Wednesday and Thursday?

Anyone going out to the surf to fish Wednesday or Thursday? I’m coming down for a couple of days and was hoping to get out there and fish a little bit. I know the weather won’t be great on Wednesday, but maybe Thursday. Let me know if you plan on going out and which beach you’re fishing.

If you catch this …

I took Leave i am going to be hitting Sullivans Island… planning on being there by 10am as High tide is 11:30 there bouts…

USAR 81st RSC, Ft. Jackson


**If people concentrated on the really important things in life, there’d be a shortage of fishing poles. ******* {quoted from Doug Larson}

How did you do? I was out drinking Wednesday night and decided to stay in Thursday morning. I figured the water would still be too cold for anything good.

SPC Horney, Michael

Islander Caster 12.5’ Fishing Kayak