Who pushed it over the edge? talking about poof

I think i’m owed an apology too.


Pea, I haven’t seen anything good or bad that you contributed to the subject, therefore, no apology due. Sorry to hurt your feelings, but I don’t know where you stand for sure on anything.

“The big one’s still swimming, let’s go.”

Sorry to hurt your feelings, but I don't know where you stand for sure on anything.

Sorry to hurt yours too, but the same could be said about you. If I had to choose a foxhole partner right now, I’d take Pea Pod.

Capt. Larry Teuton
lteuton at aol dot com

“Ships are the nearest things to dreams that hands have ever made.” -Robert N. Rose

Larry, I couldn’t imagine staying in a foxhole with him, once he got started! Think Id be running foxhole to foxhole, looking for a Jehovah Witness and trying to be Taken-Up:wink:

I’m no expert, but it seems to me that anyone who goes about labeling everyone they come in contact with as either believer, non-believer or “unproven as either”, is far more likely to drive folks away from the path to Christ than to help them onto it. Because of that I certainly wouldn’t consider that person to actually be in the employ of the side that they claim to represent. That’s just common sense.
If you’re going to represent yourself as qualified to pass spiritual judgement on me, you’d better be able to do it while walking on water.

Well, mb, you just TOTALLY judged me without even knowing me, that is the mistake I am avoiding. Common sense, as you refer to, says on SPIRITUAL matters, you use a spiritual book, not common sense. You are judging me by your"common sense" judgement, we know what that’s worth, especially in the eyes of God.

The Bible says “you will know them by their fruits”, tell us how you judge every one you come in contact with. I imagine you’re going to say “I don’t judge”, neither do I, until I see much fruits as commanded.

The Bible also says “judge with righteous judgment”, so when you refuse to judge period you have broken a command also.

Edit: The VERY few people I labeled as unbelievers said they were on the dark side, or immediately spewed harsh judgements without being provoked, how would YOU label those people???

I know there are some assumptions there, based on experience, but if I am wrong,I have certainly proven to be capable of apologies.

Please tell me what you would prefer I do when I come in contact with people, in reference to their spirituality.

“The big one’s still swimming, let’s go.”

Larry, I couldn't imagine staying in a foxhole with him, once he got started! Think Id be running foxhole to foxhole, looking for a Jehovah Witness and trying to be Taken-Up

Me and you both! I’d pick you, Fred and Pea in my foxhole, and feel real good about about that. Mac Daddy got to dig another hole.

Capt. Larry Teuton
lteuton at aol dot com

“Ships are the nearest things to dreams that hands have ever made.” -Robert N. Rose

Originally posted by mac daddy but I don't know where you stand for sure on anything.

I stayed out of this thread as professional courtesy to the other professional smartasses who got in here first.

There is some confusion here about what constitutes a personal attack. I hope to clarify that. Here are some examples of criticism that are NOT a personal attack, followed by examples of a personal attack:

“It hurt when you stepped on my toe.” vs. “You stepped on my toe you clumsy idiot.”
“The boat sank because the plug wasn’t in.” vs. “You forgot to put the plug in, stupid.”
“You might want to take a shower.” vs. “Take a shower you smelly pig.”

One focuses on the action, the other focuses on the person.

If you’re lucky enough to be fishing, you’re lucky enough.

Originally posted by mac daddy

Well, mb, you just TOTALLY judged me without even knowing me, that is the mistake I am avoiding. Common sense, as you refer to, says on SPIRITUAL matters, you use a spiritual book, not common sense. You are judging me by your"common sense" judgement, we know what that’s worth, especially in the eyes of God.

The Bible says “you will know them by their fruits”, tell us how you judge every one you come in contact with. I imagine you’re going to say “I don’t judge”, neither do I, until I see much fruits as commanded.

The Bible also says “judge with righteous judgment”, so when you refuse to judge period you have broken a command also.

Edit: The VERY few people I labeled as unbelievers said they were on the dark side, or immediately spewed harsh judgements without being provoked, how would YOU label those people???

I know there are some assumptions there, based on experience, but if I am wrong,I have certainly proven to be capable of apologies.

Please tell me what you would prefer I do when I come in contact with people, in reference to their spirituality.

“The big one’s still swimming, let’s go.”

I just came to an interweb fishing forum and spouted my views on the subject at hand. I didn’t name, names. If you feel you resemble my remarks, that’s OK with me.

I do RESEMBLE your remarks, and DON’T lie please, I am the only one posting any subject now, and the subject of this thread has NOTHING to do with your subject.

Plus, you have already posted here once, so you did not “just come on”.

You spewed your evil, now answer the questions that DO pertain to the subject, please.

“The big one’s still swimming, let’s go.”

SurfFishlife, exaggerated examples, but we will go with your examples.

In your examples, there is no question, the latter of each example is what I experienced, minus the name calling. I would consider arrogant, superior acting, venomous, judgemental, name calling also, and a personal attack.

Those descriptions were used as accusations, without the details your examples provided.

I agree the details followed by the descriptive name may not be a personal attack, but when those descriptive names are used without details, there can be no doubt the intent, imo.

Correction welcome, please reply your opinion on my opinion.

“The big one’s still swimming, let’s go.”

Originally posted by mac daddy

I do RESEMBLE your remarks, and DON’T lie please, I am the only one posting any subject now, and the subject of this thread has NOTHING to do with your subject.

Plus, you have already posted here once, so you did not “just come on”.

You spewed your evil, now answer the questions that DO pertain to the subject, please.

“The big one’s still swimming, let’s go.”

I posted once in the thread that you had deleted, not this one.
I’m not answering any of your questions, I didn’t even read them. I’m resisting your temptation.

Apparently Elvis left and returned

Originally posted by PeaPod
Originally posted by mac daddy but I don't know where you stand for sure on anything.

I stayed out of this thread as professional courtesy to the other professional smartasses who got in here first.

FINALLY, a little respect from someone around this joint…


Originally posted by mac daddy

SurfFishlife, exaggerated examples, but we will go with your examples.

Correction welcome, please reply your opinion on my opinion.

No, I don’t need to say anymore. I did my best to communicate the difference between criticism and a personal attack. I don’t think I can improve on it. I’m sure others could, but it’s the best I’ve got.

Headed to bed…it’s almost 1:30am in this part of the world.

If you’re lucky enough to be fishing, you’re lucky enough.

I think I might put SurfFish in my fox hole too.

Stay safe over there and thanks for what you are doing.

Capt. Larry Teuton
lteuton at aol dot com

“Ships are the nearest things to dreams that hands have ever made.” -Robert N. Rose

Well, Pea, including yourself in the group you are criticizing, I respect that better the usual game playing the world offers up

I left Elvis in the Hawaiian islands, that boy pulled off a masterful escape, imo of course, .

Many Christians believe they will escape the tribulation period too, a few will, just not the way they interpret the scriptures, imo of course.
“The big one’s still swimming, let’s go.”

Did he stay for the shad run?

Charleston City Papers Best Guide of 2014

Mac daddy, you are not heeding the advice given to you…and your true colors are showing…again.

Next time you come in, come heavy, or not at all…