Who pushed it over the edge? talking about poof

Fritz, I think he’s over there messing around with the Native chicks?

What advice, and what true colors?

“The big one’s still swimming, let’s go.”

Originally posted by Easy

Fritz, I think he’s over there messing around with the Native chicks?

I think the MD Divine Elvis is awesome…And he is accusing others of the dark side…


Originally posted by mac daddy

What advice, and what true colors?

“The big one’s still swimming, let’s go.”

That you should pray for forgiveness for your blasphemous conduct and the true colors of a false prophet…

Next time you come in, come heavy, or not at all…

Mac, you are teetering on the edge of eternal (**()ation, and we are offering you a lifeline…be man enough to take it…

Next time you come in, come heavy, or not at all…

Originally posted by Warbler
Originally posted by mac daddy

What advice, and what true colors?

“The big one’s still swimming, let’s go.”

That you should pray for forgiveness for your blasphemous conduct and the true colors of a false prophet…

Next time you come in, come heavy, or not at all…

One has to be considered a prophet to be a false prophet. MD has yet to garner the respect of the CF.com ■■■■■ to be a prophet. I do not see a following here…

A wannabe false prophet perhaps…

Originally posted by Cracker Larry
Sorry to hurt your feelings, but I don't know where you stand for sure on anything.

Sorry to hurt yours too, but the same could be said about you. If I had to choose a foxhole partner right now, I’d take Pea Pod.

Capt. Larry Teuton
lteuton at aol dot com

“Ships are the nearest things to dreams that hands have ever made.” -Robert N. Rose

Funny how some things can be obvious early:smiley:

Going forward, we should clarify a slight definitional difference between a “foxhole partner” and “foxhole buddy”…

Funny how some things can be obvious early

Ain’t it

Some times in life you can look at people and decide who you want to be in a foxhole with.

You are welcome in my foxhole too :smiley: Sure am hoping that I never have to dig another one though. Somebody throw Mac Daddy a shovel.

Capt. Larry Teuton
lteuton at aol dot com

“Ships are the nearest things to dreams that hands have ever made.” -Robert N. Rose

Heck Larry! Use a 30lb shaped charge and you got a hole you can build a bunker in, with enough loose dirt to fill sand bags:wink:

Sure am hoping that I never have to dig another one though. Somebody throw Mac Daddy a shovel.

No need for Mac, he does just fine digging himself in a hole without the help of a standard issued spade…

Well, three weeks ago yesterday I introduced the end time thread.

Three of the best spiritual weeks of my life. I have had many better ones, but these have been marvelous. God told me, and I repeated, that the truth would come in the end of these threads, and it CERTAINLY has.

That truth being, NOT in teaching, because none listened to any teaching. That in itself was truth coming forth. ie: 2Timothy 4:3–"For the Time will come when they will not endure SOUND(scripture) doctrine, but after their own LUSTS shall they heap to THEMSELVES teachers, having ITCHING(want to be pleased) EARS

LUKEWARM Christians(Laodicean church) Revelation 3:16&17—

"So then, because thou art LUKEWARM(opinions only), and neither cold nor hot, I will spew thee out of my mouth.

17–Because thou sayest , "I am rich(spiritually), and have need of nothing(SPIRITUALLY), " and knowest not that thou art wretched, and miserable, and poor(spiritually), and blind(spiritually), and naked(no spiritual garments), Revelation 16:15.

We cannot refuse the word(scriptures) from anyone, we can only refuse opinions and bad interpretations/translations.

In the end, the dark side got darker, even though I was condemned for calling them the dark side.

The PROFESSING CHRISTIANS showed their lukewarm ‘lovey dovey’ gospel, to the wretched, and condemnation to the one who was sent to teach the word, NOT just the gospel. That gospel teaching, saying God is “all about saving souls”, and spreading love, leaves off the wrath side of God. Except, of course, for the favorite subject of hell, which God said he is NOT pleased with, only for satan and his angels; which the word says Satan’s trinity are the only ones who are " tormented day and night forever".

It has been said, “Christians are the only religion who eat their young”, that was stated by a Bible believing servant of God. The translation is Christian teachings and teachers leave their young(new converts) uncovered with the word, thus, their lies, false teaching, and lack of te

Bringing the church to the internet is even less effective than the church is in the ‘hood’. Only the Holy Ghost conviction of sin will be effective, and that comes from HEARING, more than seeing, which is the opposite of what is taught in church, simply because no one can BE the gospel, as taught, they only THINK they are, but unbelievers see right through them, believers DO NOT see through them usually.

Believers only THINK they see through true teachers as being false teachers because they don’t usually know the truth themselves, so when someone shows truth, they immediately call it false.

EXACTLY what the word says they will do, no surprise there.

Now, why is the truth NOT taught where it should be taught???

Very simple answer, don’t want to be accountable for the truth, so just ‘leave it alone’. Tell the sheep as I was told here, “don’t teach controversial doctrine”. What did Jesus do??? Don’t say “we’re not Jesus” like an apology or an excuse to NOT teach the MYSTERIES of God that someone here said are “deliberately vague”, I would be ashamed and have Godly fear of making that statement.

Especially, when Jesus said “it IS for you to know the MYSTERIES”. Luke 8:10.

As to my personal ministry, I have quoted several times “you shall be HATED OF ALL NATIONS”, pretty simple interpretation there.

If you are NOT hated of all nations, including your own nation, and your own backyard, how can you say you are in accordance with God’s word, AND His purpose???

See, the common teaching, and the condemnations here, is you MUST be loved, and show love constantly to teach, preach, or spread the word.

“The big one’s still swimming, let’s go.”

I am probably the ONLY servant of God you guys know who is hated by ALL NATIONS, meaning good AND bad nations, believers and unbelievers, only servants who are true ever concern the dark side. They have NO PROBLEM with the church on the corner, they don’t even BOTHER to attack it, or study very much it teaches, because it is NOT a big threat at all, the word even says “there will be a great falling away” in the end time(50,000 per week in America right now leaving churches), yet, the lukewarm(not cold) crowd refuse to see the truth, and stay deceived, how sad that is.

Romans 8:36-- As it is written, “For thy sake we are KILLED all the day long; we are accounted as sheep for the slaughter”. But, not for loving, sweet Christians, no slaughter, no condemning, no price to pay from family, as the word says “those of your household will be your enemy”. Matthew 10:36

“The big one’s still swimming, let’s go.”

Originally posted by mac daddy

I am probably the ONLY servant of God you guys know who is hated by ALL NATIONS, meaning good AND bad nations, believers and unbelievers, only servants who are true ever concern the dark side. They have NO PROBLEM with the church on the corner, they don’t even BOTHER to attack it, or study very much it teaches, because it is NOT a big threat at all, the word even says “there will be a great falling away” in the end time(50,000 per week in America right now leaving churches), yet, the lukewarm(not cold) crowd refuse to see the truth, and stay deceived, how sad that is.

Romans 8:36-- As it is written, “For thy sake we are KILLED all the day long; we are accounted as sheep for the slaughter”. But, not for loving, sweet Christians, no slaughter, no condemning, no price to pay from family, as the word says “those of your household will be your enemy”. Matthew 10:36

“The big one’s still swimming, let’s go.”


My concern is your health. You indicated previously you have PTSD and are a VFW. Regardless of where we disagree, I appreciate your service to our Country.

I sincerely mean this with all my heart, please contact the following:


Maybe you already have, but there is no shame in seeking help.

Will (my real name)

Thanks, Will. My first introduction to personal hatred was returning from Viet Nam in 1968, so I then had to deal with being told to leave my family church, or change my doctrine. I was already disgusted with church doctrine being behind the scenes as I was, and studying the word. That church wanted to ordain me and make me Pastor, could NOT go with that doctrine.

Since then, three non-denominational churches have offered to ordain me, but I want NO MAN TO ORDAIN ME, God has, that is plenty.

I have contacted the VA, they say all claims medically or otherwise, must be made upon discharge, or some period after, I forget the Time period.

Thanks for your concern, Will.

“The big one’s still swimming, let’s go.”

Originally posted by Cracker Larry

I think I might put SurfFish in my fox hole too.

Stay safe over there and thanks for what you are doing.

Best compliment I’ve had all day. Thank you. It’s really nice over here. Nothing at all like the “news” reports. And it is my blessing and privilege to be allowed to serve over here. My wife and I are living our dream, praise God.

If you’re lucky enough to be fishing, you’re lucky enough.

SFL, where is over here?

I 2nd Larry. Thank you for what you do SFL

I don’t have time to read all this stuff above. But can somebody verify for me that Mac Daddy said he heard from God? Audibly?

Originally posted by Easy

SFL, where is over here?

I am living in Jericho, in the West Bank.

If you’re lucky enough to be fishing, you’re lucky enough.