You still homebound?
negative, will be rooting around west jeff next week for a few
text you once i’m officially on vacation later today
Im jealous of that roast beef,I’d drown that spud in that au jus, but that butter and sour cream make my mouth water.
Good stuff,
Country Cookin’ Makes You Good Lookin’
Guess you and Alfredo have gobbled down cheap Vienna sausages and Toast Chee crackers for too long…
Thanks Barbawang!!! You just reminded me I’ve still got a three pack of those eggs in the freezer. I love them frozen. Cadbury takes me back to a kid and Mom getting a Cadbury bar because it Reminded her of England.
If ya ever get a chance try the quality street assortment box. You used to not be able to get them in the states… https://www.amazon.com/Nestle-Quality-Assorted-Wrapped-Chocolates/dp/B00MW29K6O/ref=asc_df_B00MW29K6O/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=241906632927&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=18067885472166348611&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9010542&hvtargid=pla-575952104530&psc=1
That would be one serving of bacon…
Bacon bits
Runny egg
Leftover braised flounder in spicy tomato sauce
Squeeze of lemon
Shake of pepper
Last night was skirt steak from our last butchered steer. aged 30 days. Was very happy with Cordray’s. Also picked up an apple wood smoked ham from them that was delicious. they sell them in the lobby along with over stuff if anyone is interested.
Wife likes her’s well done. This new to me kinders seasoning is pretty good
I like mine mooing…
Fred I got my wife to go from wanting her steak gray on the inside to almost mooing over the years, I consider it one of my greatest accomplishments in the relationship.
When I bring a new kind of fish home, the girls’ first question is “can we eat it raw?”
OTC, we gonna try this thing out later today
And thanks for the tip- I’ll try that assortment box for the next special mom sort of occasion!
Wife says after 10 minutes scrape the ice cream from the edges. And top off the ice .
And if you’re going to add chocolate chips or peaches or anything like that do it to 10 minute mark.
The wife and I had Mexican the other night. It was okay should have asked for the authentic Mexican menu.
Or as I say traditional…