Trapping an armadillo

I have an armadillo that has taken up residence in my yard. Its burrow is underneath the spot that I park my boat. I went to a big box store to buy a Havahart trap, but the salesman said that the armadillo would destroy the trap, he said don’t waste your money. Im thinking about pouring some gasoline into the burrow via a garden hose in an effort to flush it out of the burrow where it will be shot with a .22. Any inputs and suggestions will be appreciated.


Doesnt sound smart to me. How close are you going to be to this gasoline vapor filled hole when you shoot at it? Could be hard to explain that one to the insurance co. Just wait until dark and shoot it when it comes out.

'06 Mckee Craft
184 Marathon
DF140 Suzuki

After you pour the gas down the hose, blow air through it! After you get the fumes going well, step back and toss a match into the hole! Oh, might want to move things that are in line with the hole opening. Like the boat:smiley:

Try hooking a hose to your exaust pipe from your running truck and put it in the hole and cover it with a tarp. Works well on skunks! Good luck and have a nice BBQ.

It’s much more fun, to blow stuff up:imp::smiley:

some pretty comical responses!

as for a live trap, bait it with a couple of eggs. Got a fellow at Cherokee plantation that has the little ugly things tearing up the golf course, they use eggs in their live traps. Never Knew that Armadillos loved eggs so much.

Good luck!

“Why Bruce?”

You boys need a professional…DG34YF’s your man on burrowing creatures.

Waiting for Peapod’s .02 on this one.

“Apathy is the Glove into Which Evil Slips It’s Hand”, but really, who cares?

My friend Pod, is of the blow it up persuasion:imp::wink:

I just get a mental picture of a flaming armadillo running as fast as he can staight under the neighbor’s house. I think if I were in that situation, I’d use ammonia and cover the hole with plywood and some cinder blocks. Bury the little armored possum where he lies.

'06 Mckee Craft
184 Marathon
DF140 Suzuki

tigerfin, they make shotguns, just for flaming running armadillos[:0] You get 2 bangs for the buck, if it runs. If it stays put, you bury it in place! Either way you get to turn it into a spectator sport! Invite everyone over for the event and ask someone to hold your beer and say watch this *hit:imp:

You need Turtleman!

ED, does he blow um up:question:

Bait a havahart with a chicken egg, as Frederico suggested. Take it to the next level, and install some form of barrier in the shape of a V. Place the trap at the bottom of the V, with only one door cocked on the trap. Dillos like to follow an edge, and root along the way. The bottom of the V will act as an edge.

If he’s only rooting around a certain area, place the trap where you believe he could pick up the scent of the egg.

I’ve caught many in upper Dorchester with the V method, and a havahart baited with an egg. All of my traps are still in the same condition as when I started.

…uh…holy smokes, the only person that knows what they are doing on this thread is Poly.

OysterCracker, I’ve caught several in my yard over the last few years using the live trap. They are fairly easy to catch and dispose of. If you’d like my help, I’ll be glad to come over one afternoon and show you how to set up that trap. I can assure you, the simplest way to get rid of an armadillo is to set the trap and check it every morning. If he’s there, you should have him in a few days at most. You shouldn’t blow him up or wait him out…and a 22 doesn’t always do the job, FYI.

The salesman is an idiot if he told you that. Armadillos are pretty docile once they are in the trap. That’s been my experience; I’ve captured about 8 or 9 over the last few years, so take that for what its worth.

This was a week or two ago:

Well, all this talk and no one will say how they taste!

id imagine that’s about like cleaning a gar

Originally posted by boatpoor

Well, all this talk and no one will say how they taste!

Enjoy! go ahead and try , possum on the half shell is what they call it. I have some friends that bird hunted in Mexico, and the lodge cook prepared some for them on their 3rd night of a six day venture, they were all stricken with nausea and a good case of diarrhea later that night and next day.

I know they’re destructive and carry leprosy, but they are some cool prehistoric looking animals.

They also have been known to jump staight up just before being struck by a vehicle on the road. Instead of it being a speed bump, it becomes a projectile through the grill and radiator. It’s why grille guards are popular in places like south Texas.

'06 Mckee Craft
184 Marathon
DF140 Suzuki