The Invisible War

Originally posted by Cracker Larry

What a great man of God, who won’t even give his name, or make a phone call, or send an email.

If you can live with that, so can I, my part has been done, I don't owe you anything else.

You are fine example of man of God. What part have you done? I’m impressed. If you can live with it, I won’t lose any sleep either. You don’t owe me anything, and I don’t want anything from you. Keep on preaching from your high pulpit. Coward.

Just for the record, I’ve personally met about 40 people on this forum. 2 dozen of them have come to my house. At least a dozen with broken boats. I’ve fixed every one of them for free. Never charged a forum member a dime for any boat work, never. They have all left alive and no shouting has ever happened. It’s not allowed at my house. Be nice or be gone is my rule here.

The invitation is still open. I’ll buy the beer and smoke the BBQ and I won’t shout. Bring your boat, I’ll fix it too.</font id=“size4”></font id=“red”> We can still bury this hatchet, but only in person. You’ve got the address and phone number. Still waiting.

Capt. Larry Teuton
Swamp Worshiper

How can anyone in their right mind turn down an offer like that??? I will come!! I will bring beer and BBQ!!!

“Kleenex, The Official Sponsor of Fishb8”

Originally posted by Cracker Larry They have all left alive

how do explain RBF’s absence this week, Hmmm?

I’m not sayin you did anything, just that he texted me he was headed your way tuesday, nothing outta him since.

“Enough hijacking, this is a major thread”

Not guilty! RBF likes moonshine and nekid women. We would get along just fine :smiley:

Capt. Larry Teuton
Swamp Worshiper

Galatians 5:22-23. “The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness,
faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.”


1980 Skandia 21 w/ '93 JohnRude 150 gas drinker

Larry, you said “I am done with you”, after four (4) months of tormenting me, and me taking it, you INSIST on a personal meeting.

You lost all privileges with me months ago, and love carries discipline too, I have shown u love by refusing to retaliate your torments. Friendship is a totally different matter, I’m sure you will agree with that eventually too.

So, to end our rough road, “I am done with you” is a sufficient response from you toend our relationship, love and best wishes to you, forever.

True man of God,

Mac daddy…

“The big one’s still swimming, let’s go.”

The BBQ and beer invitation is still wide open and open ended. Until then I’ll bother you no more, except for when you give people bad advice, such as anchoring with concrete blocks at the jetties, or that Kings are “Never” on the surface. Or that we should think of dogs on human terms. All great tips there. Carry on :sunglasses:

Capt. Larry Teuton
Swamp Worshiper

spec, I don’t know what your calling is, so I will assume you are a Christian only forthe moment. But, being called a man of God naturally calls for more of those fruits you mentioned, I believe if you look at the threads I have been involved with, you will see my forbearance, and self control in the face of tormenting and persecution has been exemplary.

Speaking of self control, I prefer to use Jesus teachings more than Paul’s, how much self control did Jesus show when He FORCED the moneychanging thieves out of the Temple with a WHIP??? AND called them THIEVES, not too much love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, patience shown there???

How about when He called the Pharisees a “pit of vipers”???

Or when He told them “you are of your FATHER, the devil”, how much fruits there???

We MUST take all the word, not just one verse, or even one parable or example to determine a subject of the word. I understand that is how you have been taught, now consider a broader form of learning the word.

You know the love side of Jesus, now as Hebrews 6:1 says “go on” beyond the teachings of DOCTRINE to the teachings of the Holy Spirit, John 14:26.

The Holy Spirit has been my primary teacher for many years, His teachings are without spot or blemish, man’s teachings are flawed very much, including mine too, sometimes. That is why I only refer to BIBLE answers, mostly, very little of my interpretations or opinions.

Typical Christian teachings use a few Bible verses, then a lot of interpretations and opinions by men, supposedly men of God.

You said once you rarely hear anything not according to the word in your church, but that version of the word is according to what you have been taught, not necessarily the correct version, or interpretation, just consider in your mind your beliefs and doctrine, then go to your Strong’s concordance, or whatever exhaustive concordance you have. Or, use the net to pull up your subjects of DOCTRINE, check ALL the references to those words, you will be SHOCKED by what you le

I’ve been asked by the Pea, to look in on this post from time to time! I see from CK’s posts that MD, is still refusing to reveal his true identity and is so, discredited from this discussion! Any one, that is open and doesn’t hide behind Biblical quotes and #s to explain themselves, I’ll listen to! Not this reincarnation of David Koresh! Next thing you know MD, will be offering his pamphlets for free and just wanting a small offering, to cover printing charges.

I’m confused. So, you are saying Jesus was not Christlike? He had no fruits? There is a difference between the teachings of Jesus and the teachings of the Holy Spirit?


1980 Skandia 21 w/ '93 JohnRude 150 gas drinker

I'm confused.

You too :question:

" This is not an argument, it's a discussion". " I'm not interested in any discussions"

Who wouldn’t be confused by that:question:

Capt. Larry Teuton
Swamp Worshiper
Ignorant Country Boy
And Jerk

I didn’t sayANY of that you are implying, read again, I only gave the opposing side to your opinions. I am saying He is not JUST one or the other, as is commonly taught.

He isgoing to “destroy the wicked” in the Battle of Armageddon, good fruits there. HE is going to send plagues on the earth, like the OT days, two sides, get your t thinking updated, is all I am saying, don’t be confused.

“The big one’s still swimming, let’s go.”

I didn't sayANY of that you are implying,

MD, I’m pretty dang sure that you typed every word that I quoted. Straight cut and paste. And you are shouting at me again. Still waiting on that phone call or visit. Keyboard cowards get no respect from me. I told you, keep poking this bear and it will poke back.

Capt. Larry Teuton
Swamp Worshiper

Galatians 5:22-23 is not my opinion. It is God’s.


1980 Skandia 21 w/ '93 JohnRude 150 gas drinker

Originally posted by Cracker Larry

Not guilty! RBF likes moonshine and nekid women. We would get along just fine :smiley:

Capt. Larry Teuton
Swamp Worshiper

Sorry Cracker I did not get to you. Wanted to pay you a surprise visit and act like I was Mac Daddy. Well, things did not go as planned. I picked up 3 gallons of NC upper Catawba Moonshine. On the way back, picked up the wife and hound dog, and then 2 Wateree Queens from back in the day. They were there for the naked ladies part. Well, that stupid hound of mine was not behaving, so I had to whip the wife to straighten out the hound. Well, that turned on the 2 naked Wateree Queens we were riding with and they roofied (date rape drug) me. From Tuesday until yesterday afternoon I was laid up in a motel 6 getting gang raped by these 2 ole gals. They must have MADE me drink 2 gallons of shine and eat about 400 Viagras. The wife took my credit card and went shopping during the whole fiasco. The dog was with me. Well, they got tired of their play toy and brought me back home. Nothing good really came out of my trip to surprise you other than the dog now minds everything I say. I think it finally has resonated with the hound the things that can happen to people who misbehave. It took 2 gallons of shine, 400 Viagras, and a gang rape to get the stupid Basset Hound not to $^&* on the floor anymore. I am getting a cat next time…


My name is RBF, and I am a recovering major thread hijacker.

Originally posted by PeaPod
Originally posted by Cracker Larry They have all left alive

how do explain RBF’s absence this week, Hmmm?

I’m not sayin you did anything, just that he texted me he was headed your way tuesday, nothing outta him since.

Sorry Buddy, I should have called. Unfortunately, I was tied up pretty much all week…


My name is RBF, and I am a recovering major thread hijacker.

glad you’re okay bro. sorry you got roofied. when you look like we do, its gonna happen

“Enough hijacking, this is a major thread”

Originally posted by PeaPod

glad you’re okay bro. sorry you got roofied. when you look like we do, its gonna happen

“Enough hijacking, this is a major thread”

I have said it many times… It ain’t easy being me.


My name is RBF, and I am a recovering major thread hijacker.

It ain't easy being me.

Heck, it aint easy being anybody, and nobody ever promised me that it would be. They were right.

Capt. Larry Teuton
Swamp Worshiper

Originally posted by Cracker Larry
It ain't easy being me.

Heck, it aint easy being anybody, and nobody ever promised me that it would be. They were right.

Capt. Larry Teuton
Swamp Worshiper

Nothing worse than a broken promise…

I have never lived life with any promises, only personal pursuit of opportunities…


My name is RBF, and I am a recovering major thread hijacker.

Originally posted by spec

Galatians 5:22-23. “The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness,
faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.”

Verses 25-26 also tie in nicely to the verses you posted: If we live by the Spirit, let us also walk by the Spirit. Let us not become boastful, challenging one another, envying one another.

If you’re lucky enough to be fishing, you’re lucky enough.