Which guns will she take

I was going to reply to another thread, but this deserves it’s own. For all you libs (translated communist) who say gun owners have nothing to fear, if Hill is elected, what will she go after? No spinning, no crap about what I need, no other BS talking points.Which ones? Many of you have said people are panicking. Tell us libs. Which guns?

There is a video of Hillary saying the Supreme Court ruled incorrectly on Heller, and another one where Chelsea Clinton says if her mom is elected she will appoint justices on the Supreme Court that rule “the other way” on 2A cases. Heller will be overturned in her first term no question about it. She will say what she needs to say (“no I’m not for overturning Heller”) until the election is over.

Libs? Counter? Here’s your chance to prove we are paranoid. Put it on record.

First - she will take all AR’s anything with a handle, that’s black that can receive a mag. Then she will take away magazines, and tax ammo, especially
.223 and 556 rounds. Likely re-loading supplies will be next - and if that’s all successful , ALL semi auto’s will be at risk. Concealed carry will be history and that’s the point when a police state will be necessary. Only criminals will have guns!

Great perspective. Libs?

Most of us law abiding citizens will be come
outlaws before she is out of office.

Originally posted by justretired

Most of us law abiding citizens will be come
outlaws before she is out of office.

Yep. Paying SS since '76. Now I’ll be an outlaw if I don’t give up what I bought legally and what the govt had no problem collecting taxes on. Libs? My opinion. Libs?

She cares more about the Black Lives Matter people burning down their own neighborhoods, and she would make us felons for exercising our 2A rights. This country has gone to crap.

Like I said more privately owned firearms in the USA than people. I hope these liberal keyboard artists volunteer to go door to door to take them. That will be the day…

Maybe she will send the FEMA kids door to door asking for them:question: Hope one try’s to come in my house! He will go out faster than he came in! Just saying[:0]

Let’s look on the positive side and hope for the country to vote in Trump and NOT Hilary.

That said Natureboy and Justretired sound close.

“If Bruce Jenner can keep his wiener and be called a woman, I can keep my firearms and be considered disarmed.”

You can’t make this up, although the liberals will say we made it up if it wasnt right here- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zCJJxJ1LlEM

Hillary will not target all guns. She will be happy for her security detail to be armed to the teeth! Meanwhile, She feels that the country will be a safer place if the common man is unarmed.


1980 Skandia 21 w/ '93 JohnRude 150 gas drinker

Here you go- http://freebeacon.com/politics/leaked-audio-clinton-says-supreme-court-is-wrong-on-second-amendment/

She will take the same number as Obama has. 0.

22 Sea Hunt

it will all depend on the house amd the supremes.

Originally posted by marshgrass

She will take the same number as Obama has. 0.

22 Sea Hunt

Correct Marsha. Don is so full of internal waste, his eyes are brown....


Two months ago, in Orlando, a man armed with an assault-style rifle killed at least 50 people and wounded 53 others in a crowded nightclub.

Six months ago, in San Bernardino, Calif., a man and woman armed with assault-style rifles killed 14 people and wounded 20 others at a holiday party.

In 2012, in Aurora, Colo., a man armed with an assault-style rifle killed 12 people and wounded 58 others in a crowded movie theater.

Also in 2012, in Newtown Conn., a man armed with an assault-style rifle killed 28 people and wounded 2 others at an elementary school.

On the other hand, compared to other firearms, assault-style rifles make it fairly easy to kill or injure many people in within a short period of time. So perpetrators wishing to inflict indiscriminate harm on a large crowd of people often turn to them. Of the 10 mass shooting incidents with the highest number of casualties — killed AND wounded — in the U.S., seven involved the use of an assault-style rifle, according to Mother Jones’s database.

Marsha will be pleased to get many more MPA’s from a Hillary admin. When the lefties come up with a plan that will keep guns out of criminal hands without restricting good guys rights - I will be happy to support it. AR’s can only fire one shot for each trigger pull, just like any semi auto deer rifle. If the fed bans AR’s - what about the MILLIONS already in circulation? If the feds ban AR’s, the bad guys will still have them. If the feds ban hi cap magazines the bad guys will still have them. The war on drugs has worked about as well as the Oswald prison transfer - a war on guns will have even worse results. Adding a stiffer penalty to the law does NOTHING to slow down those that don’t care about the law. It takes a special kind of stupid to think a criminal will respect a gun law.

Smart move is to ban high cap mags, and then tax ammo. Make it a felony to even own a high cap mag, or have one that looks like it. They could do all of that without infringing on the 2A. Problem is, terrorists like the ones you listed above won’t care about a felony for having a high cap mag, as they are about to commit 20-60 felony acts. So what’s the point. Maybe it slows them down, or maybe it keeps a young kid from doing something because it is harder to get these items, but a terrorist won’t have any trouble. They will just have the edge over the common armed citizen.

My biggest complaint is libs just recite the terror acts like they wouldn’t happen if these things were banned. I wish one of these jello brains would actually spell out what they think will happen once ARs are banned. The next tragedy will be some knife attack on children, another bomb like in Boston, or gangs of people eating peoples faces off from smoking laced pot.

Question Poly. That Dr. that shot that lion in Africa. Was it the Dr.'s fault, or the gun?

1979 17’ Montauk
90 Johnson

Wilderness Ride 115

When “assault” rifles are banned, we’ll start seeing shotguns loaded up with 00 buck. That won’t be bad fired into a crowd. The fact is, someone bent on indiscriminately killing people will always find a way. Molotov cocktails, poison, etc.

“Apathy is the Glove into Which Evil Slips It’s Hand”, but really, who cares?