When is a lion more important than Man?

shooting Cecil is like these fellas running around shootin tame mallards,whats become of the world today,jeezus

Originally posted by poly ball

shooting Cecil is like these fellas running around shootin tame mallards,whats become of the world today,jeezus

Who had the better chance, Cecil unchained or a baby in the womb?

Originally posted by poly ball

shooting Cecil is like these fellas running around shootin tame mallards,whats become of the world today,jeezus

How do you know this? Do you lion hunt?
Originally posted by poly ball

shooting Cecil is like these fellas running around shootin tame mallards,whats become of the world today,jeezus

How about quail? :wink::wink: You ever shot one that came from a flight pen? Give it up bolly.

Originally posted by poly ball

Big Bad Hunter? Not

tie a dead animal to a jeep, drag around to lure a lion(wearing a GPS collar)out of the refuge,and shoot it?

Wow,what a sportsman!

If this dentist wants to play Billy bad-ass,then go in the bush and track a lion,get postioned and take a kill shot.Dont lure some 13 yr old lion out of the park and take a half ass shot that doesn’t kill.


I’m surprised that not more of your kind have replied. The Big bad Dentist Hunter hired some guides from half way around the world and they delivered a Lion and he shot it with a BOW and ARROW, he did not lure it off the reserve. He only shot it as he paid to do. Do I think it was sporting? NO.</font id=“red”> Do I think killing big game animals for a trophy only is good? NO.</font id=“red”>

Do I think the trophy hunting of a Lion trumps killing babies? HELL NO. </font id=“red”>

As to your reply, you completely ignored the whole point as I know your kind does. When is a lion more important than Man? Never. with the exception of kid touchers, thieves, rapists, terrorists, etc.

The guy paid over $50K for the lion. I don’t care what anyone says about what he did, but it’s obvious that he paid up front for that lion.
Before Cecil the main source of conservation funds in Africa came from big game hunter fees. Now they are awash in donations from all over the world. It wouldn’t surprise me to find that the dentist was set up.

Originally posted by mcvlbound

The guy paid over $50K for the lion. I don’t care what anyone says about what he did, but it’s obvious that he paid up front for that lion.
Before Cecil the main source of conservation funds in Africa came from big game hunter fees. Now they are awash in donations from all over the world. It wouldn’t surprise me to find that the dentist was set up.

I wonder how much of the donations will actually make it to the conservation cause and how much will line pockets…

“Kleenex, The Official Sponsor of Fishb8”

Originally posted by pitviper0404
Originally posted by mcvlbound

The guy paid over $50K for the lion. I don’t care what anyone says about what he did, but it’s obvious that he paid up front for that lion.
Before Cecil the main source of conservation funds in Africa came from big game hunter fees. Now they are awash in donations from all over the world. It wouldn’t surprise me to find that the dentist was set up.

I wonder how much of the donations will actually make it to the conservation cause and how much will line pockets…

“Kleenex, The Official Sponsor of Fishb8”

If by "line the pockets", you mean bring $50K into the Zimbabwe economy, then I am sure MOST of it will "line the pockets". Just remember, the guy(s) on the other end of that $50K might pay someone to cook their food, take care of their lawn, dig a pool, etc. It's hard to argue that big game hunting is not a boost to their economy.

That being said, some of that money was probably spent in the USA (aka plane tickets), but how much went to the government for permits, private entrepreneur for hunting, lodging, meals, etc. Tourism is sometimes a vital part of the economy.

A corrupt leader paying his peasants a few cents to make his food doesn’t make someone a hero to the economy.

Either way, I would wager that lion was worth considerably more than $50,000 alive than dead as a tourist attraction.

“Edaniel is a compromising liberal, according to past threads, so consider that info here too.” - mac daddy

Originally posted by Edistodaniel

A corrupt leader paying his peasants a few cents to make his food doesn’t make someone a hero to the economy.

Either way, I would wager that lion was worth considerably more than $50,000 alive than dead as a tourist attraction.

“Edaniel is a compromising liberal, according to past threads, so consider that info here too.” - mac daddy

I guess you are right... Hotels and lodges don't employ anyone...

RE: “Dead or alive”… I highly doubt it… I didn’t hear that the park shut down now that they are missing a lion. If anything this brought them reams of publicity that they never even had. Most people (including myself) didn’t even know where Zimbabwe was on the map until this happened. I would be willing to bet against you and say that this park hasn’t seen this sort of publicity until now.

Also, what about the kids that the lion was fed to? Do you think the lion ended up in a dumpster or feeding some village who didn’t know where their next meal was coming from? What’s it “worth” to them? You think that they are willing to starve to death you you can take some nice digitals with your Nikkon?

Don’t be so quick to make assumptions, unless you have visited tribal villages in Zimbabwe and understand their lifestyle.

I doubt if any normal person would eat it. I knew an Army Dentist that shot a permitted tiger that was a village raider/killer. He said the locals cooked it and the meat tasted like the smell of cat urine.

Originally posted by skinneej
Originally posted by Edistodaniel

A corrupt leader paying his peasants a few cents to make his food doesn’t make someone a hero to the economy.

Either way, I would wager that lion was worth considerably more than $50,000 alive than dead as a tourist attraction.

“Edaniel is a compromising liberal, according to past threads, so consider that info here too.” - mac daddy

I guess you are right... Hotels and lodges don't employ anyone...

RE: “Dead or alive”… I highly doubt it… I didn’t hear that the park shut down now that they are missing a lion. If anything this brought them reams of publicity that they never even had. Most people (including myself) didn’t even know where Zimbabwe was on the map until this happened. I would be willing to bet against you and say that this park hasn’t seen this sort of publicity until now.

Also, what about the kids that the lion was fed to? Do you think the lion ended up in a dumpster or feeding some village who didn’t know where their next meal was coming from? What’s it “worth” to them? You think that they are willing to starve to death you you can take some nice digitals with your Nikkon?

Don’t be so quick to make assumptions, unless you have visited tribal villages in Zimbabwe and understand their lifestyle.

Did you read any of the reports? They found the corpse with the head cut off and skinned by using the GPS tracker.

“Edaniel is a compromising liberal, according to past threads, so consider that info here too.” - mac daddy

Nobody is going to go up to the tribal leader and say “I shot the lion that helps bring tourist to your village, here’s 250# of meat that will be spoiled in an hour. Thank me later bro.”

You do know Africans have guns right? They don’t need Americans to shoot animals for them. This wasn’t a 7 man hunting crew that killed and butchered a 1000# buffalo on the spot like you see on t.v…

Yea they got extra exposure. Safaris just love when the whole world knows their main attraction is a dead lion. Maybe zoo’s should start offing pandas so they get press.

First, Most, Biggest
I want to catch them all

Originally posted by hhi angler

I doubt if any normal person would eat it. I knew an Army Dentist that shot a permitted tiger that was a village raider/killer. He said the locals cooked it and the meat tasted like the smell of cat urine.

Not talking about the American eating it. I'm talking about a poor villager with his ribs sticking out that will eat anything. Many things they eat there smell of cat urine. It's not a matter of delicacy. It's a matter of survival.
Originally posted by Edistodaniel

Did you read any of the reports? They found the corpse with the head cut off and skinned by using the GPS tracker.

“Edaniel is a compromising liberal, according to past threads, so consider that info here too.” - mac daddy

Post 'em up... I'll read them... Who's GPS collar? The hunting guide or the park?
Originally posted by Great White

Nobody is going to go up to the tribal leader and say “I shot the lion that helps bring tourist to your village, here’s 250# of meat that will be spoiled in an hour. Thank me later bro.”

You do know Africans have guns right? They don’t need Americans to shoot animals for them. This wasn’t a 7 man hunting crew that killed and butchered a 1000# buffalo on the spot like you see on t.v…

Yea they got extra exposure. Safaris just love when the whole world knows their main attraction is a dead lion. Maybe zoo’s should start offing pandas so they get press.

First, Most, Biggest
I want to catch them all

Have you ever hunted or fished in a 3rd world country? That's the first question I ask, "If I were to kill this animal, will people eat it?". I had a chance to spear a 100+lb sailfish in Panama, but I had asked this question in advance about billfish. The answer was that the locals did not eat them there and that it would end up in the trash. I did NOT shoot the animal, but if they told me that the meat would go to the locals and fed 20 people, I would have considered it. MOST hunters that I know take this same approach. So, I will give him the benefit of the doubt for now. That being said, there are other reasons to kill top predators... How many of you kill coyotes and then eat them?

I have no idea what happened to the meat, but I do not believe every liberal media source that I read…

Originally posted by skinneej How many of you kill coyotes and then eat them?

Good point, I know Bolbie likes to kill coyotes. What about you polly, do you eat them?

Cecil was 13 years old and past his prime. Based on the reports that I’ve been seeing about the millions of dollars in donations that are pouring into wildlife support groups in that area, I’m starting to get the feeling that the poor guy who killed Cecil was set up.
Facts are that sooner or later Cecil was going to be Hyena poop, it was his inevitable destiny. I think the conservation groups that incidentally rely heavily on the proceeds from trophy hunters, figured out a way to cash on on Cecil in a way that far exceeded his value as a tourist attraction who was reaching the end of his gig.
I think the dentist was a pawn in a scheme that had the hunting guides and the wildlife conservers working together.

A dentist pays thousands to kill 1 lion, and half the world wants his head on a plate.

An abortionist gets paid millions to kill 5,000 human babies per year, and the same half the world rallies to behind him as a “women’s rights” hero.

Something just doesn’t add up.

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Lee Strickland
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843-795-1000 / 800-446-1862

It is a sick, sad, depraved world in which we live. Every day there is a new article celebrating some celebrity having a child with their latest boyfriend/girlfriend. Marriage…who needs it. Definitely changing times.

“Apathy is the Glove into Which Evil Slips It’s Hand”.