When is a lion more important than Man?

Evidently right here and now. How does a Lion get more attention than than Planned Parenthood for chopping up dead babies for resell:question:

Come on people!! a freaking Lion! Big deal! Peta wants to now hang Walter Palmer and let his wife and children be homeless!!!
Why is the Dentist(Walter Palmer) being crucified for going on a hunt after following all the legal procedures? The man is now in forced hiding because of a bunch of liberal uniformed idiots.

I know many people on this site do not agree with me on some rants and raves. No big deal. I can deal with that. Queerness is wrong, queer marriage is even wronger. All the Queerness aside, killing a human baby and selling it!!! IF ANYONE on this site can agree with KILLING HUMAN BABIES … well to HELL with you. Really!, straight to Hell. And if you don’t believe in HEll, I hope your legs and arms fall off. When the killing of a Lion makes more news than the suffering of Millions of Humans, we as the HUMAN RACE have failed miserably.:roll_eyes:

cut and paste:

“Christians were slaughtered in the Middle East, political prisoners were tortured and executed in North Korea and Iran, Americans fell prey to crime and violence spilling over our southern border, and about 3,000 human children were butchered in abortion clinics, some of which were then dissected and sold on the black market ? but this one unfortunate beast in a forest 9,000 miles away trumped all of these”

Fred, I think your post sums up what is wrong with the world today. I saw a girl post on facebook how the dentist should be prosecuted for killing the lion. The very next day, same girl makes a post saying she doesn’t understand why people are getting upset with selling the baby parts. Her rational was that they were going to end up in the dumpster anyway, so might as well use them for a good cause… She was serious… I think that the problem is that “pro-choice” people see an unborn baby as some sort of abstract entity. You know, just as long as they don’t have to actually look at it, or see the heart beat on the ultrasound, or pretend that it’s not moving… It’s not really a living human until it exits the ****** hole… That’s their rational…

I think that anyone who is pro-abortion should be forced to look at a baby on an ultrasound while hooked up to a polygraph and claim aloud that what they are seeing is not a living human being. I think that would settle the debate once and for all…

I mean come on… Not only does the “pro-choice” crowd want to deny the right to life of an “unborn” human being, but then, they want to deny it’s right to a proper burial, or the right to choose whether it get’s chopped up for spare parts or not… What’s worse is that if indeed there is a profit to chopping up a baby, how long until you get “professional” mother’s who purposely get pregnant in order to sell their abortion for $30K as their full time job? Isn’t that the obviously slippery slope here?

America has strayed so far from Godliness at this point, it’s starting to get pretty scary…

Originally posted by skinneej

I think that anyone who is pro-abortion should be forced to look at a baby on an ultrasound while hooked up to a polygraph and claim aloud that what they are seeing is not a living human being. I think that would settle the debate once and for all…

America has strayed so far from Godliness at this point, it’s starting to get pretty scary…

If that did not settle the debate, then the person does not belong with humanity.

Yes sir, this World is getting pretty scary with all the liberal actions and teachings.

Still think the biggest influence is our liberal media spewing do-do and the cool-aid crowd believing everything they hear.

Fred you might look in to what the institutions of higher learning are putting out. Brain washed zombies spouting the libtard line every time they open the fly catcher(oral).

Some people are just delusional. Even if you stand for animal rights…200,000 acres of rainforest are destroyed every day which results in an estimated loss of over 100 species a day. One person shoots a lion though and everyone becomes an environmentalist.

“Edaniel is a compromising liberal, according to past threads, so consider that info here too.” - mac daddy

Originally posted by Edistodaniel

One person shoots a lion though and everyone becomes an environmentalist.

And they discuss it over lunch while eating a hamburger topped with some bacon and egg...

I wonder how many of them care about commercially raised farm\food animals…

Hey now I’ll eat a bacon egg burger and talk about saving the rainforest all day

“Edaniel is a compromising liberal, according to past threads, so consider that info here too.” - mac daddy

wearthefishes, well played…

Wait. babies come out of the ******hole?

“I am not involved in this thread, only helping Fred understand who he is dealing with.”

Vachina is a band* word…

The libtards can clear this all up with the new and improved PETA, Predators Eating Tasty People!!!

It is a bit disturbing how public outcry over the death of an animal can be louder than the outcry over the death of a police officer or service man/woman. Or any human for that matter.

“Apathy is the Glove into Which Evil Slips It’s Hand”.

Big Bad Hunter? Not

tie a dead animal to a jeep, drag around to lure a lion(wearing a GPS collar)out of the refuge,and shoot it?

Wow,what a sportsman!

If this dentist wants to play Billy bad-ass,then go in the bush and track a lion,get postioned and take a kill shot.Dont lure some 13 yr old lion out of the park and take a half ass shot that doesn’t kill.


What would have happened to Cecil


Cecil was also marked for removal soon. It’s a lion, poachers kill them by the truckload along with hippos, rhinos, cape buffalo, elephants, and ever other animal in that cesspool of existence called Africa. At least someone somewhere made some money off this poaching. And people might have loved Cecil but, Cecil would have killed and eaten them then tuned them into piles of cat ****.

Pioneer 222 Sportfish Yamaha F300
Yeah, but do you consider a dog to be a filthy animal? I wouldn’t go so far as to call a dog filthy but they’re definitely dirty. But, a dog’s got personality. Personality goes a long way.

“Life’s tough…It’s even tougher if you’re stupid” John Wayne

Originally posted by poly ball

tie a dead animal to a jeep, drag around to lure a lion(wearing a GPS collar)out of the refuge,and shoot it?
Wow,what a sportsman!
If this dentist wants to play Billy bad-ass,then go in the bush and track a lion,get postioned and take a kill shot.Dont lure some 13 yr old lion out of the park and take a half ass shot that doesn’t kill.


I haven’t really kept up with the story after it broke but this is why people are mad. It’s not THAT a lion was killed but HOW a lion was killed and WHAT specific lion was killed. Thousands of people die every day but nobody has time to worry about every life in the world. If you did spend all your time worrying about it every death in the world you will live a bleak life.
If somebody stole and fried up head coot Cocky one day the outrage would be the same. And the mad people all eat chicken too. If some Japanese guy guy speared flipper on Folly there would be outrage too.

Welcome to reality. There are stories all day long on every channel, website, and magazine that are not related to “hard news”. Kardashians, sports, Cecil, year old plane crash wreckage, cheating politicians, Bruce-Cait, walking dead, gold rush, gangnam style, sharknado, etc. You could go on and on about stuff that is unimportant but garners lots of attention. In reality 99.99999% of the world buys into this to some extent. I highly doubt anyone here has abandoned fishing, hunting, sports, or the rest of their hobbies so they can politically fight against abortion, government spending, war, immigration, world hunger, health care cost, or tuition hikes. There are over 300 million people in this country and not a single o

Originally posted by poly ball

Big Bad Hunter? Not

tie a dead animal to a jeep, drag around to lure a lion(wearing a GPS collar)out of the refuge,and shoot it?

Wow,what a sportsman!

If this dentist wants to play Billy bad-ass,then go in the bush and track a lion,get postioned and take a kill shot.Dont lure some 13 yr old lion out of the park and take a half ass shot that doesn’t kill.


Sounds like you were there. Tell us more about the hunt...

Want to restore your faith in brave hunters-Google Jim Corbett-buy and read his Man-Eater book-guarantied to give you nightmares.
Bravest hunter I have ever read about-truth-not fiction.

“Watch what we do, not what we say.” John Mitchell
Sea Hunt Triton 202
Yammy 150

Canned hunts are big business i n Africa, heard a story on NPR about something like 8000 lions a year are born in captivity and slowly culled out for canned hunts…the rest were skinned and sold for their fir.All thecwhile government figure heads were making sure they got a cut

Originally posted by capehorn 16

Canned hunts are big business i n Africa, heard a story on NPR about something like 8000 lions a year are born in captivity and slowly culled out for canned hunts…the rest were skinned and sold for their fir.All thecwhile government figure heads were making sure they got a cut

Someone should get a cut...