The Swearinger Effect

TI was stirring the pot today and asked a few players about what they remember about Swearingers words to Dabo on the sidelines last year.

From Rod McDowell
“I heard and saw it, but at the end of the day like Coach Swinney preached to us: We play with class. I’m not saying they don’t have class in their program; they do. But certain people have a different means of expressing themselves during the game. We play hard, we fight hard on the field. But at the end of the day, we win and lose with class. I don’t talk junk after games”.

Brandon Thomas
“I don’t know what he was thinking. I don’t want to criticize him as a person or a man, but that was very disrespectful and our coaches here would not allow that. You might hate a team but you still have respect for the other team and especially their coaches. I didn’t hear what he said but the guys that did said it was bad. Its been talked about a few times in the locker room this week.”

Add Clowney’s comment about Boyd being scared of him in and I think we are going to see an extremely physical game this year with a few extra “scuffles”.

Not saying Clemson is going to win…just saying I think we are going to see a ton of nasty hits going both ways this year.

We all saw how well Tajh’s “Average defense” statement worked out .

Key West 1720 115 HP Johnson Saltwater.

Can you say Yusef Kelly?

There have been plenty of thug players on both teams over the years. That was not the point.

Originally posted by shevlin

There have been plenty of thug players on both teams over the years. That was not the point.


Originally posted by capehorn 16
Originally posted by shevlin

There have been plenty of thug players on both teams over the years. That was not the point.


Cape that was covered all too well this time last year.

Just making the statement that I think it will be one of the most physical games in recent memory. :smiley:

So Clemson is using the words of a player on last years team as motivation for this years game? I would think losing 4 in a row would be enough but I guess not.
It is what it is!

Yeah that’s the only motivation they can find. You nailed it.

Thugs don’t sport bowties… just sayin

Clemson players are really gonna get fired up when they see Steve Tanneyhill start the GAME COCK chant before kickoff. He hit a phantom home run from the 50 yardline at Clemson’s stadium, aka Clowney’s house, years ago
It is what it is!

Swearinger is a thug no matter how you slice it. Cheap shots both on the field and with his mouth. Sat near his family at a game last year and the apple don’t fall far from the tree. You can see where he gets his mentality.

Originally posted by smileypark

Swearinger is a thug no matter how you slice it. Cheap shots both on the field and with his mouth. Sat near his family at a game last year and the apple don’t fall far from the tree. You can see where he gets his mentality.

Traslation pease?

Originally posted by capehorn 16
Originally posted by smileypark

Swearinger is a thug no matter how you slice it. Cheap shots both on the field and with his mouth. Sat near his family at a game last year and the apple don’t fall far from the tree. You can see where he gets his mentality.

Traslation pease?

He said the gamecocks are all thugs and Clemson players are choir boys.

Originally posted by 23Sailfish
Originally posted by capehorn 16
Originally posted by smileypark

Swearinger is a thug no matter how you slice it. Cheap shots both on the field and with his mouth. Sat near his family at a game last year and the apple don’t fall far from the tree. You can see where he gets his mentality.

Traslation pease?

He said the gamecocks are all thugs and Clemson players are choir boys.

Not even a close “traslation”. I respect an awful lot of players on both sides. Just saying I think he was a dirty player regardless of the team he played for. This isn’t a CU-USC thing. I had the “honor” of sitting right in front of his family for a game a few years ago and they were some of the rudest, foul mouthed, obnoxious folks I have ever encountered.

I’m just messing with you. 80% of college football players are dirty thugs, no matter what team they play for. If you think defensive guys are bad, you should hear the average offensive lineman.

Originally posted by smileypark
Originally posted by 23Sailfish
Originally posted by capehorn 16
Originally posted by smileypark

Swearinger is a thug no matter how you slice it. Cheap shots both on the field and with his mouth. Sat near his family at a game last year and the apple don’t fall far from the tree. You can see where he gets his mentality.

Traslation pease?

He said the gamecocks are all thugs and Clemson players are choir boys.

Not even a close “traslation”. I respect an awful lot of players on both sides. Just saying I think he was a dirty player regardless of the team he played for. This isn’t a CU-USC thing. I had the “honor” of sitting right in front of his family for a game a few years ago and they were some of the rudest, foul mouthed, obnoxious folks I have ever encountered.

Translation & please were spelled wrong on purpose,I was trying to get you to explain what you wrote because it wasn’t as clear as your second try.
I’m gona go home now if rudeness,foul mouthedness and obnoxiousness aren’t allowed.

And it’s all good guys :slight_smile: No offense taken and no offense meant. Hope yall have a great Thanksgiving!

Originally posted by 23Sailfish

I’m just messing with you. 80% of college football players are dirty thugs, no matter what team they play for. If you think defensive guys are bad, you should hear the average offensive lineman.

I think we are seeing that side with the Incognito story.

This is cringeworthy for sure.

'06 Mckee Craft
184 Marathon
DF140 Suzuki

All of those shown are cringe worthy.

“Apathy is the Glove in Which Evil Slips It’s Hand”.