Who pushed it over the edge? talking about poof

I like this Pea Pod guy :smiley::smiley:

Capt. Larry Teuton
lteuton at aol dot com

“Ships are the nearest things to dreams that hands have ever made.” -Robert N. Rose

I was just trying not to offend anyone, or make him come back:smiley:

Pass the popcorn and Moonshine please…

2013 Tidewater 180CC
115 Yamaha

Pea pod, you forgot to add the cliff note about us heathens stirring the pot a little.


With the earned respect to all who have served this country. My greatest respect is reserved for those who made the ultimate sacrifice. Remember and thank them all not just on this day, but every day.

Originally posted by mac daddy

I really hate to spend any more time or effort to this forum. My efforts here have been fruitless by measure of posted results, but, reads may tell a different story, at least God knows.

I made three long posts on the previous page, with ONLY ridicule and attacks resulting. So, no need to go any further with explanation of my intent or the intent of my enemies, and, contrary to their denial, I do have plenty enemies here.

First, I want to honor skinneej, and Fred, almost the only people who didn’t attack me. Skinneej is correct, this thread is cancerous(chemo). Practically no one cares how cancerous these threads become, some love it.

Some call it reality(sick as it is), Larry’s popcorn jokes just as sick.

BUT THE END ALL OF ALL---- Telling a human being they need mental help, and medication, is BEYOND THE REALM OF REALITY. One word, disgusting, 'nuff said.

Prescribing naked ladies and moonshine, most everyone that knows me just calls me SOB, (says much about the attitude of this thread) the SYSTEM of Jesus, “I taught my daughter never to say hate”, but I can spread hate whenever I want. ALL the while calling myself a Christian.

I will say only one more time, most of my railings were against teaching, not individuals.

For Larry, I said you worshipped IN the swamp, you misread that, same as swamp boy, not meant derogatory. From now on, I suggest you ASK rather than assuming what someone meant.

RBF, I said you were doing satans work, I never called you satan, I could not give you that much credit. Satan is a KIND DECEIVER when dealing with believers, quoting scriptures even, as our example, what he did to Jesus, flattery even. The fact you answered Fred’s spiritual questions from WIKIPEDIA, and then have the audacity to call yourself Christian, is just beyond words really.

I am so DISGUSTED, spiritually, men

Originally posted by mac daddy You, Fred said you KNOW satan is not in chains in our present times. Quote scripture, not opinion, how do you know??? You don't need to answer, you don't know, be real, stop quoting teachers, read.

Mac, if you wanted to split hairs we could say everyone that reads scripture repeats it in opinion. It’s been studied that no two human minds comprehend things exactly the same. Close but not the same. I know Satan is not in chains the same as I know GOD is real. I know the Sun will set tonight and rise again tomorrow.

I’m not much for posting scripture as I am newly learning/relearning it. Satan will continue to work until Jesus Christ comes back again to defeat him (Revelation 19:11-21).

I like this one:

Corinthians 5:17 (NKJV) Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new.

Originally posted by Richard Beer Froth

I taught my daughter from the day she could talk, to NEVER say hate. We say strongly dislike. Corny, but our home has no hate.

My kids and grandkids can’t say hate, fart, or stupid around the house. plus a few more… Some things are elegantly simple.

They must and do say please, thank you, yes sir, and no mam.

Originally posted by Richard Beer Froth
Originally posted by Fred67
Originally posted by mac daddy

I am probably the ONLY servant of God you guys know who is hated by ALL NATIONS, meaning good AND bad nations, believers and unbelievers, only servants who are true ever concern the dark side. They have NO PROBLEM with the church on the corner, they don’t even BOTHER to attack it, or study very much it teaches, because it is NOT a big threat at all, the word even says “there will be a great falling away” in the end time(50,000 per week in America right now leaving churches), yet, the lukewarm(not cold) crowd refuse to see the truth, and stay deceived, how sad that is.

Come on Mac, no one hates you! Well, I don’t for sure!! Sure a lot disagree with some things you have said. And if you reflect on some of your comments you should see why. You assume too much. Don’t worry about others and do not judge. Some that you assume to be Lukewarm just might surprise you! Only GOD knows a man’s heart and weather it is cold, lukewarm, or on fire!

And still I ask, “when do you believe the season/week is?” Surely not in our life time?? or do you believe it is?? Are we in the millennium? I don’t think so, because I know the devil is not in chains in our present times.

In decades, not centuries, the world will be consumed by people. Natural resources will be dwindling and technology will follow. Oceans will rise and there will be a miniature Ice Age fo

Originally posted by Fred67
Originally posted by Richard Beer Froth

I taught my daughter from the day she could talk, to NEVER say hate. We say strongly dislike. Corny, but our home has no hate.

My kids and grandkids can’t say hate, fart, or stupid around the house. plus a few more… Some things are elegantly simple.

They must and do say please, thank you, yes sir, and no mam.

Strongly dislike = hate
F-word = fart
Lacks intellectual horsepower = stupid

Now this works to keep hate and stupid out of our house. Butt, no matter how hard we try there are farts, not ones verbalized, butt, the real ones…

There is no way I am signing up for having to go outside every time I need to fart after my wife tries to cook and feed me this stuff she calls food…


Originally posted by Fred67
Originally posted by Richard Beer Froth
Originally posted by Fred67
Originally posted by mac daddy

I am probably the ONLY servant of God you guys know who is hated by ALL NATIONS, meaning good AND bad nations, believers and unbelievers, only servants who are true ever concern the dark side. They have NO PROBLEM with the church on the corner, they don’t even BOTHER to attack it, or study very much it teaches, because it is NOT a big threat at all, the word even says “there will be a great falling away” in the end time(50,000 per week in America right now leaving churches), yet, the lukewarm(not cold) crowd refuse to see the truth, and stay deceived, how sad that is.

Come on Mac, no one hates you! Well, I don’t for sure!! Sure a lot disagree with some things you have said. And if you reflect on some of your comments you should see why. You assume too much. Don’t worry about others and do not judge. Some that you assume to be Lukewarm just might surprise you! Only GOD knows a man’s heart and weather it is cold, lukewarm, or on fire!

And still I ask, “when do you believe the season/week is?” Surely not in our life time?? or do you believe it is?? Are we in the millennium? I don’t think so, because I know the devil is not in chains in our present times.

In decades, not centuri

Originally posted by mac daddy

I really hate to spend any more time or effort to this forum. My efforts here have been fruitless by measure of posted results, but, reads may tell a different story, at least God knows.

I made three long posts on the previous page, with ONLY ridicule and attacks resulting. So, no need to go any further with explanation of my intent or the intent of my enemies, and, contrary to their denial, I do have plenty enemies here.

First, I want to honor skinneej, and Fred, almost the only people who didn’t attack me. Skinneej is correct, this thread is cancerous(chemo). Practically no one cares how cancerous these threads become, some love it.

Some call it reality(sick as it is), Larry’s popcorn jokes just as sick.

BUT THE END ALL OF ALL---- Telling a human being they need mental help, and medication, is BEYOND THE REALM OF REALITY. One word, disgusting, 'nuff said.

Prescribing naked ladies and moonshine, most everyone that knows me just calls me SOB, (says much about the attitude of this thread) the SYSTEM of Jesus, “I taught my daughter never to say hate”, but I can spread hate whenever I want. ALL the while calling myself a Christian.

I will say only one more time, most of my railings were against teaching, not individuals.

For Larry, I said you worshipped IN the swamp, you misread that, same as swamp boy, not meant derogatory. From now on, I suggest you ASK rather than assuming what someone meant.

RBF, I said you were doing satans work, I never called you satan, I could not give you that much credit. Satan is a KIND DECEIVER when dealing with believers, quoting scriptures even, as our example, what he did to Jesus, flattery even. The fact you answered Fred’s spiritual questions from WIKIPEDIA, and then have the audacity to call yourself Christian, is just beyond words really.

I am so DISGUSTED, spiritually, mentally,

Matthew 24:28

“Wherever there is a carcass, there the vultures will gather.”

Looks like it didn’t take very long?

…Politicians aren’t the “Oldest Profession”, but the results are still the same.

When they come for my guns and ammo. I plan on giving them the ammo. first!

We fart in our house too, my wife can cut a good one. But we don’t hate. Farting allowed.

Capt. Larry Teuton
lteuton at aol dot com

“Ships are the nearest things to dreams that hands have ever made.” -Robert N. Rose


Capt. Larry Teuton
lteuton at aol dot com

“Ships are the nearest things to dreams that hands have ever made.” -Robert N. Rose

Originally posted by Richard Beer Froth
Originally posted by Fred67
Originally posted by Richard Beer Froth

I taught my daughter from the day she could talk, to NEVER say hate. We say strongly dislike. Corny, but our home has no hate.

My kids and grandkids can’t say hate, fart, or stupid around the house. plus a few more… Some things are elegantly simple.

They must and do say please, thank you, yes sir, and no mam.

Strongly dislike = hate
F-word = fart
Lacks intellectual horsepower = stupid

Now this works to keep hate and stupid out of our house. Butt, no matter how hard we try there are farts, not ones verbalized, butt, the real ones…

There is no way I am signing up for having to go outside every time I need to fart after my wife tries to cook and feed me this stuff she calls food…


Just to clarify farting happens in and around our house, it’s just that my wife thinks that particular word is vulgar. I live with it and personally think it is an art.

Originally posted by mac daddy

D-I-S-T-G-U-S-T That is the word today, and til the end of this age.


Admin - please shut this garbage down.

Originally posted by SublimeOne

Admin - please shut this garbage down.

The one time I wish Obama would do his thing and censor this thread!

Fred when you started this thread, did anyone besides macdaddy know the future, that this would turn into a fart thread?

Fart Blasphemy!