, and I am a recovering major thread hijacker.

Originally posted by Cracker Larry
50 viagras,


Capt. Larry Teuton
Swamp Worshiper

This one’s for MD…


My name is RBF, and I am a recovering major thread hijacker.

RBF, you guys must stop your abomination works, or stop all discussion of the word period.

Mixing your conversations will result in curses being allowed in your life.

Maybe that’s why I hear all that conversation about troubles, hard times, and broken promises.

Loving, weak teachers will not bring victory over the problems of life, nor give any power for overcoming as one needs.

You must keep His commandments, and worship Him 24/7.
“The big one’s still swimming, let’s go.”

For spec, when Jesus said “it is finished”, His teaching work here was done, turned over to the Holy Ghost(He, not it) for teaching here. NOW, He is SITTING on the throne, INTERCEDING for us, not teaching, His Angels are His ministers now.

“The big one’s still swimming, let’s go.”

Originally posted by spec

Thanks Surf. I have had many fine Christian people, both men and women, show me how to live the Christian life. They had the same life problems, disappointments, battles, etc. as the rest of us. Yet, through it all, these folks maintained such a strong Christian character that I, and many others, looked up to them as examples of how to handle life’s ups and downs. They were the type people that I thought, “I would like to be like them”. When controversies arose, as they will among humans, these folks were the ones who could “calm the storm”, and who everyone listened to with great respect. When they spoke, they said things that brought healing.

I do not mean that Christians should always be a “doormat”. There are times, as Mac’s post illustrated, when Jesus did, and we must, do violence to put a stop to evil. But, our normal demeanor should display the character traits in Galatians 5:22-26.

I, personally, don’t always behave as I should. But, it is my goal to be the type Christian that shows these traits. I think that the cause of Christ is served better by being the type Christian who other people enjoy being around, than to be unbearable and “Holier than Thou”. I don’t have to “preach” to folks every minute while we are on a fishing trip, for example. But, if I conduct myself properly, my life will “preach” its own sermon. That is a goal, not always a reality for me.


1980 Skandia 21 w/ '93 JohnRude 150 gas drinker

Spec, if most people have a field of room for improvement, I have a farm. I dont usually heed it, but my grandfolks used to say “you may be the only bible some people ever read”. Thanks for the reminder.

Originally posted by mac daddy

RBF, you guys must stop your abomination works, or stop all discussion of the word period.

Mixing your conversations will result in curses being allowed in your life.

Maybe that’s why I hear all that conversation about troubles, hard times, and broken promises.

Loving, weak teachers will not bring victory over the problems of life, nor give any power for overcoming as one needs.

“The big one’s still swimming, let’s go.”

I am self thought, teachers are for weak minded. I thought we went through this before… Constantly restating something does not make it happen. This is where we all loose you…

The girls will be there soon to pick you up…

You can thank me later, should help your disposition, and I await the girls report on your kinkiness… They already like the idea of Mac Daddy…


My name is RBF, and I am a recovering major thread hijacker.

Originally posted by mac daddy

RBF, you guys must stop your abomination works, or stop all discussion of the word period.

Mixing your conversations will result in curses being allowed in your life.

Maybe that’s why I hear all that conversation about troubles, hard times, and broken promises.

Loving, weak teachers will not bring victory over the problems of life, nor give any power for overcoming as one needs.

You must keep His commandments, and worship Him 24/7.
“The big one’s still swimming, let’s go.”

Come on Mac, all you do is whine about the past, bankruptcy, PTSD, starting a family late due to the war,Blah, Blah, Blah.

Cite one complaint, or excuse, from me. Nope, can’t find one can you. You waller in your past. Let’s be honest and tell the truth you speak about. You have admitted to having an overbearing and aggresive attitude, but condemn me for my actions. When you come toting sanctimonious words to me, you better be pure in your own regard. If not, just another hypocrite wannabe teacher of the Word.

You may be able to bully others with these types of behavior in your local ministry, but best not to engage with me on the topics.

Again, I appreciate your input, but I respectfully reject your methods.


My name is RBF, and I am a recovering major thread hijacker.