Wavewalk Kayaks?

Been thinking about a kayak for fishing. I was pretty sold on the Natives, then came across this:

After playing a couple of their videos I am starting to think this may be the ideal yak. The sitting position and ability to stand, and move a bit is pretty awesome.

Anyone ever see/try one of these? What do you all think?

I’m not sold.

Don’t try to put two on top of your car. :wink:

I really don’t like these. They paddle like dogs; slow as Cjristmas, and hard to maneuver. my $.02 only

Who’s ready for a sleigh ride?

no storage

Gone Phishing

I appreciate the ■■■■■■■■ guys.
Under the “long trips” tab they claim
It paddles like a 13 ft monohull. Fast. Also says it has more storage than monohulls. Though it must be strange shaped with items stuffed in the four hull tips. Not disagreeing folks. It’s just those videos are compelling. I mean paddling in the standing position through surf? That’s crazy. And cool. I am also one of those folks whose back gets sore after an hour or two in a yak. This is a pretty innovative approach. At least the site/videos are.
The native peddle mechs are likewise amazing. The few yak fishing attempts I have made previously were always frustrating as I swapped paddle and pole to try and keep a good fishing position.
Anyway, not disagreeing with you all. Just researching.

Ride 135. Period. If you really want crazy stability look at the Freedom hawk 12 or 14. In my experience if you stick to the mid to high end kayaks you’ll be happier and not wishing for an upgrade. Like anything else, make the investment on good gear and you’ll be happier in the long run. Wilderness Systems, OK, Native, Freedom Hawk, and Hobie. There are dang few new yak companies that are putting the right amount of R&D into their kayaks. Slap a hull down, throw a rod holder on it and call it a “fishing” kayak and someone will buy it. Some are good most are complete crap. The big names have put a lot of time and research into making them the best. pay for quality and be happier/more comfortable. I know it’s a lot of money to throw down but I went the cheap route and after 2 trips I was already dreamin of an upgrade. Don’t make my mistake…

“Paddle faster boys… I hear banjo music!”
SC Chapter Coordinator- Heroes on the Water
Charleston Director- SCKayakfishing.com
Tarpon 160os

Thanks for the input folks. I too have already gone cheap and now have a yak for the kids. Always looking for a better mousetrap, but now I am circling around to Native again. I like the open space and ability to stand. Also think they may have the best seats out there.

Thanks again

Thoughts on the WS Commander 120? May have found a deal on one and interested in opinions.


WS Commander… Comfortable, nice initial and secondary stability, lots of room, awesome all around boat BUT… Sloppy high waves or rain… leave it in the gargage… No scupper holes so ensure you have a bilge pump or a few sponges and a bailing cup, I heard Chad Hoover actually sank one when he filled it wiht water ( controlled environment and he tried to do it), wind will play havoc on you if it’s really windy, a lot like a canoe. Other that than that its great.

“Paddle faster boys… I hear banjo music!”
SC Chapter Coordinator- Heroes on the Water
Charleston Director- SCKayakfishing.com
Tarpon 160os

Originally posted by flygator

Been thinking about a kayak for fishing… I was pretty sold on the Natives, then came across this:

Anyone ever see/try one of these? What do you all think?


Unlike the others on this forum, I’ve had the pleasure of not only seeing one, but paddling it as well.

Although it’s heartwarming to see that true chivalry isn’t dead, and that people affiliated with certain kayak brands are eager to contribute their comments on kayaks offered by their competitors, the problem in such cases seems to be that the gentlemen in question don’t seem to be well informed, and may even be somehow biased in their views :smiley:

First, you can upload up to 4 w-kayaks on top of a regular car, with no special kayak rack needed- the boats go on top of your regular car rack:

Second, the 500 model offers so much storage that you’d need plenty of imagination to find what to store in it. 14 cubic ft of internal storage is several times more than any type of kayak has to offer.

Third, this yak paddles better than any other yak, including sea kayaks, simply because it tracks better, and on top of of this you can control the location of the boat’s center of gravity by relocating yourself along the longitudinal saddle, and that makes the yak immune to the effect of strong wind, whatever its direction is.
You folks might be interested to read this article about kyaking in strong wind: http://wavewalk.com/blog/2009/07/16/w-kayaking-in-strong-wind/
No one has ever felt the need to outfit such a kayak with a rudder, to the best of my knowledge.

Fourth, it’s a yak that’s dryer than any kayak, simply because it offers more freeboard, plus it comes

Keep researching and try to test paddle each.
I have a Native 14.5 and a Ride 135 and would be happy to send you my thoughts both positive and negative on each, and they have both. Let me know. Talk to TooBusy and DolphinDave about the pros and cons of various yaks. They paddled more yaks than I’ve even heard of.
As far as I could tell only one post sounded like an actual sales pitch. Just my $.02.

Native Watercraft Ultimate 14.5Wilderness Systems Ride 135

Well this sure got interesting!
I am grateful for all the input. I have to say that spending a bit of time on the web site and viewing some of the video is compelling. Seriously there is a guy standing up and paddling out through the surf like it is no big deal. Having paddled in the surf in an ocean kayak supposedly designed for the surf I know that is quite a feat. The sitting position and the back protection you get is another thing that really interests me. I may not be the most experienced yakker, but I have spent some long enough periods of time in a yak to have my but fall asleep and back knot up in pain.

I wish I could just demo one. Wavewalker need to build a better dealer base to get some serious segment penetration. Especially with a product that is innovative. Just processing data folks.

Again I appreciate all the input and welcome more if anyone would like to add to it.

I’m not trying to influence you on any single brand. Test paddle and get ■■■■■■■■ from the guys paddling all brands. Every yak has a trade-off. Define your needs and go from there.
If you want to test paddle an Ultimate 14.5 and a Ride 135 let me know and we’ll set up a trip to fish the ville and you can paddle both of mine. Just need to bring gear and bait.
Welcome aboard, by the way.

Native Watercraft Ultimate 14.5
Wilderness Systems Ride 135

PM sent.

Welcome aboard!

Native Watercraft Ultimate 14.5
Wilderness Systems Ride 135

I am looking for a kayak myself…I checked out the Wavewalk when I stumbled upon a video on Youtube. Funny thing is that all the videos on Youtube concerning the Wavewalk are uploaded by the same person. You search other kayak companies and there are tons of videos by many, many different users talking about their yaks, rigging, etc. What’s the deal with that?

Also, why would an upstart company price their kayaks so much more than established brands like Ocean Kayak and others? For a few hundred more than a Wavewalk I could have a Hobie with the Mirage Drive.

Their shipping charges are laughable, too…

Thanks Timbuck2! Glad to be here…

I am not an advocate for wavewalker, or any other brand. You bring up some good points, but there might be a simple explanation.

Because they are small, and new, they have simply not gotten to the volume where they have achieved the economies of scale that product lower costs per unit. For shipping a package that is basically like an an oversize sofa, $160 to get it from Mass to SC is not outrageous in my mind. Again, because they are new and just have not penetrated the market much I think it is safe to assume that most of the YT videos are posted someone connected to the company. Nothing wrong with that as long as they are real. On their site there are bunched of blogs/testimonials from all kinds of people. Most out West it seems.

I think the best way to be fair about this is to get a hold of one and demo it side by with a monohull. Their big problem is the lack of a dealer network making it practical to do this. I remain interested but hate to take the leap without a test ride.

I must say the discussion has been interesting. I think that is some of the more established yak companies start producing cat-yaks then wavewalk’s yaks have been validated. Wouldn’t it be interesting to see if all the above named companies have wavewalks in their R&D departments? I’ll bet they do…:slight_smile:

Ok Charles… yes some of us may be biased but…

“when it comes to stand up paddling and stand up fishing, it’s the only real-life option out there, because if you’ve tried standing in a canoe, a kayak, or even a dinghy you know that sooner or later you lose balance, for one reason or another, and in such cases you must have a Plan B.
Now all these boats don’t offer a plan B, which means you’re likely to go overboard, and swim, and so is your fishing tackle But the wavewalk 500 has a 14 inch high saddle that you’ll fall on in such event, and in most cases that would be enough for you to regain your balance, and stand up again - dry.”

yeah I am gonna have to call major BS on this part… First off
only real-life option out there” Are you freakin kidding me??? I have paddled a Ride 135, natives, hobies, the WS commander and the Freedom Hawks… If you think this wannabe hobie cat is better bring one out and let us demo it other wise yer talkin out your butt. It may be a stable stand up fishing option but claiming it is the ONLY real-life option is utter Bull Dookie…

secondly “wavewalk 500 has a 14 inch high saddle that you’ll fall on in such event,” WTF is that??? you are gonna fall ON a saddle??? how is that going to keep you in the boat and how is that not going to hurt you? Really? If I am gonna fall out of a kayak I’d rather it be into water where it’s most likely softer than a “saddle”… And looking at the photos, good lord if you fall sideways it looks like it’ll snap your legs off at the knees…

Like I said some of us may be a little biased but if you go back through ALL the reviews on ALL the differnt kayaks so one claims to have the end-all be-all kayak. Simply it DOES NOT EXIST… kayaks are a personal choice some people sacrifice stand up stability for speed, other vice versa. If you are a salesman say so, it’s puts your comments into perspective when you bash all the other brands. I still have trouble beleiving this kayak is more than a gim

Holy crap… I just looked at the pricing… $1,248 - $1,450, rod holders installed from $55 to $65 and shipping… oh dear Lord… the basic rigged out fishing model will run you over $1,500… I can pick up a native, ride, FH or a Commander fully rigged to the teeth, rudder, paddle the whole 9 yards for that… seriously dude, bring one down here and prove it is worth that kind of money… Honestly if it is that dang good I’ll be first to post up and say so but dammmmm man…

“Paddle faster boys… I hear banjo music!”
SC Chapter Coordinator- Heroes on the Water
Charleston Director- SCKayakfishing.com
Tarpon 160os


This is a new kayak coming out. They showed it at ICAST and it looks like the perfect fishing platform for skinny waters.
