victims of course

The “redeemed” thread is the latest victim of the “dark side”, quoted from that thread, I did NOT originate that name, so that charge cannot be laid at my feet.

Such a shame that one group has so much power, while accusing others of having much power. Does the term ‘call the kettle black’ ring a bell, it should.

I just witnessed a personal attack on the politics forum that is a typical example of that rule being stretched to the limit; however, I will admit those guys love to use that rule to perfection on the ‘dark side’, simply by being bold enough to bring it to admin’s attention.

VICTIM is such a popular word in courts, schools, media, you name it, that anyone can pull out that ‘trump card’ with success usually.

The card used in that thread was ‘hurt my feelings’, used quite often on this site by the opposition, because of teaching in churches and in daily conversations.

That tactic was used often 5 years ago to get threads deleted, so old habits are hard to break.

I will make another prediction as I did in that thread many times. That is, you

can bet mac daddy will be blamed for the deletion, even though the antagonizing and the hijacking was performed by the other side…
I was going to make a closing post for myself on that thread at this time, so deletion was no problem.

I’ll make that post now in this fashion: I refused to answer two questions and one comment aimed at me for a purpose. Unfortunately, others answered those in a manner that was used to cause deletion, due to inexperience with the opposition.

The opposition acknowledged their traps, but they were ignored, so VICTIMS we are.

This is a good time to stop our habit of letting ‘feelings’ , and ‘judging’ interfere with GOOD righteous’ judging as instructed by God in His word.

I will wait for replies for now…

I just received a PM from Buddy B stating HE asked admin to delete the thread, so apologies to admin from me and complete retraction of the ‘cudos’ given to the opposition in that thread.

Carry on mates, look for more fun coming soon…

“The big one’s still swimming, let’s go.”

mac daddy,
Thank you brother! “Fisher of Men”:smiley:

God Bless,
Capt Buddy Bizzell
Being on the water is a blessing, catching fish is a bonus!

“Come follow me.” Jesus said “I will make you a fisher of men.”
Matthew 4:19

Some people take this site WAY too seriously. I read the thread and posts and thought nothing of it. I am not a religious man, I follow a different path as an agnostic leaning toward atheism. My path does not need to berate, belittle, putdown, etc. another’s beliefs. If I see a thread, or for that matter, a Televangelist, or someone who feels the need to personally convince me that salvation is THE path I either (respectively) read another thread, turn the TV channel, or politely say I am not interested and move on.

To each his own. If someone wants to witness the word, fine. If you don’t want to hear it, fine. Move on. Life is too short to get caught up in needless banter.

This is not a swing at capt buddy macdaddy or anyone else of strong faith. Maybe admin felt there a some violation of site rules and had to delete the thread. IDK and quite honestly don’t care.

…going back to read the fishing reports now…


J, I respect your attitude man, wish we all could enjoy each other, and I guess I will speak in the third person here.

See guys, a confessed agnostic says ‘all is cool’ with speaking your beliefs, and I say ‘all is cool’ with agnostic guys speaking their beliefs.

How simple that is, and how enjoyable that is.

“The big one’s still swimming, let’s go.”

In all honesty Mac, It’s been a good while since the poof police had to do any work around here. Sorta ironic you show back up and they have stuff to do. FWIW Gotcha and I have agreed to disagree and leave each other alone on this site now. You seemed to want us to rekindle our “friendship.” Both of us grew tired of that a year or so ago and have no interest in it.

Charleston City Papers Best Guide of 2014

Originally posted by CaptFritz

In all honesty Mac, It’s been a good while since the poof police had to do any work around here. Sorta ironic you show back up and they have stuff to do. FWIW Gotcha and I have agreed to disagree and leave each other alone on this site now. You seemed to want us to rekindle our “friendship.” Both of us grew tired of that a year or so ago and have no interest in it.

Charleston City Papers Best Guide of 2014


Who has the energy these days to put up an internet fight anyways?

Redfish Baron Extraordinaire

I’m good with that fritz, and good that the poof police didn’t have to act, Buddy B requested the thread be deleted.

However, you are not speaking for your buddies evidently, and poke did antagonize the believers into that showdown with 3 negative posts in one hour.

I am, however, glad to bury the hatchet with you, and long to see all in harmony here.

You too sail, good on both of you.

Now let’s go fishing and share the salt.

“The big one’s still swimming, let’s go.”


God Bless,
Capt Buddy Bizzell
Being on the water is a blessing, catching fish is a bonus!

“Come follow me.” Jesus said “I will make you a fisher of men.”
Matthew 4:19

Originally posted by CaptFritz

In all honesty Mac, It’s been a good while since the poof police had to do any work around here. Sorta ironic you show back up and they have stuff to do. FWIW Gotcha and I have agreed to disagree and leave each other alone on this site now. You seemed to want us to rekindle our “friendship.” Both of us grew tired of that a year or so ago and have no interest in it.

Charleston City Papers Best Guide of 2014

Hey fritz, I’ll bet a nickle that of all “poofs”, you have been involved in most. or at least a lot of em. Kind of ironic. :wink:

Joe Boo, S. C. best all around good guy.

Originally posted by joeboo

Hey fritz, I’ll bet a nickle that of all “poofs”, you have been involved in most. or at least a lot of em. Kind of ironic. :wink:

there’s nothing ironic about that…

The Morris Island Lighthouse

How about this Bonzo?

Charleston City Papers Best Guide of 2014

SO guys, mac daddy is NOT the only poster who causes poofs, ah ha, truth at last.

Payback to fritz felt great before I buried the hatchet, and realized I was returning “evil f
Evil” in some people’s eyes. Even though I consider this thread as teaching and learning purposes, as are all my Christian type posts. At least that is the intent, so fritz and his buddies gave me and others an opportunity to speak out against the dark side of life.

For that I am thankful to fritz, and happy to accept his offer to “leave one another alone”. We’ll see what the future brings Bonzo and Joboo.

I do fully understand your calling fritz to accountability as I did also, thanks for the support guys, hope posts will be more pleasant as promised.

“The big one’s still swimming, let’s go.”

Could I make a suggestion here, with all due respect. I honor everyone’s religion and their right to express it. I’ve said that before. But everybody doesn’t, or doesn’t want to have it pushed in their face. If religious posts were labeled as such in the topic heading, then people have the option of reading them or not, knowing what they are getting in for when they click on it. When the topic heading is Victims of Course, it’s not very clear.

Analogy, when I’m driving down the road and see a church sign, I know what it is and can choose to go in or not. I can choose to open the door, look around and leave if I don’t like it. But I’d hate to see a sign that said “Liquor Store”, and go inside and instead find a church.

I also dislike the people who come knocking on my door on Saturday mornings wanting to spread the word. I’ve been known to turn on the water hose and wet them down when they wouldn’t leave.

That’s all:sunglasses:

Capt. Larry Teuton
Cracker Built Custom Boats

“Ships are the nearest things to dreams that hands have ever made.” -Robert N. Rose

Well Larry, I will let someone else reply first, since I seem to be a target.

I used that subject so the other side would respond, rather than irritate or antagonize by using a religious heading. Seems to have worked well.

“The big one’s still swimming, let’s go.”

Well Larry, we even had an agnostic say “some take this site too seriously.” Your suggestion/complaint of sticking religion in your face has been echoed many times, like some people don’t want to hear politics, travel, freshwater, or many of the forums here. Probably not too fond of many subjects here either.

Does that give anyone the privilege of saying that forum or subject is 'in their face?

You have seen many responses to your complaint, so I will try to not be repetitive as you are being.

The best explanation I can give you reference Christians zeal is TRUE Christianity is not a religion, it is a lifestyle; thus we are zealous and consider any attack or any comments negative in nature to be very personal against our lifestyle, and our God.

Therefore, maybe our position will be better understood from that standpoint. I appreciate your starting with all due respect, but the intent doesn’t seem to match.

Hope I am wrong, with all due respect to you also.

“The big one’s still swimming, let’s go.”

X2 what Larry said.
I went to the drive thru at McDoogles the other day to get some deliciousness for a couple of grandkids. The first thing that game out of the squawk box was a recording, “Would you like to try the managers special, filet of fish with…”. I immediately said no but it wouldn’t stop. Some things you just can’t control.

Mac daddy!!!

STOP trying #!!!#!

It is what it is, go with it , that is my only option in the world too.

Life is much sweeter when you roll with the punches, unless you are directly attacked, then you can decide your route of action just as I and ALL humans do.

“The big one’s still swimming, let’s go.”

“Turn on the water hose and wet them down when they won’t leave” . Normally people make demands or call police. Not people who CAN’T control their behavior or their internet posts, etc.
Those people have to make others suffer, and love it when possible, so Christians are normally weak individuals and easy targets to be bullied thanks to their inept Bible teaching, and FEAR of God’s wrath, or worse, fear of the ‘devil’.

SO, along comes one strong, well taught, Christian named mac daddy on the net, and it takes ALL the dark side to try to stop him.

He actually had this thread in harmony and burying hatchets, but no, antagonizing people won’t let that happen.

If you can’t seek salvation, at least play by the good rule “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you”…

“The big one’s still swimming, let’s go.”