I’m trying to find and trap Red Fox’s. What are some signs other than droppings and tracks?
A Sister-in-law named Ester and a Son, Lamont:wink: You did pick a hard one to trap. They are smart.
I knew that was coming! Thanks for getting that one over with.
Good luck getting a red fox, rarely see them anymore. Grey’s are the norm.
Wait for a full moon and listen for them. Very distinctive “raspy” bark. Once you hear it you’ll always know a fox “bark”. Actually the young foxes are pretty easy to trap.
I used to do a lot of fox and coyote trapping around my property and sold them to the fox pens. That was when we raised chickens and turkeys. Had a bad time with fox and coyote. Red fox were always pretty rare to catch, I’d catch at least 10 grays to every red. They are a different beast I think, more cat than dog and mean as a rattlesnake. I hate taking them out of a trap. Stinks bad too. Dang, carry one in the back of the truck for an hour and it stinks for a month. Why you want to catch red fox anyway?
I'm trying to find and trap Red Fox's.
I’ve got a real old book around here on fox trapping with a lot of useful information. PM me your address and I’ll round it up and send it to you. I’m done wrestling critters and buzzards out of traps I might even still have some scent lures. And talk about stink [:0][:0] Those fox lures stink [:0]
Capt. Larry Teuton
Cracker Built Custom Boats
“Ships are the nearest things to dreams that hands have ever made.” -Robert N. Rose
Larry I’ve got a pen that is looking for reds.
Larry I've got a pen that is looking for reds.
Aren’t they all I used to get $50 each for grays and $100 for reds, in healthy condition. $50 for coyotes too. $20 for coons and possum. They didn’t have to be healthy. I’d go check my traps every morning and sometimes make $300 or $400 before breakfast. Never caught many reds though, they are real smart.
Capt. Larry Teuton
Cracker Built Custom Boats
“Ships are the nearest things to dreams that hands have ever made.” -Robert N. Rose
Originally posted by Cracker Larryquote:
Larry I've got a pen that is looking for reds.
Aren’t they all
I used to get $50 each for grays and $100 for reds, in healthy condition. $50 for coyotes too. $20 for coons and possum. They didn’t have to be healthy. I’d go check my traps every morning and sometimes make $300 or $400 before breakfast. Never caught many reds though, they are real smart.
Capt. Larry Teuton
Cracker Built Custom Boats“Ships are the nearest things to dreams that hands have ever made.” -Robert N. Rose
I don’t know if it is the fact that reds are smarter than greys or just the simple fact that the red fox is all but gone. I’d say it’s been 12 or more years since I’ve seen one.
As to them stinking! Greys stink too!!!
Was in our local Kmart before it closed years ago and opened a bottle of Red Fox “P” and had my son sniff it. Had the whole area stunk up!! He still remembers it. That’s some stinky stuff! Almost as bad as Skunk sent. One heck of a cover sent, if your into it that deep.
Good point. I think reds are smarter, meaner and stink worse than a gray, but I also think there are a lot less of them too. Gray fox are plenty smart and smell plenty bad themselves. Fox stink worse than billy goats and that’s pretty bad. The scent lures you use to catch them smell even worse than they do.
Capt. Larry Teuton
Cracker Built Custom Boats
“Ships are the nearest things to dreams that hands have ever made.” -Robert N. Rose
Finally found one of these Rascals.
Well, lets hear about it!
Originally posted by EasyWell, lets hear about it!
07, 23 Key West, Twin 115 Yammys
“Coastal Bound”
Sorry about the lack of details. I caught her on a trap that the bait was dug out and stolen without a catch. The mis was 11 days ago then last night she came by for another meal and wamo.
She was my first red ever.Thankfully she was nice enough to let me put in the box. However it was a very feisty critter compared to the grays.
I’ve had several fellow trappers say its almost impossible to go from trap to holding box. I will agree it’s not Easy.
Also used a red fox gland lure. And cured bait.
They are beautiful animals!
Easy they are beautiful animals. Fast I might add to. Double yes dirt hole set. Trap was set about 9" in front of bait and lure.
Cool… they are some beautiful animals. As bad as I hate critters that kill my chickens and such, I believe I’d spare a red fox if I saw one.
I’d almost hate to use a red fox in a pen when we have so many coyotes. Coyotes sure last longer.
I agree Fred they are rare to come by. If she uses her head right she will be very safe.
Do you think the coyotes can run for a longer distance than the red. I was told the reds are faster. Not really sure?_
What is this fox penning? Googled and all I find is humane society hysteria
quote:Fox pens are large fenced areas that houndsmen release hounds to chase foxes or coyotes.Most of those guys just sit around eating enormous ammounts of pork skins and Vienna sausages all night,while listening to their dogs "run".
Originally posted by EdistodanielWhat is this fox penning? Googled and all I find is humane society hysteria
These same pens are mostly to blame for the coyote problem,as the hounds usually cant catch the coyote,and they end up digging out underneath the fence.Watch out for your kitty cat if it lives outside.