What I Just Ate

I know how you feel b.
All of my good cooking gear stays in the shop.

My chinese cabbage recipe given to my by my Hunan pal Won Hung Lo

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No Skillett?

I love cabbage like that. Throw some spicy or garlic grilled chicken on top of that and call it good.

Fred is having a hard time logging in now, but he asked me to post this in the grocery thread so we’d know hes alive and well.

bon appetite

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You guys are killing me with all that good looking stuff. Haven’t had a Viena weenie in years. That, moon pies and RC Cola/Orange Crush was standard fare on my grandfather’s boat. Oh, and sardines and saltines.

You had me until the sardines. My boat still rarely leaves the dock without vienna sausages, crackers and potted meat on board. Just can’t quite stomach the sardines. Swap out the RC Cola for a cheerwine (glass bottle only) and I’m golden!

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That’s probably should have went in the favorite pocket knife section, U.S. Kershaw. Spring assist and if sharpened proper holds an edge through extreme punishment. Comes from factory arm shaving sharp. this same knife filleted about 40 dolphin and maybe even more snapper last vacation, plus several ciro.

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Making jerky today to bring with me tomorrow

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Thats a nice dehydrator

Actually it’s just a cheap hundred dollar electric smoker I got from the hardware store a few years back.

Do you smoke it, or just use the heat to make your jerky?

Ive never smoked any

Yes I put a handful of chips in when I plug it in.Keep it about 170 until done.

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Redneck Spaghetti…

You will love this Mixed. Last Thursday I had 2 pints of fried oysters from Marvins on Dorchester ! About 1/2 made it home

Hot out there, a mid afternoon milkshake is one of the better things a sweaty fellow can do for himself on a hot day

well that and a mid-morning courtesy wipe

Stay cool out there