What is your latest stock purchase?

Originally posted by CaptFritz

facebook doing shady things again. Can’t believe they are a 600 billion dollar company. The crap they are pulling with censorship is causing folks to stop using it. God forbid one of the Kardashians comes out and makes a negative comment about it, One of them did that about snapchat and erased over 1 billion dolllars of “worth” for the company.

After being released, a lot of fish die, but a lot of them live also.

Don’t use azzbook. Shouldn’t be a surprise to anyone, IMO. Gonna testify before Congress and ask for more regulation. Why is that??.

Another left wing douche!

I don’t understand all the facebook outrage this week. is it new information that your information is sifted and algorithm’d so they can spy on your every move?

my guess about overlord zuck and his implicit agreement to be regulated is that it creates entry barriers for any competition that might arise.

yall have probably done this, but if not, read the disclaimers on these mobile apps sometime. they can use your phone however they want including opening your camera and mic, monitoring phone calls, etc

we’ve handed over our privacy already

Buying into defense contractors, Gen Dynamics, Lockheed, Boeing, Haliburton, etc.

I’d rather fish than eat.

A gun in the hand is better than a cop on the phone.

In God We Trust

Originally posted by Taz

Buying into defense contractors, Gen Dynamics, Lockheed, Boeing, Haliburton, etc.

I’d rather fish than eat.

A gun in the hand is better than a cop on the phone.

In God We Trust

Did the same a few months back. Our military was really ignored over the last 8 years. Had my financial advisor put a chunk in that area. We’ll see. moved a lot to stocks and bonds and actually put a little in bitcoin… Real Estate seems like a good choice and I still like to move a little around on penny stocks for mad money.