What to target in March

Hey Everyone,

As a relative newby to Bluffton/HHI, I’d appreciate some advice on what to target this time of year. I have access to Colleton River for fishing and access to a boat to get out to HHI or PRS.

Any advice on what to target and with what type of bait/lure would be much appreciated. Able to head offshore if there’s any action on the wrecks. Would love to show my daughter some fish while we’re in town in a couple of weeks.

Thanks in advance for any suggestions or advice.

In March the redfish will still be in their winter pattern of large schools in shallow water. There will be a few fish starting to break apart and get more active at high tide. Once the bait shows up, mullet, the water will get dirty and the fish become hard to see.April can be the toughest fishing of the year as the schools break up and the winds keep the flats churned up. The best baits are going to be something scented, gulp probably the best. Rootbeer schrimp is always a good bet. Go by Southern Drawl Outfitters and they will point you in the right direction.

1802 Action Craft. 115 yamaha.

Thanks for the info… Looking forward to trying to find those redfish!

And totally agree, the guys at Southern Drawl are awesome. Always willing to help out when I’ve stopped by in the past.

Trout become active along grasslines in April. You might find a few in late March. Jigs/grubs or mud minnows under popping corks 2 hr. B4 high tide when the incoming tide brings in clear water is best. Set your bait at least 4 ft. under the cork. Grassy points where big creeks join a larger river are prime. I hear topwater @ daybreak is fun!


1980 Skandia 21 w/ '93 JohnRude 150 gas drinker