What does the NAACP have to say about this weekend

??? What do they have to say about the shootings in Myrtle Beach and Clearwater? I’m sure they are too busy trying to sue businesses that closed this weekend. When will they open their eyes to the real problem?

MB City Council was meeting today with locals and business owners to decide the future of any more of the events. It is my fervent hope that this was the last year of the nonsense. Every year it is one issue after another, businesses lose money, fights, purposely riding in big groups with no regard to traffic, tons of dine and dash, racing bikes in neighborhoods, disrupting the entire community etc. Now we have murders in the streets. These people that come here act like animals with zero respect for anyone of any race, age or gender who live in the community.

Some are well behaved and respectful but are normally older and mature, those are much fewer and further between.

Pioneer 222 Sportfish Yamaha F300
Yeah, but do you consider a dog to be a filthy animal? I wouldn’t go so far as to call a dog filthy but they’re definitely dirty. But, a dog’s got personality. Personality goes a long way.

“Life’s tough…It’s even tougher if you’re stupid” John Wayne

I watched some of the city council meeting today.

There were black and white people (permanent residents of Myrtle Beach) saying that it had to stop.

They will do something about it, or the mayor and entire city council will be gone after the next election. Pretty much everyone told the mayor and city counsel that they feared for their lives and could not leave their homes Thursday, Friday, and Saturday nights. One retired military guy got up and said it was scarier than Iraq.

Semper Fi
18’ Sterling
115 Yamaha
Big Ugly Homemade Blue Push Pole

Raise the fine for traffic violations done on a motorcycle to immediate impoundment of the motorcycle, $500 fine, and one free mandatory bus ride to whatever state your driver’s license says.

… The Cross of Christ is the anvil upon which the hammer of evil wore itself out.

My brother owns a very nice restaurant in N Myrtle Beach. He has closed his restaurant during Black Bike Week for the past 4 years. He was tired of people skipping out on paying their tab, trashing the rest rooms, cutting the table cloths, trashing the parking lot, not to mention the way they acted and talked while in the restaurant. More than half of his waitress staff said they would never work during BBW again. The decent,paying vacationers told him and his staff they would never come back to Myrtle Beach again. If you let these bikers do whatever they want, it will only get worse.

If you’ve never seen it you would not believe it. You won’t hear squat out of the NAACP because they cannot “legitimately” blame anyone but the perpetrators. It is like their stance against the flag. In reality, it doesn’t hurt anyone or anything but, they choose that as an issue because they can blame the legislature and racist whites when it isn’t taken down. If they really cared at all about the black community, they would attempt to tackle black on black crime, drug use, school dropouts, illiteracy and the 75% of babies born out of wedlock. Why don’t they tackle any of these issues? Because, when they fail to show any substantial improvement, they have no one to blame but themselves.

“Apathy is the Glove into Which Evil Slips It’s Hand”.

Kind of like the NAACP doesn’t mention the numbers of the Black population making up 14-16% of American population and 68% of prison population is Black… I’m an admitted homophob, but not a racist. I judge a man by his moral character and work ethic. It is what it is. I’ve been on a bike in MB during Black Bike week. Never again, I was totally revolted and ashamed. The lack of respect for the fellow WORKING American citizen was by far utterly insane. The disrespect for women was the worst I’ve seen.

Originally posted by Fred67

Kind of like the NAACP doesn’t mention the numbers of the Black population making up 14-16% of American population and 68% of prison population is Black…

sure they mention it. they comment how racist it is for so many black people to be locked up, but fail to acknowledge the frequency and severity of the crimes committed by this demographic.

What Bill Oreilly has to say about it!


nothing will change until the overall black community decides they want to change, if a white person states the facts they are labeled as a racist

Pioneer 197SF

They (NAACP) will never have any integrity (if that’s even possible) unless they honestly address their own issues. Just like the examples DFreedom gave.
The role of always being the victim no matter the behavior gets old.

They can’t teach their kids to wear their pants around their rears, then get mad and scream discrimination if no one gives them a job…just one more example. :slight_smile:

Billy Pittman
USCG Licensed Captain
—Team Pitt Crew–
Sailfish 236CC

Any move by the government will be met with a race card attack followed up with a drum beat from the media. It will end up like a civil right movement with white cops oppressing blacks and it will result in more blacks taking over local governments. The NAACP doesn’t have to say word they get front men to do the shouting and then finance there operations. They get a free pass as an organization that brings racial harmony.

Originally posted by DFreedom

If you’ve never seen it you would not believe it. You won’t hear squat out of the NAACP because they cannot “legitimately” blame anyone but the perpetrators. It is like their stance against the flag. In reality, it doesn’t hurt anyone or anything but, they choose that as an issue because they can blame the legislature and racist whites when it isn’t taken down. If they really cared at all about the black community, they would attempt to tackle black on black crime, drug use, school dropouts, illiteracy and the 75% of babies born out of wedlock. Why don’t they tackle any of these issues? Because, when they fail to show any substantial improvement, they have no one to blame but themselves.

“Apathy is the Glove into Which Evil Slips It’s Hand”.

^^^^^^^ THIS. You’re response gave me goosebumps. Well said, DFree.

“I’m not a hundred percent in love with your tone right now…”

im just curious what happens during the regular bike week, similar or not similar?

“mr keys”

Originally posted by northchucky

im just curious what happens during the regular bike week, similar or not similar?

“mr keys”

not even close, crowded as heck, but not close. Much more respect for Hotel and restaurant workers. Biggest issue that I know of is the noise that is part of Bike Week.

For example, a hotel room for 2. Add 4 for bike week. Add 12 for Black bike week. Maybe not the best example but close. To have fun money in some way needs to be present. During “Black” Bike week it “seems” that any way to avoid paying is the way to go.

Am I wrong??

How can they stop it is the serious question…?? Just make it miserable on them via helmet laws…? What else is there…?

I’ve worked Harley Week a few times, BBW 12 times. ABSOLUTELY NO COMPARISON. Harley Week is loud and the traffic is bad. There is the occasional baring of breasts and I have seen a fist fight or two. BBW is loud, the traffic is bad, the constant pounding of rap music with every other word being Fk, Bch, Ho, or N*ger. Public nudity and sexual acts are very common. Armed robberies, car/bike thefts skyrocket. They will eat and leave an absolute mess and no tip and will often skip out without paying. They pull up to a gas pump, 10 - 20 bikes at a time, fill up and take off. They will walk into a convenience store, grab beer and walk out. They cut in and out of traffic, ride on the side walks and run red lights all day long.

Last year while driving on King’s Hwy, my partner and I pull up behind a pickup truck that had plastic sheeting in the bed and was full of foamy water and 3 totally naked women. Many of these people give no thought as to their behavior and are oblivious to the fact that they are doing this stuff in front of families and decent people. There were more shooting deaths at this years BBW than than there has been at every Harley Week ever held in MB. In fact, there have been exactly 0 shooting deaths during Harley Week.

“Apathy is the Glove into Which Evil Slips It’s Hand”.

“There were more shooting deaths at this years BBW than than there has been at every Harley Week ever held in MB. In fact, there have been exactly 0 shooting deaths during Harley Week.”

This is the type of facts the NAACP hides from, which is why you will here nothing from them.

Just heard on the new they are blaming the shooting on the POLICE for not enough show of FORCE in myrtle beach this weekend.

So just have 10,000 officers an nothing will happen like that again.

Still NO ONE is to blame but POLICE, for all the SHOOTING.

The city of Atlanta somehow figured out how to shut down Freaknik. I think they should look into how they managed that.