Victim or Epic Awesomeness?

What say you?

It just sickens me, I mean, why couldn’t I have teachers like that when I was in high school???

A 16 year old boy wouldn’t stretch the truth about something like that, now, would he??

'06 Mckee Craft
184 Marathon
DF140 Suzuki

Dang, that kid got his 15 minutes of fame! And after about another 15 minutes, he got it again and after about another 15 minutes again and again and again and again! Oh, to be 16 again :stuck_out_tongue:[:0]:wink::smiley:

if this was a female student and two male teachers they would be lynched already…having said that, can you imagine the ribbing this kid is gonna get for running his mouth?

The Morris Island Lighthouse

Victim or Epic Awesomeness

Yeah, but can you see the 16/17/18 year old girls lined up for their chance at him:wink: All he has to do is look knowing and sauve and deboner! :imp: Only trouble I see, is the kid will forever be trying to recreate this experience and is in for a lot of let downs:frowning_face:

Originally posted by Bonzo72

if this was a female student and two male teachers they would be lynched already…having said that, can you imagine the ribbing this kid is gonna get for running his mouth?

The Morris Island Lighthouse

You are right, but it should be handled differently. With the female their could be actual physical damage.

The kid should have kept his mouth shut, but he is 16 and he has no idea how good he had it [:I]

We had a rather attractive teacher here in Columbia accused of having relations with at least 3 boys at her school. Could not understand it, she is really cute. What was really rough was that her husband is the AD at the high school my son went to. I always felt awkward seeing him after that because everyone knew.

“Apathy is the Glove into Which Evil Slips It’s Hand”.

Trash comes in all forms, shapes, and sizes nowadays. I know its fun to make jokes, but this really is messed up.

16 year old boys should be chasing after 16 year old girls.

Put the shoe on the other foot, I’m a 35 year old man. When I look at a 16 year old girl, I see a child. Maybe that’s just me.

Redfish Baron Extraordinaire

I find this hard to believe. There would have to be some real proof, ie, pictures or video, before I would believe a 16yo boy when he told a story like that.

'06 Mckee Craft
184 Marathon
DF140 Suzuki

23, I agree with you from the adult side of view, but not the kids side! A 16 year old is just a walking woody! Would you rather him get schooled by an adult, that should know better, or learn with your 16 year old daughter who may not? The adults should be jailed! The kid was following his compass needle and the path of least resistance.

PS: I’m remembering what I was like at 16 and wondering what I’d have done. You wouldn’t have wanted me in the same county with your daughter.

Originally posted by Easy

23, I agree with you from the adult side of view, but not the kids side! A 16 year old is just a walking woody! Would you rather him get schooled by an adult, that should know better, or learn with your 16 year old daughter who may not? The adults should be jailed! The kid was following his compass needle and the path of least resistance.

Both should know better. I’m calling the women trash, because if this story is true, that’s what they are.

A 16 year old boy is as much a child as a 16 year old girl.

My dad made dang sure that I knew what was expected of me starting at a young age. There were behaviors that were ok and there were those that were not. That started in my home as a boy. I was taught to treat my sister and mother with respect and therefore other women were treated the same by me. It was a very natural instinct for me because I was raised with that respect demand.

This 16 year old boy, I’d be willing to bet he doesn’t have a strong male role model in his life.

Redfish Baron Extraordinaire

23, again I agree with you, but I cast so much more blame on the adults, if this is true. After all, he is a kid and he was offered candy.

are you sayin’ garth brooks doesn’t have respect for women? Cuz i got a problem with that pardner…

From the adult perspective, I agree 23.
From the kids side…not so much. There is a reason songs like Mac509 posted and “hot for teacher” are popular. If i was that kid, i would have done the same thing…probably not go blabbing about it.

Originally posted by Fishb8

From the adult perspective, I agree 23.
From the kids side…not so much. There is a reason songs like Mac509 posted and “hot for teacher” are popular. If i was that kid, i would have done the same thing…probably not go blabbing about it.

You have children…what would you do if FishB8 Jr. came home and told you this?

That might change your perspective a little…I would hope. :smiley:

Redfish Baron Extraordinaire

I got my PENCIL, give me something to write on!

Annoy a Liberal, Work Hard and Be Happy!

I don’t feel tardy.

“Apathy is the Glove into Which Evil Slips It’s Hand”.

Saw on another site the kids name was J.Russell.

there is a really great south park episode about this type of scenario from a couple years back… reallllly funny stuff

“mr keys”