West Ashley Car Break Ins

Originally posted by seasick11

^^^^^ I am as responsible of a gun owner as you can get. I happened to have some hoodlum decide that he wanted to rummage through my vehicle one night and now I shouldn’t be allowed to have a gun? Pretty ignorant statement there.

You left an unsecured pistol overnight in your car. You likely will deny it, but I’m sure your car was unlocked. And you’ll likely deny it, but that wasn’t the first or only time you’d done it.

That doesn’t jibe with your self description of being “as responsible of a gun owner as you can get”.

With rights come responsibilities. If you’re not responsible enough to properly secure your weapons, then no…you shouldn’t have any.

Doesn’t matter if it is locked. These folks are pros. Not your typical West Ashley HS losers. They got into my locked truck by peeling the driver window out of the frame. The glass was in tact on the ground in one piece, but cracked a bit on the corner. The cops said they are pros and know how to get into cars and houses very quietly. They even broke into a house with an alarm, ran upstairs, grabbed the gun out of the nightstand and was gone before the alarm system even called the cops. They are looking for guns mainly. Will target trucks with hunting and fishing stickers. An NRA member sticker is a definite target to get broken into.

If you have a Yeti sticker, they will just break into daddy’s truck.

1979 17’ Montauk
90 Johnson

Wilderness Ride 115

Originally posted by Richard Beer Froth

Let’s be real about it. If someone isn’t responsible enough to lock their car, or to remove the gun from it while unattended, they shouldn’t be allowed to have a gun to begin with.


RBF… kiss my arse. Where I live is way off the beaten path and I have never once locked a vehicle. Sometimes still don’t. Mostly do now. On MY private property I should have total privacy. Honestly I wish I could have caught the perp and made an example out of him.

This is what’s wrong with society today… People want to give Criminals an excuses for doing wrong. There is no excuse for someone entering private property uninvited!

Your mindset is part of the problem. Thank you for enabling thugs. ~~~

Even you thick skull should be able to see the problem in what you posted. Kind of like all those that think the Military should cater to Transgender folk. Wrong is wrong.

Just because someone chooses to live in a crowded city neighbor hood does not give Criminals the right to steal.

“Why Bruce?”

Originally posted by seasick11


Fred- Fortunately I do have serial numbers and descriptions of all my weapons. Happy to hear that you got your gun back, that gives me a little motivations that I may have the same results.

My father-in-law is a retired Air force and retired Police officer, He was the one that persuaded me to make a serial number list of all firearms I own. Took a couple of Rainy Sundays and and made a list of all serial #s and scribed everything. It has paid off for me, otherwise I would have lost my pistol forever.

Shame we have to have degenerate thugs in our Society. :roll_eyes: I know we have a few bad apples, but for the most part our Law officers are the best of the best. Those that say otherwise are just guilty of something and pissed off. :wink:

“Why Bruce?”

Originally posted by Geronimo

Doesn’t matter if it is locked. These folks are pros.

If you have a Yeti sticker, they will just break into daddy’s truck.

^^^^^^ +10

Got a vehicle that is locked and you need to get into it? I can do it very easily and I’m not a thief. It is not hard to do. Matter of fact Harbor Freight sells a kit for little of nothing that gives instructions for most all cars and trucks. Then of course it is very easy and if done right very quite to bust a side or back window out.

People need to quit pandering to thugs… there is NO excuse for a sorry piece of trash stealing. Black and White people… no grey.

“Why Bruce?”

Originally posted by Fred67
Originally posted by Richard Beer Froth

Let’s be real about it. If someone isn’t responsible enough to lock their car, or to remove the gun from it while unattended, they shouldn’t be allowed to have a gun to begin with.


RBF… kiss my arse. Where I live is way off the beaten path and I have never once locked a vehicle. Sometimes still don’t. Mostly do now. On MY private property I should have total privacy. Honestly I wish I could have caught the perp and made an example out of him.

This is what’s wrong with society today… People want to give Criminals an excuses for doing wrong. There is no excuse for someone entering private property uninvited!

Your mindset is part of the problem. Thank you for enabling thugs. ~~~

Even you thick skull should be able to see the problem in what you posted. Kind of like all those that think the Military should cater to Transgender folk. Wrong is wrong.

Just because someone chooses to live in a crowded city neighbor hood does not give Criminals the right to steal.

“Why Bruce?”

Well, there is a difference in book smart and street smart. Street smart person would never leave a weapon in a car sitting at the house overnight. Your reasoning is similar to the liberals that argue that a hot scantily dressed women walking the streets/back alleys at night shouldn’t have to be worried about being raped because it is the thugs fault, not hers… In theory, I agree. But, common sense says it is irresponsible…


Originally posted by Richard Beer Froth

Well, there is a difference in book smart and street smart. Street smart person would never leave a weapon in a car sitting at the house overnight. Your reasoning is similar to the liberals that argue that a hot scantily dressed women walking the streets/back alleys at night shouldn’t have to be worried about being raped because it is the thugs fault, not hers… In theory, I agree. But, common sense says it is irresponsible…


If you put it like that… but what about a person that has weapon locked in a vehicle locked in a compartment in a private yard?

Don’t defend thugs RBF!! I think a woman should be able to walk where she pleases dressed how ever she wants. Anyone that takes advantage of her should be shot in the head. This is AMERICA!!! are you forgetting that?? Quit being a pu@@y crime needs to stop!! Didn’t have so much of it when 90% of Americans would shoot your arse and the law would defend them!

We are becoming a candy apple nation and your replies and others are showing it.

“Why Bruce?”

Originally posted by Fred67
Originally posted by Richard Beer Froth

Well, there is a difference in book smart and street smart. Street smart person would never leave a weapon in a car sitting at the house overnight. Your reasoning is similar to the liberals that argue that a hot scantily dressed women walking the streets/back alleys at night shouldn’t have to be worried about being raped because it is the thugs fault, not hers… In theory, I agree. But, common sense says it is irresponsible…


If you put it like that… but what about a person that has weapon locked in a vehicle locked in a compartment in a private yard?

Don’t defend thugs RBF!! I think a woman should be able to walk where she pleases dressed how ever she wants. Anyone that takes advantage of her should be shot in the head. This is AMERICA!!! are you forgetting that?? Quit being a pu@@y crime needs to stop!! Didn’t have so much of it when 90% of Americans would shoot your arse and the law would defend them!

We are becoming a candy apple nation and your replies and others are showing it.

“Why Bruce?”

You are missing the point. Yes, criminals need to be held accountable… However, do you look both ways when crossing the street walking at a red light? Hopefully yes, because that is the real world smart thing to do. Leaving a gun that a thug could use against you if they decide to break into your house after taking it from the vehicle isn’t smart no matter how you spin it…

Again, because someone left a gun in a vehicle overnight for a thug to easily steal, the bad guys have one more in

"Didn’t have so much of it when 90% of Americans would shoot your arse and the law would defend them! "

When exactly was this? Crime rate has gone down for 30 years.

First, Most, Biggest

Originally posted by Great White

"Didn’t have so much of it when 90% of Americans would shoot your arse and the law would defend them! "

When exactly was this? Crime rate has gone down for 30 years.

First, Most, Biggest

It rose highly through the hippy years and depending on what chart you care to look at some “gentle” crimes have slowed down, but Violent Gun related crimes has risen. Take a look at violent crimes in our cities…

“Why Bruce?”

Maybe I read your post wrong Fred, but if you leave a gun in your truck on your property and don’t lock it, that is very negligent. I hope that is not case, but if so you might want to rethink this practice.

1979 17’ Montauk
90 Johnson

Wilderness Ride 115

Fred is trying to say that whether a vehicle is locked or not, todays thugs can get into a vehicle without you even knowing. It is really not that hard to do. Even though my console was locked they got in to it without any sign of damage. Should people take their firearms in the house at night? Maybe, maybe not, prior to this incident, I liked to have it in my truck in case I found myself in a situation that I needed to control or if someone needed my help. Am I putting myself in a bad situation helping someone else out? Yes, but that is just how I am wired, which many other combat vets I know will agree with. I would rather be judged by 12 than carried by 6. But the chances of them taking a weapon out of my truck and then using it on me in my house is 0%. Between the locked doors in my home, security alarm, and the fact that once the alarm goes off I have a loaded weapon withing 5 steps of wherever I am in the house. Yes, it sucks that now another pistol is on the street.

Fred, I think you are wasting you breathe with RBF, I started this talking about looking for security footage and now he’s talking about rape. You’re fighting with a brick wall right now.

The moral of this story is, like many of you have already said, is no matter where you keep you guns, it always pays off to have a list of all the serial numbers and pictures of them all. I hope this doesn’t happen to anyone else. I feel that this conversation is going nowhere so let’s just take a chill pill and get some beer on ice for the weekend.

There is no situation where you should leave your gun in the car overnight. Always take it inside. Using the excuse that a thief is going to get it whether it is locked or not can easily be resolved by not having it there to start with. It’s about keeping the firearm out of the hands of criminals. To leave one in a car and not lock the doors is just beyond stupid, and I don’t have the energy to lay out all the reasons why. If you need to be told why that is a bad idea then you shouldn’t own a gun. Period.

1979 17’ Montauk
90 Johnson

Wilderness Ride 115

How long are we going to beat this dead horse. We are just going around in circles right now. This conversation was over a long time ago.

And Fred, if you can’t lock your doors on your vehicle, you probably shouldn’t own a vehicle either. It may get in the wrong hands. :wink:

You still don’t get it.

1979 17’ Montauk
90 Johnson

Wilderness Ride 115

Geronimo, it was a joke, so relax. If you don’t have any security footage of these guys or leads then you really have nothing else to add to this conversation.

Originally posted by Geronimo

There is no situation where you should leave your gun in the car overnight. Always take it inside. Using the excuse that a thief is going to get it whether it is locked or not can easily be resolved by not having it there to start with. It’s about keeping the firearm out of the hands of criminals. To leave one in a car and not lock the doors is just beyond stupid, and I don’t have the energy to lay out all the reasons why. If you need to be told why that is a bad idea then you shouldn’t own a gun. Period.

1979 17’ Montauk
90 Johnson

Wilderness Ride 115

I’ve still got an old revolver locked in my truck, locked in the center console. It is under video and the dogs stay out in the yard now. I’ve got no problem keeping it there. If I lived in a a crowded neighborhood I wouldn’t do this.

“Why Bruce?”

RBF, what happened in here? Looks like they all jumped you. I think you’re just misunderstood

Originally posted by PeaPod

RBF, what happened in here? Looks like they all jumped you. I think you’re just misunderstood

Yeah, I attribute it all to shark week… It has everyone on edge…