Who pushed it over the edge? talking about poof

Larry, can you get the message below to DFreedom? he’s not answering my texts. i fear he’s gone native up there at blackbikerweek.

like others in this thread, i need help. I wanna look away, but i keep clicking in here. kinda like going to the shortrack on friday just to see the wrecks

"Dear DF:

if you so much as see me hover a mouse over this thread again, please pistol whip me till i learn my lesson. thanks buddy - PeaPod"

Larry, do you have any more popcorn? I just ran out.:smiley:

Bob Van Gundy
Marine Designs,Inc.
Custom Aluminum Fabrication

Originally posted by PeaPod

Larry, can you get the message below to DFreedom? he’s not answering my texts. i fear he’s gone native up there at blackbikerweek.

like others in this thread, i need help. I wanna look away, but i keep clicking in here. kinda like going to the shortrack on friday just to see the wrecks

"Dear DF:

if you so much as see me hover a mouse over this thread again, please pistol whip me till i learn my lesson. thanks buddy - PeaPod"

Sorta like MB bike week and old ladies showing the goods…You know it is a bad idea, but look anyway…drinking too much and rationalizing that their not that bad looking is when you end up the next morning regreting the first beer and look at the goods…Not that I personally know…

I have seen some ole gals that could hang them puppys up on the ape hangers…

Pea, I wouldn’t want Doug’s job this weekend, I suspect he has his hands full, but I’ve got his cell phone number if you need him. He’s one who knows me :smiley:

Bob, still got plenty of popcorn. This is more entertaining than watching TV :smiley:

“Swamp Worshiper”
lteuton at aol dot com

“Ships are the nearest things to dreams that hands have ever made.” -Robert N. Rose

Originally posted by Cracker Larry

Pea, I wouldn’t want Doug’s job this weekend, I suspect he has his hands full, but I’ve got his cell phone number if you need him. He’s one who knows me :smiley:

Bob, still got plenty of popcorn. This is more entertaining than watching TV :smiley:

Capt. Larry Teuton
lteuton at aol dot com

“Ships are the nearest things to dreams that hands have ever made.” -Robert N. Rose

Who’s buying the beer? A few brews, popcorn, slander, veterans fighting among themselves, MB biker week titty discussion, me being Satan, Larry being sorry, and a swamp worshiper, Mac being crazy, Andy deleting posts, Gotcha being falsely accused of deleting posts, I do believe we may have the first internet reality show…

You might be on to something. Is there a TV producer in the house?

It’s a beautiful Sunday morning, think I’ll go worship the swamp for a while.

“Swamp Worshiper”

Capt. Larry Teuton
lteuton at aol dot com

“Ships are the nearest things to dreams that hands have ever made.” -Robert N. Rose

I’m trying to envision how this thread is going to turn for the better and I just can’t reconcile the thought. right now this thead needs sone serious chemo

Crap. I almost forgot to say “page 10”. My apologies. I will try harder next time!

Originally posted by skinneej

I’m trying to envision how this thread is going to turn for the better and I just can’t reconcile the thought. right now this thead needs sone serious chemo

That’s what is interesting about man and Jesus. we all should embrace an attitude of continuous improvement. Perfection is a journey, not a destination…

We are all good people in our own right. Just trying to work it out.

I do believe I could have done a better job of representing myself as a Christian, but I do like to cut up and have fun. If that is the deciding factor in God’s decision, then I am doomed. However, I do not think it will be. He did create Man, and therfore, must have a heck of sense of humor…

Thank any and everyone that helps protect us to argue on CF.com. I do not personally agree with certain actions from our Government, but I do respect the heck out of the people that have feet on the ground and trying to do the right thing.

God Bless you all, and this one says it all…


I really hate to spend any more time or effort to this forum. My efforts here have been fruitless by measure of posted results, but, reads may tell a different story, at least God knows.

I made three long posts on the previous page, with ONLY ridicule and attacks resulting. So, no need to go any further with explanation of my intent or the intent of my enemies, and, contrary to their denial, I do have plenty enemies here.

First, I want to honor skinneej, and Fred, almost the only people who didn’t attack me. Skinneej is correct, this thread is cancerous(chemo). Practically no one cares how cancerous these threads become, some love it.

Some call it reality(sick as it is), Larry’s popcorn jokes just as sick.

BUT THE END ALL OF ALL---- Telling a human being they need mental help, and medication, is BEYOND THE REALM OF REALITY. One word, disgusting, 'nuff said.

Prescribing naked ladies and moonshine, most everyone that knows me just calls me SOB, (says much about the attitude of this thread) the SYSTEM of Jesus, “I taught my daughter never to say hate”, but I can spread hate whenever I want. ALL the while calling myself a Christian.

I will say only one more time, most of my railings were against teaching, not individuals.

For Larry, I said you worshipped IN the swamp, you misread that, same as swamp boy, not meant derogatory. From now on, I suggest you ASK rather than assuming what someone meant.

RBF, I said you were doing satans work, I never called you satan, I could not give you that much credit. Satan is a KIND DECEIVER when dealing with believers, quoting scriptures even, as our example, what he did to Jesus, flattery even. The fact you answered Fred’s spiritual questions from WIKIPEDIA, and then have the audacity to call yourself Christian, is just beyond words really.

I am so DISGUSTED, spiritually, mentally, and physically, that I have no intention of a 20 page disgusting abomination, which I could EASILY accomplish here.

D-I-S-T-G-U-S-T That is the word today, and

Now, I can sign off, with the words of the Apostle Paul, my hero, in the teaching to the worldly Christians I must deal with.

2 Corinthians 11:1, then some skipping verses, but staying in that chapter.
Would to God ye could bear with me, a little in folly(not beach, lol), and indeed bear with me.

3–But I fear, lest by any means, as the serpent beguiled(1818 in Greek dictionary, WHOLLY SEDUCED(sexually too) Genesis 3:15, two seeds, satan’s(Cain), and thy, Eve’s seed(Abel), twins with two different fathers) through his subtilty, so your minds should be corrupted from the SIMPLICITY THAT IS IN CHRIST.

4–For if he that cometh(Antichrist) preacheth ANOTHER JESUS …

6-- but though I be ##RUDE## in speech, yet NOT IN KNOWLEDGE…

9-- And when I was present with you, and wanted, I was CHARGEABLE TO NO MAN…

10-- As the TRUTH OF CHRIST is in me, no man shall stop me of BOASTING in the regions of Achia(where health juice comes from).

11-- Wherefore? Because I love you not? God knows!!!###

So long, farewell, avedesain(whatever), until whenever, or whatever, God knows…

“The big one’s still swimming, let’s go.”

Well one thing is clear… god is from outer space

Originally posted by mac daddy

I really hate to spend any more time or effort to this forum. My efforts here have been fruitless by measure of posted results, but, reads may tell a different story, at least God knows.

I made three long posts on the previous page, with ONLY ridicule and attacks resulting. So, no need to go any further with explanation of my intent or the intent of my enemies, and, contrary to their denial, I do have plenty enemies here.

First, I want to honor skinneej, and Fred, almost the only people who didn’t attack me. Skinneej is correct, this thread is cancerous(chemo). Practically no one cares how cancerous these threads become, some love it.

Some call it reality(sick as it is), Larry’s popcorn jokes just as sick.

BUT THE END ALL OF ALL---- Telling a human being they need mental help, and medication, is BEYOND THE REALM OF REALITY. One word, disgusting, 'nuff said.

Prescribing naked ladies and moonshine, most everyone that knows me just calls me SOB, (says much about the attitude of this thread) the SYSTEM of Jesus, “I taught my daughter never to say hate”, but I can spread hate whenever I want. ALL the while calling myself a Christian.

I will say only one more time, most of my railings were against teaching, not individuals.

For Larry, I said you worshipped IN the swamp, you misread that, same as swamp boy, not meant derogatory. From now on, I suggest you ASK rather than assuming what someone meant.

RBF, I said you were doing satans work, I never called you satan, I could not give you that much credit. Satan is a KIND DECEIVER when dealing with believers, quoting scriptures even, as our example, what he did to Jesus, flattery even. The fact you answered Fred’s spiritual questions from WIKIPEDIA, and then have the audacity to call yourself Christian, is just beyond words really.

I am so DISGUSTED, spiritually, men

So long, farewell, avedesain(whatever), until whenever, or whatever, God knows...

Any bets :question:

Capt. Larry Teuton
lteuton at aol dot com

“Ships are the nearest things to dreams that hands have ever made.” -Robert N. Rose

You giving odds?:wink:

Do you really mean it this time, or will you be back for another farewell tour:question:

Cracker, I’ll bet, no odds required!

I feel like I’m in college again and don’t want to read all this…Anyone wanna share the cliff notes?

Just a replay of the Poofed post! Only thing different is MD, didn’t say he was going to ask Admin to delete this one!

Originally posted by Rapchizzle

I feel like I’m in college again and don’t want to read all this…Anyone wanna share the cliff notes?

Macdaddy said we’re all going to hell except him.

Macdaddy called cracker some names. Now me and the rest of the trailer park wanna get macdaddy.

Many of us read the bible, macdaddy’s the only one who knows anything about it.

There’s a triple secret jetty shad run, macdaddy is the only one with the secret knowledge.

Richardfrothybeer is a professional smartass. I like him.

Surffishlife is defending freedom, so macdaddy can have free speech to tell us how stupid we are.

There was a 20 page end Times thread. 19 and 1/2 was macdaddys insight. Macdaddy asked Andy to poof it. Andy did. Then macdaddy accused Andy of being the devil for poofing his 20 pages. Gotcha pulled rank and made macdaddy apologize to Andy.

Cracker worships the swamp.

just kidding. I did not read it all.