
Originally posted by Cracker Larry

I could probably handle Cupcake, but I couldn’t handle being locked in a cage for 20 years.

Capt. Larry Teuton
Swamp Worshiper

Definitely brings a whole new meaning to a cage match…


“Make America Sane Again.”

It would at least be something fun to do to pass the time. They would probably replace him with a bigger cupcake though.

Capt. Larry Teuton
Swamp Worshiper

Originally posted by Cracker Larry

It would at least be something fun to do to pass the time. They would probably replace him with a bigger cupcake though.

Capt. Larry Teuton
Swamp Worshiper

It would escalate up to some dude named pound cake…


“Make America Sane Again.”

The bigger they are, the harder they fall :wink:

Capt. Larry Teuton
Swamp Worshiper

Mrs. Penn, Lot’s of testosterone on this one! Lord knows I hope he gets his bike back!! and super glad no one was hurt!

State of the world is changing. Hopefully for the best. Actually I don’t think a grown man being put down over stealing ANYthing from another person is a bad thing. A thieve is no better than a rabid dog imo.

I have no doubt your Dad did the right thing. I understand a lot of sentiment on this topic, but also hate that people are so willing to just “let it go”. Guess I haven’t made it to that point … yet.

A bike today, a T.V. tomorrow, and who knows what else next Friday. A thieve that gets away with something only becomes more of a thieve. I sleep good at night. I believe that my slate has been wiped clean as I am sincerely sorry for all my past sins. No Worries. Learned from Dad’s nightmares that it is just not worth it to worry about what has been done in the past. Live and learn and protect what is yours.

Cracker, your sentiment and philosophy is well respected. To each their own. I just am not to the point that I could let a thieve walk away with out a confrontation. … Not saying I’d just shoot the bastard, I would be smart about it. … i hope and pray.

“If Bruce Jenner can keep his wiener and be called a woman, I can keep my firearms and be considered disarmed.”

Cracker, your sentiment and philosophy is well respected. To each their own. I just am not to the point that I could let a thieve walk away with out a confrontation. ... Not saying I'd just shoot the bastard, I would be smart about it. .. i hope and pray.

But what could you do at that point, other than shoot him or beat him? And hope he doesn’t beat you. If I ever pull out my pistol and point it, I’ve already decided it’s time to shoot. If I have to fight, somebody will end up dead or in the hospital. Could be me. Either way, neither is worth the bike. Let it go.

Capt. Larry Teuton
Swamp Worshiper

Originally posted by Cracker Larry

If I ever pull out my pistol and point it, I’ve already decided it’s time to shoot. If I have to fight, somebody will end up dead or in the hospital. Could be me. Either way, neither is worth the bike. Let it go.

If only everyone carrying a weapon understood what you said. Many can pull a gun, few could pull the trigger. As you said using a gun (or baseball bat) to control another human is a last ditch effort that has to be followed through if needed. Then if the perp survives, you’ll most likely have a law suit on your hands. Still not there yet, but much less piss and vinegar than a couple of decades ago.

“If Bruce Jenner can keep his wiener and be called a woman, I can keep my firearms and be considered disarmed.”

You know the crappiest part of it all is you do the right thing, don’t shoot the thief, call the cops and they arrest him. He’s in jail for what? A couple of weeks? No lesson learned, back out stealing. Probably became a much more hardened criminal in prison. System is broken.

For a bicycle I doubt he would even spend the night in jail. The police, jails and judges have much bigger things to worry about than that.

Capt. Larry Teuton
Swamp Worshiper

Originally posted by Cracker Larry

For a bicycle I doubt he would even spend the night in jail. The police, jails and judges have much bigger things to worry about than that.

Capt. Larry Teuton
Swamp Worshiper

Yep, things like which gender goes into which head, and checking birth certificates to make sure…


“Make America Sane Again.”

If only everyone carrying a weapon understood what you said. Many can pull a gun, few could pull the trigger. As you said using a gun (or baseball bat) to control another human is a last ditch effort that has to be followed through if needed.

Very true. When many people strap on a weapon it seems to make their balz grow by 3 sizes. They tend get in confrontations that they otherwise would not.

I’m completely opposite. I know I can pull that trigger. When I’m carrying, my balz shrink to BBs and I avoid any confrontation that might lead to me doing it.

Capt. Larry Teuton
Swamp Worshiper

Originally posted by Cracker Larry
If only everyone carrying a weapon understood what you said. Many can pull a gun, few could pull the trigger. As you said using a gun (or baseball bat) to control another human is a last ditch effort that has to be followed through if needed.

Very true. When many people strap on a weapon it seems to make their balz grow by 3 sizes. They tend get in confrontations that they otherwise would not.

I’m completely opposite. I know I can pull that trigger. When I’m carrying, my balz shrink to BBs and I avoid any confrontation that might lead to me doing it.

Capt. Larry Teuton
Swamp Worshiper

Again wise words by Mr Cracker... I realize that this will open up a can of worms, but George Zimmerman was a perfect example... No way he would have followed that kid around the neighborhood if he wasn't carrying.

Note, my comment is not about whether he was or was not justified to use force when something DID go down… My point is only to say that the entire confrontation would likely have been avoided if GZ had not been carrying. Am, I justified to use lethal force if a band of attackers is waiting for me in a dark alley? Yes, I think so… But do I walk down dark alleys? No, I do not…

And before I get jumped on by Fred, yes, I think people should have the right to carry and defend themselves. I’m just saying that with any freedom comes some sort of trade off, and Cracker points out something that is 100% true with this freedom, which is the inherent temporary swelling of testicles when there is a gun strapped to a would-be super hero’s hip.

And before you guys go out making promises to your wives and girlfriends… Remember that they only FEEL bigger… They don’t actually LOOK bigger to an external observer… :smiley:

I realize that this will open up a can of worms, but George Zimmerman was a perfect example... No way he would have followed that kid around the neighborhood if he wasn't carrying.

That’s a perfect analogy to what I was saying.

Capt. Larry Teuton
Swamp Worshiper

Originally posted by skinneej

And before you guys go out making promises to your wives and girlfriends… Remember that they only FEEL bigger… They don’t actually LOOK bigger to an external observer… :smiley:

Just as long as they FEEL bigger to the wife, that’s all that counts…


“Make America Sane Again.”

Just as long as they FEEL bigger to the wife, that's all that counts..

When you get to be my age and been married 42 years, it don’t matter and she already knows :smiley:

Capt. Larry Teuton
Swamp Worshiper

Originally posted by Cracker Larry
Just as long as they FEEL bigger to the wife, that's all that counts..

When you get to be my age and been married 42 years, it don’t matter and she already knows :smiley:

Capt. Larry Teuton
Swamp Worshiper

Congratulations on the length of your marriage…

Does this mean I have to wear the gun to bed at night to get the full on effect? I am just scared the wife might snatch it and shoot me if something isn’t to her liking…

This is why I don’t carry a gun… Just too darn confusing for me… I am sticking with the picture of my Mother-In-Law…Whip that bad boy out and criminals shout “let the punishment fit the crime”…


“Make America Sane Again.”

Does this mean I have to wear the gun to bed at night to get the full on effect? I am just scared the wife might snatch it and shoot me if something isn't to her liking..

Mine carries her own. I try to keep her happy :smiley:

Capt. Larry Teuton
Swamp Worshiper

Originally posted by Cracker Larry
Does this mean I have to wear the gun to bed at night to get the full on effect? I am just scared the wife might snatch it and shoot me if something isn't to her liking..

Mine carries her own. I try to keep her happy :smiley:

Capt. Larry Teuton
Swamp Worshiper

RBF would hide…


“Make America Sane Again.”

I think we should find whatever country is harboring these thieves, and NUKE IT!!!