we have some major problems....

As a defensive tactics instructor/trainer, I can tell you that we do not teach baton strikes to bony areas unless it is a lethal force threat. All the areas we usually strike are to nerve motor points.

“Apathy is the Glove into Which Evil Slips It’s Hand”.

Golly, that is just ludicrous. I can’t imagine resisting arrest like that unless they were majorly strung out on drugs or brought up in a home that had no respect for elders or authority.

I could agree with shattering a few of the knee caps since they didn’t kill them for being so stupid.

You don’t resist arrest and you don’t run from the law. Stupid is as stupid does. They could have helped with natural selection, because none of those idiots need to contribute to the future gene pool.

Even a light strike to a shin bone will drop people!

Originally posted by DFreedom

As a defensive tactics instructor/trainer, I can tell you that we do not teach baton strikes to bony areas unless it is a lethal force threat. All the areas we usually strike are to nerve motor points.

“Apathy is the Glove into Which Evil Slips It’s Hand”.

There you have it folks...

Also, I am curious… I today’s weird world, let’s say you hit someone in the knee that was resisting arrest. Even though you did it lawfully, let’s say you crushed their kneecap and they could never walk normally again. In today’s lawsuit society, could they bring a civil charge against the police department?

you are 100% correct skinee…

but i think it would be cool to have them wheeling around in one of those power chairs with “i fought the law, and the law won” song playing everywhere they went.

bring back public shaming!

Though we teach specific areas to strike that will not create any permanent damage, the officer is doing so in a dynamic situation. Because of that, you do not always hit what you intended to. Ask any lawyer, you can sue anyone for just about anything. Whether or not they prevail is another matter. If the officer followed the law and did not violate departmental policy, the department represents the officer and insurance usually pays in an event where the plaintiff sues. More often than not though, if the plaintiff was resisting, they usually do not prevail as the contributed to their own injury. It all boils down to whether it goes to trial and how smart the jury is.

“Apathy is the Glove into Which Evil Slips It’s Hand”.

Just for the record, if a cop ever pulls out the club on me, my strategy is to immediately go roly poly…

Speaking of… I can’t remember the last time I have seen a roly poly…

Originally posted by baracuda

you are 100% correct skinee…

but i think it would be cool to have them wheeling around in one of those power chairs with “i fought the law, and the law won” song playing everywhere they went.

bring back public shaming!

How do you feel about pine tar and feathers? I think that could be effective...

as long as its after memorial day. dont want to be the fashion faux pas as well wearing white feathers too early in the year.

One of these cops really could have been killed, with this video they could’ve done what ever was necessary to defuse the threat. I don’t see how they could face charges after this.

Originally posted by skinneej

Just for the record, if a cop ever pulls out the club on me, my strategy is to immediately go roly poly…

Speaking of… I can’t remember the last time I have seen a roly poly…</font id=“red”>

</font id=“quote”></blockquote id=“quote”>

Come on up to my house in a month or two, you can see all you want. Better yet, if you give me your address, I’ll mail some to you.:smiley:

Bob Van Gundy
Marine Designs,Inc.
Custom Aluminum Fabrication

Originally posted by blackangus

One of these cops really could have been killed, with this video they could’ve done what ever was necessary to defuse the threat. I don’t see how they could face charges after this.

I don't think anyone disagrees.
Originally posted by skinneej
Originally posted by blackangus

WOW!! See what I mean bart? With that big brawl going on in this video,you jumped all over the chris rock subject… You just proved my point. Thanks…lmao

That's not exactly fair. What's there to say about the video? A bunch of fanatics have a brawl with cops and 2 of the fanatics get shot. Isn't that what should have happened? Is this one of those tests where everyone has to say something negative about the white people to prove they aren't racist?

Meanwhile, Chris Rock, who is notorious for racist humor is taking advantage of a very sensitive situation in order to promote himself…

What’s the rule for BB? Is he required to comment on every post that involves white on white police incidents (which there aren’t many on CF.com) before he can comment on a black man again?


Whatever point you’re trying to make may be debatable if I’d watched the video, which I haven’t. Try again, junior.

And it’s all good, Jason, thanks. You’d be tryin’ to gain some kind of traction too if you’d gotten your a$$ beat like I did him a couple of days ago. What he fails to realize is I’m trying to help, not hurt black folks. Maybe one day he’ll understand. Maybe not…:face_with_head_bandage:

“I’m not a hundred percent in love with your tone right now…”

Originally posted by skinneej

Just for the record, if a cop ever pulls out the club on me, my strategy is to immediately go roly poly…

Speaking of… I can’t remember the last time I have seen a roly poly…

You need to watch Blackish, the ski trip weekend.

“Did you go toddler on me!?!”

Redfish Baron Extraordinaire


Originally posted by Black Bart
Originally posted by skinneej
Originally posted by blackangus

WOW!! See what I mean bart? With that big brawl going on in this video,you jumped all over the chris rock subject… You just proved my point. Thanks…lmao

That's not exactly fair. What's there to say about the video? A bunch of fanatics have a brawl with cops and 2 of the fanatics get shot. Isn't that what should have happened? Is this one of those tests where everyone has to say something negative about the white people to prove they aren't racist?

Meanwhile, Chris Rock, who is notorious for racist humor is taking advantage of a very sensitive situation in order to promote himself…

What’s the rule for BB? Is he required to comment on every post that involves white on white police incidents (which there aren’t many on CF.com) before he can comment on a black man again?


Whatever point you’re trying to make may be debatable if I’d watched the video, which I haven’t. Try again, junior.

And it’s all good, Jason, thanks. You’d be tryin’ to gain some kind of traction too if you’d gotten your a$$ beat like I did him a couple of days ago. What he fails to realize is I’m trying to help, not hurt black folks. Maybe one day he’ll understand. Maybe not…:face_with_head_bandage:

“I’m not a hundred percent in love with your tone right now…”

<hr height="1" nosha
Originally posted by blackangus
Originally posted by Black Bart
Originally posted by skinneej
Originally posted by blackangus

WOW!! See what I mean bart? With that big brawl going on in this video,you jumped all over the chris rock subject… You just proved my point. Thanks…lmao

That's not exactly fair. What's there to say about the video? A bunch of fanatics have a brawl with cops and 2 of the fanatics get shot. Isn't that what should have happened? Is this one of those tests where everyone has to say something negative about the white people to prove they aren't racist?

Meanwhile, Chris Rock, who is notorious for racist humor is taking advantage of a very sensitive situation in order to promote himself…

What’s the rule for BB? Is he required to comment on every post that involves white on white police incidents (which there aren’t many on CF.com) before he can comment on a black man again?


Whatever point you’re trying to make may be debatable if I’d watched the video, which I haven’t. Try again, junior.

And it’s all good, Jason, thanks. You’d be tryin’ to gain some kind of traction too if you’d gotten your a$$ beat like I did him a couple of days ago. What he fails to realize is I’m trying to help, not hurt black folks. Maybe one day he’ll understand. Maybe not…:face_with_head_bandage:

There were 4 more black on black shootings in Savannah last night. Let’s not add any from here, men :smiley:

Capt. Larry Teuton
lteuton at aol dot com

“Ships are the nearest things to dreams that hands have ever made.” -Robert N. Rose

Originally posted by Black Bart
Originally posted by blackangus
Originally posted by Black Bart
Originally posted by skinneej

[quote]Originally posted by blackangus

WOW!! See what I mean bart? With that big brawl going on in this video,you jumped all over the chris rock subject… You just proved my point. Thanks…lmao

That's not exactly fair. What's there to say about the video? A bunch of fanatics have a brawl with cops and 2 of the fanatics get shot. Isn't that what should have happened? Is this one of those tests where everyone has to say something negative about the white people to prove they aren't racist?

Meanwhile, Chris Rock, who is notorious for racist humor is taking advantage of a very sensitive situation in order to promote himself…

What’s the rule for BB? Is he required to comment on every post that involves white on white police incidents (which there aren’t many on CF.com) before he can comment on a black man again?


Whatever point you’re trying to make may be debatable if I’d watched the video, which I haven’t. Try again, junior.

And it’s all good, Jason, thanks. You’d be tryin’ to gain some kind of traction too if you’d gotten your a$$ beat like I did him a couple of days ago. What he fails to realize is I’m trying to help, not hurt black folks. Maybe one day he’ll u

Im done.

Originally posted by blackangus
Originally posted by Black Bart
Originally posted by blackangus
Originally posted by Black Bart
Originally posted by skinneej

[quote]Originally posted by blackangus

WOW!! See what I mean bart? With that big brawl going on in this video,you jumped all over the chris rock subject… You just proved my point. Thanks…lmao

That's not exactly fair. What's there to say about the video? A bunch of fanatics have a brawl with cops and 2 of the fanatics get shot. Isn't that what should have happened? Is this one of those tests where everyone has to say something negative about the white people to prove they aren't racist?

Meanwhile, Chris Rock, who is notorious for racist humor is taking advantage of a very sensitive situation in order to promote himself…

What’s the rule for BB? Is he required to comment on every post that involves white on white police incidents (which there aren’t many on CF.com) before he can comment on a black man again?


Whatever point you’re trying to make may be debatable if I’d watched the video, which I haven’t. Try again, junior.

And it’s all good, Jason, thanks. You’d be tryin’ to gain some kind of tra