West Ashley Car Break Ins

Just wanted to let everyone know that last night in the Canterbury Woods and Springfield neighborhoods of West Ashley there were at least 5 vehicles broken in to. So let your neighbors/friends know that live in that area to check their vehicles. They got me for a handgun, new pair of Costa del Mar, and some binoculars. If anyone lives in that area or knows someone that lives in that area that has security cameras outside their house, please let me know so we can hopefully get some evidence to help convict these guys IF they are caught. I know it’s a long shot, but crime scene did get some good fingerprints out of my vehicle.

Please post the results of this if any. My house in West Ashley had an attempted break in about two weeks ago and the cops weren’t much help at all. My mother was an eye witness and got a good look at the guy and the vehicle. The cop said even if I found out who it was, the only thing they could charge them with would be vandalism due to the fact that my mom pulled up and scared them off. I’m about 5 or 6 miles from Canterbury.

“Another poon dream splintered on the rocks of reality.” --Peepod 07-25-2017

Seasick… hope you had your guns serial number written down. I had a pistol stole out of my work truck and 3 days after giving a report and serial number got my pistol back. Little bastards got caught and had a bunch of stuff with them including my pistol. Sometimes the law does some amazing things! I got lucky, thanks to the Police and having my serial number recorded in a strong box.

I’ve also etched the initial of my last name and last four of my SS number on every gun I own in a inconspicuous place.

“Why Bruce?”

Unfortunately this is becoming very common in all of West Ashley…

-Regulator 28fs
-Dolphin 18BC Pro
-Miscellaneous boats
“Everybody dances when shotgun sings” Stewart and Winfield

It doesn’t make sense to me how if the cops caught this guy in the act they could charge him with vandalism but if the home owner catches him, he’s well with in his right to legally shoot him dead. Is that messed up to anyone else?

“Another poon dream splintered on the rocks of reality.” --Peepod 07-25-2017

PSA: Hopefully this is a reminder that all of you should never leave a handgun in your vehicle overnight. I had to learn the hard way when a group blasted through our neighborhood 5 years ago and got about 9 cars with guns. Never again. (That here is trademarked, not to be used without written permission of USC Athletics, Inc.)

1979 17’ Montauk
90 Johnson

Wilderness Ride 115

It doesn't make sense to me how if the cops caught this guy in the act they could charge him with vandalism but if the home owner catches him, he's well with in his right to legally shoot him dead. Is that messed up to anyone else?

Blame the lawmakers. It is how the law is written. If he never entered your house there is no break-in so any damage done is vandalism or destruction of personal property. And, your role as the homeowner is different than the LEO (I know you know that). There are many laws/rules that frustrate the cops on the street.

We are also experiencing car break-ins and entries. Many people still in this day and age do not lock their cars. Kids or adult punks are apparently wandering neighborhoods checking every car they pass. They get lucky and find GPS units, sunglasses, change and sadly, guns.

“Apathy is the Glove into Which Evil Slips It’s Hand”, but really, who cares?

Please don’t leave handguns in your cars people!

Every day NCPD posts incident reports of the night before, and usually they include drugs and guns. With the exception of 1, the past 9 guns I’ve seen on there have been reported stolen.

PLEASE! Don’t do it! They know people leave guns in cars, it’s one of the main reasons they break in!

Wadmalaw native
16’ Bentz-Craft Flats Boat

23- I will keep you posted on if they get anything. Hopefully the “good” fingerprints were not mine. Glad your mom was able to scare them off.

Fred- Fortunately I do have serial numbers and descriptions of all my weapons. Happy to hear that you got your gun back, that gives me a little motivations that I may have the same results.

I hate that I had to learn my lesson the hard way, but I was always the guy that said “That’ll never happen to me”. Boy was I wrong. It’s a shame that this is becoming more frequent in the West Ashley Area. It has always been a quiet neighborhood, just a few punks walking around checking door handles. Hopefully they can find the gun before it falls in the wrong hands.

I would like to take this opportunity to remind everyone to keep a record of your guns, including serial numbers and photos if you can, for just this reason and for insurance purposes. I have a stack of ATF issued inventory forms if anyone wants one/some. There are also numerous excel spreadsheet ones for download on the web.

Wadmalaw native
16’ Bentz-Craft Flats Boat

23 may be a good idea to relocate some of your valuables for a little while. Never know if that smack head has intentions of returning. Take care Sir.

Let’s be real about it. If someone isn’t responsible enough to lock their car, or to remove the gun from it while unattended, they shouldn’t be allowed to have a gun to begin with.


^^^^^ That really doesn’t make any sense at all. Do you carry a weapon in your vehicle? Pistol? Shotgun or rifle during hunting season? I’m sure you do, and if so, when you go in the store do you throw your rifle on your back and walk through Wal-Mart so it’s “not unattended”? I am as responsible of a gun owner as you can get. I happened to have some hoodlum decide that he wanted to rummage through my vehicle one night and now I shouldn’t be allowed to have a gun? Pretty ignorant statement there.

Not sure what RBF said as I have him blocked, but I am sure it was just something to stir the pot.

In any case, there is a big difference between leaving it in to run in a store or school, and leaving it overnight.

1979 17’ Montauk
90 Johnson

Wilderness Ride 115

Originally posted by seasick11

^^^^^ That really doesn’t make any sense at all. Do you carry a weapon in your vehicle? Pistol? Shotgun or rifle during hunting season? I’m sure you do, and if so, when you go in the store do you throw your rifle on your back and walk through Wal-Mart so it’s “not unattended”? I am as responsible of a gun owner as you can get. I happened to have some hoodlum decide that he wanted to rummage through my vehicle one night and now I shouldn’t be allowed to have a gun? Pretty ignorant statement there.

The context of the discussion is a “handgun”, not a long gun…

No, I don’t carry a weapon with me in public as a means of self defense. I have a long gun at home for intruders and hunt occasionally. I believe people that carry weapons with them in public for self defense are walking afraid… I am not afraid, gotta go sometime and if some thug shoots me down so be it. I also am smart enough not to put myself into situations that aren’t statistically in my favor… We all have a better chance being killed in an auto accident due to some dumb ass texting, etc, than being shot in a low statistical environment.


Originally posted by Geronimo

Not sure what RBF said as I have him blocked, but I am sure it was just something to stir the pot.

In any case, there is a big difference between leaving it in to run in a store or school, and leaving it overnight.

1979 17’ Montauk
90 Johnson

Wilderness Ride 115

You’re aren’t missing anything by having him blocked. But I do understand what you are saying Fred. This was posted purely to inform people in that area as to what happened and ask for any security footage that may be available. But of course there is always “that guy” that has to try and stir the pot.

As for RBF, carrying a weapon in public for self defense does not mean they are walking afraid, it means that if they are put into a situation, they are making sure they go home to their family. This doesn’t mean they are trying to put themselves in a situation where a thug may shoot them down, because that place can happen anywhere at anytime.

That sucks Matt, hope you are able to get it back!!

One Simple Thanks!!


Originally posted by seasick11
Originally posted by Geronimo

Not sure what RBF said as I have him blocked, but I am sure it was just something to stir the pot.

In any case, there is a big difference between leaving it in to run in a store or school, and leaving it overnight.

1979 17’ Montauk
90 Johnson

Wilderness Ride 115

You’re aren’t missing anything by having him blocked. But I do understand what you are saying Fred. This was posted purely to inform people in that area as to what happened and ask for any security footage that may be available. But of course there is always “that guy” that has to try and stir the pot.

As for RBF, carrying a weapon in public for self defense does not mean they are walking afraid, it means that if they are put into a situation, they are making sure they go home to their family. This doesn’t mean they are trying to put themselves in a situation where a thug may shoot them down, because that place can happen anywhere at anytime.


However, why would someone leave their protection in their car for a thief/thug to perhaps use against them in their own home if the thug decided to break into it? Say what you want, but it was irresponsible and wreckless. If having a weapon is that important to defend, seems like it would be something a person would make sure they remembered to carry with them while parked at home…

Not meant to stir the pot what so ever. Just something I feel passionate about with all the guns floating around… The gun is now in the bad guys hands, think of it that way…


Not sure what RBF said as I have him blocked, but I am sure it was just something to stir the pot.

Sometimes I wonder why I haven’t done the same thing.

“Apathy is the Glove into Which Evil Slips It’s Hand”, but really, who cares?

Originally posted by DFreedom
Not sure what RBF said as I have him blocked, but I am sure it was just something to stir the pot.

Sometimes I wonder why I haven’t done the same thing.

“Apathy is the Glove into Which Evil Slips It’s Hand”, but really, who cares?

Perhaps you have a set, and can handle things that you may not agree with… Some folks are just snowflakes… You don’t seem to be one…