Wanna get a dog

So, it’s only me at the house and thinking of getting a dog soon. Retirement is coming in the next 4 to 14 months. I want to be retired or close to take this on, so advice is more than welcome. My phone is pinging about this already, but the more ideas, the better.

What I want is something for duck and dove retrieving. Yet child safe and fun for all to be around.

This will have to be a quality purchase…

Thanks Cf


Labrador retriever.

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Sounds like Black Lab may be needed.

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Always had hunting dogs for that specific reason, started with English Setters until the quail disappeared, got Yellow Labs after that for doves and geese and they are wonderful, loyal dogs that were protective of the family with kids, I prefer the English line of lab with the big blocky head and whiter fur. Dogs are a commitment, but there’s a time and place for them and I’ve thought about the situation you’re in, an Akita may be in my future, but hopefully not too soon

Best of luck to you

If you decide on a lab, let me know. I have an old co-worker that raises labs (at least I think she still does).

Add one more vote for a black lab. I am on the fourth version of same, fifth is probably a year or two away. Mine retrieve ducks, doves and hunt upland birds - mostly pheasants.

Take care with selection. Many labs are not really bred for hunting. Genetics matter and I would not buy one without parents that are proven hunters, hunt tested or similar.

We have had six Labs over the years. We also like the English version rather than the AKC versions. The yellows tend to have more skin issues than the blacks. But they all are great dogs. I will never forget old “Ruby” breaking ice to get a goose in a Texas rice field.

Lots of food for thought with these replies. And Thanks All for them.

A yellow lab is what I think may be the ticket. My Son and family agree, lol.

I do lack knowledge on this regarding the English vs AKC stuff…I will make sure of the pedigree I think it’s called for verifying the parents. That was a great point, Coosaw.

Doug, thanks for the info, will see.

Bay, thanks for what you mentioned regarding situation. Just got back from doing some trapping stuff. Got a couple 330 Conibears for Beaver, those things could hurt ya…

In closing, getting good stuff chewed up is not fun, yikes!

Thanks again

Bay, my boy’s grandad is akita and Huskey(where his blue eye comes from). His mom is a service sheppard. On the Akita… They could be more than you want. My Brother had two of his get out the pen and killed 23 of his goats, they can be a handful. From what I’ve seen they are a toss up, good, bad, or a mix. I’d take a pit bull over an Akita . Just my 2 cents…

Not so good for retrieval of ducks and doves and such… But an Australian Shepard still has my heart. Great travel companions, awesome woods walking dogs, and all around best friend dog. They need a lot of attention! This Chocolate Lab is my youngest daughters… One of the best dogs I’ve ever seen with kids. The full sheppard in the pic would lick you to death rather than bite, black, white or purple. Her prior liter sister would bite anything coming in the yard. Funny how same parent dogs can be totally different.

My big thing with dogs, the more time you put in with them the better the results. They learn so much from constant human interaction.

Like several have said, look to parentage and make sure no inbreeding. I’d take a hundred Heinz 57’s to one inbred ■■■■■. Sure wish I had one to give to you! In my younger days the only dog that cost money was a Super Coon dog or a foo foo poodle…

Fred, that’s a handsome pack of pups. My brother had a Chocolate Lab. She was smart and sweet and a great duck dog. The GSDs are super smart. My mom and stepfather had one named Mitzi. While he was overseas working and mom was with him, they had to leave Mitzi under the care of their garage apartment tenant. She was thunderphobic, a storm hit and she left home. They lived on Shaffers Corner on Wichman Street. Mitzi ended up at the airport the next day since my stepfather pilot used to hang out there a bunch. That night Mitzi found her way across town to my house in Forest Hills. Garage Apt tenant never called us about her escape. She stayed with us and our dog for the duration until stepdad and mom returned from overseas.

I chime in with a Boykin Spaniel.
State Dog,loyal and loves to be with you.
Trained correctly, will retrieve anything.

I would add check the common health issues with each breed, some can be very expensive to maintain, especially joint issues like ACL tears, and now I hear dogs can get Dymensia too.

Also, brands of dog food are VERY important, because of impurities, choose organic, low meat, and no grain brands.

That’s a tough tough movie to watch.

This one will tear your heart.

Lost three dogs in three consecutive years,2017,2018 and '19

I lost 2 a year apart in 018 and 019, replaced the last one (3) weeks later to ease the pain, great therapy.


They’re like family. Still think about 'em and miss 'em.

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The Power of the Dog

Rudyard Kipling - 1865-1936

There is sorrow enough in the natural way
From men and women to fill our day;
And when we are certain of sorrow in store,
Why do we always arrange for more?
Brothers and Sisters, I bid you beware
Of giving your heart to a dog to tear.

Buy a pup and your money will buy
Love unflinching that cannot lie—
Perfect passion and worship fed
By a kick in the ribs or a pat on the head.
Nevertheless it is hardly fair
To risk your heart for a dog to tear.

When the fourteen years which Nature permits
Are closing in asthma, or tumour, or fits,
And the vet’s unspoken prescription runs
To lethal chambers or loaded guns,
Then you will find—it’s your own affair—
But… you’ve given your heart to a dog to tear.

When the body that lived at your single will,
With its whimper of welcome, is stilled (how still!).
When the spirit that answered your every mood
Is gone—wherever it goes—for good,
You will discover how much you care,
And will give your heart to a dog to tear.

We’ve sorrow enough in the natural way,
When it comes to burying Christian clay.
Our loves are not given, but only lent,
At compound interest of cent per cent.
Though it is not always the case, I believe,
That the longer we’ve kept ’em, the more do we grieve:
For, when debts are payable, right or wrong,
A short-time loan is as bad as a long—
So why in—Heaven (before we are there)
Should we give our hearts to a dog to tear?