I wish there was something I could do to help you all
I haven’t lost power since Hugo
I was younger then and it seemed like we just partied while cooking stuff that was thawing out.
Hang tough you rebels!
But get it right…
NN i missed your question, it was on some kind of swamp dwelling oak species that i didn’t recognize. you must be covered up in hedgehog mushrooms by now, that tree was loaded last year!
this gorgeous polypore is the best specimen i’ve gotten from a JI scarred live oak that has flushed in 3 different places over the years. last year the fruiting body failed to launch because it got cold right when it started, nailed the timing this year
That looks like a very young chicken of the woods, I’d say take what you can get now because they will turn into shelves and start drying out within a day or two
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