we have some major problems....

[url][/url Christian Family Gets Into A Massive Brawl With Arizona Police Officers …: https://youtu.be/UXhiQ1w9RgY

How differently would this fight have gone down if this had been a black family?

the police should have killed them all.

Saw that the other day,the police showed way more restraint than I would have…

Did the fat guy get a taser at 1:37 and then get back up to fight some more? Dropped like a rock. I’m surprised there weren’t more dead on that one.

Thats the problem. People think doing what they are directed to do by police is optional. Then when it all goes wrong its the police’s fault.

Originally posted by oops_lost

Thats the problem. People think doing what they are directed to do by police is optional. Then when it all goes wrong its the police’s fault.

Oh, you want people to take responsibility for themselves? You are asking for a bit much, aren't you?

How can we do that while our kids are playing Grand Theft Auto? I mean, I know that I didn’t have to buy the game for my kid, but they really wanted it, and it was the only way I could get them to shut up.

*** Yes, my post is sarcastic… You summed it up quite nicely actually.

Originally posted by oops_lost

Thats the problem. People think doing what they are directed to do by police is optional. Then when it all goes wrong its the police’s fault.

You hit the nail right on the head! Just do what you’re told, don’t give them any lip and it will all go fine and everyone walks away healthy.

'06 Mckee Craft
184 Marathon
DF140 Suzuki

The media fuels this crap. There was a story recently getting play about Chris Rock being stopped 6 times in a couple of weeks. No where in teh story did the story include any information as to why he was stopped OR what the outcome of these “stops” were. If he drives like a bat out of hell everywhere he goes then he should get stopped. Does he run red lights or stop signs? Did the officers treat him disresepctfully during these stops? All of that information would have painted a more accurate picture but, the media doesn’t want accuracy, they want headlines.

“Apathy is the Glove into Which Evil Slips It’s Hand”.

Go figure! A comedian who is famous for “black and white jokes”, that nobody has heard of in a few years suddenly wants to make it back to the headlines!!! Doesn’t sound deliberate at all!!!

Is it just me or did the police handle this poorly in the beginning, middle, and end of this video?

Redfish Baron Extraordinaire


Originally posted by DFreedom

The media fuels this crap. There was a story recently getting play about Chris Rock being stopped 6 times in a couple of weeks. No where in teh story did the story include any information as to why he was stopped OR what the outcome of these “stops” were. If he drives like a bat out of hell everywhere he goes then he should get stopped. Does he run red lights or stop signs? Did the officers treat him disresepctfully during these stops? All of that information would have painted a more accurate picture but, the media doesn’t want accuracy, they want headlines.

“Apathy is the Glove into Which Evil Slips It’s Hand”.

And had anything considered even remotely out of the ordinary occured, it woulda been the top story on all the news stations.

“I’m not a hundred percent in love with your tone right now…”

Originally posted by 23Sailfish

Is it just me or did the police handle this poorly in the beginning, middle, and end of this video?

Redfish Baron Extraordinaire


I think the billy clubs should have come out way sooner...
Originally posted by Black Bart
Originally posted by DFreedom

The media fuels this crap. There was a story recently getting play about Chris Rock being stopped 6 times in a couple of weeks. No where in teh story did the story include any information as to why he was stopped OR what the outcome of these “stops” were. If he drives like a bat out of hell everywhere he goes then he should get stopped. Does he run red lights or stop signs? Did the officers treat him disresepctfully during these stops? All of that information would have painted a more accurate picture but, the media doesn’t want accuracy, they want headlines.

“Apathy is the Glove into Which Evil Slips It’s Hand”.

And had anything considered even remotely out of the ordinary occured, it woulda been the top story on all the news stations.

“I’m not a hundred percent in love with your tone right now…”

WOW!! See what I mean bart? With that big brawl going on in this video,you jumped all over the chris rock subject… You just proved my point. Thanks…lmao

i watched them swing them billy clubs all over the place. why so many swings???

if they would have hit just one kneecap on each person hard enough to shatter, the fight would have been over quick fast in a hurry.

Originally posted by blackangus

WOW!! See what I mean bart? With that big brawl going on in this video,you jumped all over the chris rock subject… You just proved my point. Thanks…lmao

That's not exactly fair. What's there to say about the video? A bunch of fanatics have a brawl with cops and 2 of the fanatics get shot. Isn't that what should have happened? Is this one of those tests where everyone has to say something negative about the white people to prove they aren't racist?

Meanwhile, Chris Rock, who is notorious for racist humor is taking advantage of a very sensitive situation in order to promote himself…

What’s the rule for BB? Is he required to comment on every post that involves white on white police incidents (which there aren’t many on CF.com) before he can comment on a black man again?

Originally posted by baracuda

i watched them swing them billy clubs all over the place. why so many swings???

if they would have hit just one kneecap on each person hard enough to shatter, the fight would have been over quick fast in a hurry.

Is that a serious question?
Originally posted by skinneej
Originally posted by baracuda

i watched them swing them billy clubs all over the place. why so many swings???

if they would have hit just one kneecap on each person hard enough to shatter, the fight would have been over quick fast in a hurry.

Is that a serious question?

it is.

if a taser wont keep them on the ground. losing a knee cap will.

Originally posted by baracuda
Originally posted by skinneej
Originally posted by baracuda

i watched them swing them billy clubs all over the place. why so many swings???

if they would have hit just one kneecap on each person hard enough to shatter, the fight would have been over quick fast in a hurry.

Is that a serious question?

it is.

if a taser wont keep them on the ground. losing a knee cap will.

I don't know how cops are trained, so I couldn't answer about their technique. Honestly, I don't ever see why fists were ever used. Maybe it's because they weren't seen as a deadly threat right away. Notice that at some point there was a fight over the gun and the cop got shot. Think about that for a second... Cops always get criticized when using "too much" force. "Ah man, did you have to hit a 21 year old with a billy club???" But in this case, the cop did not use enough force and it nearly cost him his life...

In years past, I have been in many fights and the one thing I know about fights is that you can’t really plan out how it’s going to go.

Anyway, I think I read your question wrong earlier. I read it as “why did they have to use so much force?”, but I think you really meant, “why were those cops so inefficient?”. My apologies for not catching on to what you meant earlier.

Originally posted by skinneej
Originally posted by blackangus

WOW!! See what I mean bart? With that big brawl going on in this video,you jumped all over the chris rock subject… You just proved my point. Thanks…lmao

That's not exactly fair. What's there to say about the video? A bunch of fanatics have a brawl with cops and 2 of the fanatics get shot. Isn't that what should have happened? Is this one of those tests where everyone has to say something negative about the white people to prove they aren't racist?

Meanwhile, Chris Rock, who is notorious for racist humor is taking advantage of a very sensitive situation in order to promote himself…

What’s the rule for BB? Is he required to comment on every post that involves white on white police incidents (which there aren’t many on CF.com) before he can comment on a black man again?

Lol…guess Chris Rock needed some money…

You are just fooling yourself to believe there is such thing as a comedian who doesn’t want to be the center of attention!