The Yemassee Speed Trap

if it is within their jurisdiction and the ticket was written on their paper by their officer, what’s the problem?

Originally posted by P-K

if it is within their jurisdiction and the ticket was written on their paper by their officer, what’s the problem?

the problem is that it promotes an opportunity for greed. Ridgeland annexed over 10 miles of I 95 just for the ticket money. No houses or businesses - just 4 lanes of ticket writing territory. They became so greedy that they purchased an RV with radar & cameras that could operate unmanned. Then the state stepped in and required that an officer be present , observe the violation . This is where the GA stepped in and passed a law that the ticket be hand delivered within an hour of the observed violation. This finally shut the RV ticket scam down and 500K a month of greed down. Now the Ridgeville cops are stopping random drivers seeking forfeiture & seizure money, and they still seek and get lots of 5 mile over the limit $$$$$$. If you want to live in a police state - that’s fine with me. I prefer not.

Originally posted by natureboy
Originally posted by P-K

if it is within their jurisdiction and the ticket was written on their paper by their officer, what’s the problem?

the problem is that it promotes an opportunity for greed. Ridgeland annexed over 10 miles of I 95 just for the ticket money. No houses or businesses - just 4 lanes of ticket writing territory. They became so greedy that they purchased an RV with radar & cameras that could operate unmanned. Then the state stepped in and required that an officer be present , observe the violation . This is where the GA stepped in and passed a law that the ticket be hand delivered within an hour of the observed violation. This finally shut the RV ticket scam down and 500K a month of greed down. Now the Ridgeville cops are stopping random drivers seeking forfeiture & seizure money, and they still seek and get lots of 5 mile over the limit $$$$$$. If you want to live in a police state - that’s fine with me. I prefer not.

ok Bartleby …:smiley:

Originally posted by Fred67
Originally posted by natureboy
Originally posted by P-K

if it is within their jurisdiction and the ticket was written on their paper by their officer, what’s the problem?

the problem is that it promotes an opportunity for greed. Ridgeland annexed over 10 miles of I 95 just for the ticket money. No houses or businesses - just 4 lanes of ticket writing territory. They became so greedy that they purchased an RV with radar & cameras that could operate unmanned. Then the state stepped in and required that an officer be present , observe the violation . This is where the GA stepped in and passed a law that the ticket be hand delivered within an hour of the observed violation. This finally shut the RV ticket scam down and 500K a month of greed down. Now the Ridgeville cops are stopping random drivers seeking forfeiture & seizure money, and they still seek and get lots of 5 mile over the limit $$$$$$. If you want to live in a police state - that’s fine with me. I prefer not.

ok Bartleby …:smiley:

Thanks Fred.

Some things stick in a mans mind.
Your well read!

Originally posted by natureboy
Originally posted by Fred67
Originally posted by natureboy
Originally posted by P-K

if it is within their jurisdiction and the ticket was written on their paper by their officer, what’s the problem?

the problem is that it promotes an opportunity for greed. Ridgeland annexed over 10 miles of I 95 just for the ticket money. No houses or businesses - just 4 lanes of ticket writing territory. They became so greedy that they purchased an RV with radar & cameras that could operate unmanned. Then the state stepped in and required that an officer be present , observe the violation . This is where the GA stepped in and passed a law that the ticket be hand delivered within an hour of the observed violation. This finally shut the RV ticket scam down and 500K a month of greed down. Now the Ridgeville cops are stopping random drivers seeking forfeiture & seizure money, and they still seek and get lots of 5 mile over the limit $$$$$$. If you want to live in a police state - that’s fine with me. I prefer not.

ok Bartleby …:smiley:

Thanks Fred.

Some things stick in a mans mind.
Your well read!

Only on can you go from t

lol JInative.

DF, I like you. you know that. I’m not picking a fight…

probable cause is in the eye of the officer. and it’s a wide gate.

a relative was stopped on hwy 17 N, Mt P for not using a lane change signal-not a turn signal, a lane change signal. 10 pm.

another for being in a parking lot of a vacant building [he pulled in there to use his phone so he wouldn’t be yacking while driving]. 4 pm.

both cars were searched. one with a k9. nothing turned up either stop. both motorists stated things went fine if they said yes sir, no sir. but any questions - i.e. why did you stop me? do I have to let you search my vehicle? - were deemed argumentative subterfuge. neither stop was in a drug prone area.

we already live in a police state.

Hilton Head - unofficial shark bite capital of the world.

Pea, where in my post did you see that I agree with such tactics? I specifically stated that I was generalizing because it is such a gray subject. Yes, an officer can “say” they had probable cause but, if something illegal is found the court will ultimately decide whether or not the officer had real probable cause. I know of many cases that were thrown out because of made up probable cause. And yes, you can refuse a search and yes an officer may decide based on that you have something to hide. The courts have found otherwise. I don’t agree with LEOs that search a car just because the individual doesn’t realize they have the right to say no. Being in LE does not mean I am for a police state. believe it or not, I have had my own “issues” with LE at times.

“Apathy is the Glove into Which Evil Slips It’s Hand”, but really, who cares?

you didn’t say you agreed

it’s a hard job. I wouldn’t want it.

I can well imagine you’ve had your own issues with em.

i’m rarely in a hurry. I haven’t been pulled since the early 90’s

Hilton Head - unofficial shark bite capital of the world.

Originally posted by Fred67

dfreedom, I’ve never been asked to have a vehicle searched, but if I were is it my right to say no? I personally would not want anyone other than myself meddling around in my vehicle.

Let’s say I had a seal broken on a liquor bottle behind the back seat and I said no to a search and they produced a warrant and then found the liquor bottle. Would I be in more trouble?

Its not knowing our rights that is slowing killing this country.

Know Your constitution.

Know Your Bill of Rights.

Don’t forfeit Your rights for anything.


“The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.”[4]

“Another poon dream splintered on the rocks of reality.” --Peepod 07-25-2017

Ask the officer if he is recording the conversation. thank him for his answer. Tell the officer that want to exercise the right to remain silent and that you never consent to searches. Ask the reason for the stop . if the officer reply’s , thank him and answer NONE of his questions. Don’t be a party to making a case against yourself.

Originally posted by natureboy
Originally posted by P-K

if it is within their jurisdiction and the ticket was written on their paper by their officer, what’s the problem?

the problem is that it promotes an opportunity for greed. Ridgeland annexed over 10 miles of I 95 just for the ticket money. No houses or businesses - just 4 lanes of ticket writing territory. They became so greedy that they purchased an RV with radar & cameras that could operate unmanned. Then the state stepped in and required that an officer be present , observe the violation . This is where the GA stepped in and passed a law that the ticket be hand delivered within an hour of the observed violation. This finally shut the RV ticket scam down and 500K a month of greed down. Now the Ridgeville cops are stopping random drivers seeking forfeiture & seizure money, and they still seek and get lots of 5 mile over the limit $$$$$$. If you want to live in a police state - that’s fine with me. I prefer not.

i want drivers to stop speeding, tailgating, texting while driving, running red lights and any other unsafe driving habits that put my life, your life, my family and your family at risk

if it takes technology to catch them and change behavior be it radar, vans with surveillance or whatever, im good with it. “speed traps” too.

police state. really? melodramatic some ?
Quit breaking the law. and put the attitude on pause when you get pulled over. Show respect, get respect

Originally posted by P-K
Originally posted by natureboy
Originally posted by P-K

if it is within their jurisdiction and the ticket was written on their paper by their officer, what’s the problem?

the problem is that it promotes an opportunity for greed. Ridgeland annexed over 10 miles of I 95 just for the ticket money. No houses or businesses - just 4 lanes of ticket writing territory. They became so greedy that they purchased an RV with radar & cameras that could operate unmanned. Then the state stepped in and required that an officer be present , observe the violation . This is where the GA stepped in and passed a law that the ticket be hand delivered within an hour of the observed violation. This finally shut the RV ticket scam down and 500K a month of greed down. Now the Ridgeville cops are stopping random drivers seeking forfeiture & seizure money, and they still seek and get lots of 5 mile over the limit $$$$$$. If you want to live in a police state - that’s fine with me. I prefer not.

i want drivers to stop speeding, tailgating, texting while driving, running red lights and any other unsafe driving habits that put my life, your life, my family and your family at risk

if it takes technology to catch them and change behavior be it radar, vans with surveillance or whatever, im good with it. “speed traps” too.

police state. really? melodramatic some ?
Quit breaking the law. and put the attitude on pause when you get pulled o

Originally posted by natureboy

Are you accusing me of being a law breaker? Exercising my constitutional rights to remain silent is not by any stretch disrespectful. Police state? that is exactly what is happening in these small speed trap towns. Do you think that every citation written in a town like Jamestown has merit? They write over 50 a day !! They’re not promoting highway safety - they’re collecting dirty money

You are correct. We the people have allowed our local governments to turn our Law Enforcement into revenue collectors in a lot of cases. Its our fault. Its the peoples’ fault for not standing up for their rights and allowing this to happen under the veil of “safety.”

These “speed traps” are strategically put in place to collect money; its has zero to do with public safety. The reason for LEOs should be PUBLIC SAFETY.

This is one of the many contributing factors to the lack of trust and faith in LEOs in this country.

“Another poon dream splintered on the rocks of reality.” --Peepod 07-25-2017

What happens to a black person that would have the same attitude about their rights… News at 7:00PM…


Why do you think The Ridgeland “pig” pulled you over, then cuffed you for an hour?

Because it was late at night. Random stop. He kept me so long because he saw a bank bag in my passenger seat. Btw, it was full of cash.

PK. Are you all for random stops? With no reasonable suspicion?

Natch , I agree with you and 23, I was on the Charleston county police force for a few years when I got back from Korea .We didn’t pull any of that bull$^&* like random stops ,people wouldn’t stand for it back then.

Ridgeland’s traffic money machine was shut down by Haley. Speed trap towns are invariably corrupt. They were raking in 500K a month! They’re trying to replace the big bucks with forfeiture money. If they had searched my truck and found my hard earned money they could have legally held the cash and forced me to prove that it was earned honestly. They could have set the date for a year ahead and held my money that long. I don’t consent to searches. I don’t talk to cops that have stopped me. If they write me up and I know I’m right , I get a jury trial and ask for title 5 discovery. I always win.

PK - are there any other rights that you would like take from me?

Originally posted by natureboy

PK. Are you all for random stops? With no reasonable suspicion?

I am not for random stops without cause.
Don’t make this something that it’s not

I have been saying, I’m for enforcing driving violations. Driving around here. Is dangerous.
If Jamestown strictly enforcing speed limits helps, I’m for it
If they are able to build s playground with the revenue without increasing taxes for their citizens, the more the better

BTW The way to combat speed traps is to drive the speed limit.
It ain’t rocket surgery