What I Just Ate

Me like you stuffed chiliesā€¦

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Didnā€™t feel like fooling with charcoal so I broke out the little camper grill.

And my gas grill has a snake skin in it definitely donā€™t feel like dealing with that tonight. Just in case the other part of the skin is still in there

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Not my corn Fred; its the neighborā€™s across the fireline from me. Itā€™ll be a good fall for me though!

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EF, that okra looks amazeballs.

Gottcha. I thought you got into farming big time!!

The corn will help keep them around, but a peanut or soy bean crop is much better for bringing in the woods goats. How did all that lime do ya? Needs some pics of the sun flowers. I did a small plot of clay peas. They made it 3 days tops after sprouting. I wish they would eat fennel.

The sunflowers havenā€™t been in the ground all that long; I planted late on those just out of laziness.

Cow peas are doing great. Deer are putting the hammer down on em. I keep discing and planting new strips of peas every 5-6 weeks. The old peas get overtaken by weeds after a few months anyways. They love the new growth.

They are coming faster than i can give them away

Ever eat it raw? I love raw okra. Iā€™ll eat it right off the branch, rarely makes to the dinner table!

Probably not anything new to you seasoned dudes, but either in the grill or broiled in the oven. leave them whole, Rub it in some olive oil and sprinkle/rub your favorite seasoning and almost blacken them. Good stuff. I love okra most any way, even boiled and slimy. Doesnā€™t take a lot of okra plants to overwhelm ya, miss a day and you have to throw a lot on the ground.

Good that sounds like a good idea with the grillā€¦

Food trucks at the VA in Charlestonā€¦
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Any one try vacuum sealing without doing anything to it? I did that with squash and it turned out good. I been pickling a lot

Station 17

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It made a good picture for the absolute worst fried green tomatoes Ive ever had



First the mushroom and now this?

This one will eat the whole bag of peanuts and her sister will finish the watermelon

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Between you and split tail,the boys donā€™t stand a chance.haha

Karma bites again for the OPā€¦ :rofl:

Hereā€™s a new beer to try. Good flavor, but drinking the four pack will make you unable to drive. After one I felt a slight buzz.

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