Who pushed it over the edge? talking about poof


But, I do have the persecution, hate, testimony, and positive results(drew out the Christian professing uglies, for what they are)…

“The big one’s still swimming, let’s go.”

Originally posted by mac daddy

2Corinthians 11:14–And no marvel; for satan himself is transformed into an angel of light.

warbler, pea pod, beer froth, fritz, edaniel, easy, 7cs, Larry, and others. NOW, even Fred has joined their forces.

Even SurfFishlife respectfully used the word " WE can do better". Be ye separate, SurfFishlife, may be a result of TOO MUCH love teaching, careful.

The first paragraph of guys are not subtle enough to pass satan’s test for servant either, they just belong in the category WICKED HUMAN BEINGS, plain enough. I gave warbler too much credit, thinking he is a satan worshipper.

Beer Froth “our home has no hate”, shows the hypocrisy, and MAYBE the deceiving of wicked people.

Fred–“do not judge”, where have we heard that before??? Church maybe???

“I think farting is an ART”, “I love tangents(God)”.

Larry–"we don’t hate"lol, followed by ‘fruitcakes’ reference(no hate here). "Farts are more entertaining than worrying about the end of time , anyway.

Easy to distinguish the good, the bad, the ugly; in the absence of good. My plan worked to perfection, first allowing the ugly to expose themselves by me ACTING ugly, as needed. Separated the chaff from the wheat early, but the wheat did NOT want to be separated, so they attacked me instead of the chaff. Hypocrisy at it’s best, just as the church “eats it’s young” daily.

This thread SHOULD NOT be deleted, because TRUTH abounds here, and I suspect Andy knows that.

I will continue later, need to walk my babies who love me dearly, for my morning dose of love, take NO meds at all, don’t need any distractions from the Father.

“The big one’s still swimming, let’s go.”

Seems like a decent bunch to me.

MD. is that how you go through life? Setting traps for people, to see where they stand. It must be a real PITA, for you to trust:question: If you don’t exhibit trust, how can you expect it returned:question:

Originally posted by mac daddy

2Corinthians 11:14–And no marvel; for satan himself is transformed into an angel of light.

warbler, pea pod, beer froth, fritz, edaniel, easy, 7cs, Larry, and others. NOW, even Fred has joined their forces.

Even SurfFishlife respectfully used the word " WE can do better". Be ye separate, SurfFishlife, may be a result of TOO MUCH love teaching, careful.

The first paragraph of guys are not subtle enough to pass satan’s test for servant either, they just belong in the category WICKED HUMAN BEINGS, plain enough. I gave warbler too much credit, thinking he is a satan worshipper.

Beer Froth “our home has no hate”, shows the hypocrisy, and MAYBE the deceiving of wicked people.

Fred–“do not judge”, where have we heard that before??? Church maybe???

“I think farting is an ART”, “I love tangents(God)”.

Larry–"we don’t hate"lol, followed by ‘fruitcakes’ reference(no hate here). "Farts are more entertaining than worrying about the end of time , anyway.

Easy to distinguish the good, the bad, the ugly; in the absence of good. My plan worked to perfection, first allowing the ugly to expose themselves by me ACTING ugly, as needed. Separated the chaff from the wheat early, but the wheat did NOT want to be separated, so they attacked me instead of the chaff. Hypocrisy at it’s best, just as the church “eats it’s young” daily.

This thread SHOULD NOT be deleted, because TRUTH abounds here, and I suspect Andy knows that.

I will continue later, need to walk my babies who love me dearly, for my morning dose of love, take NO meds at all, don’t need any distractions from the Father.

“The big one’s still swimming, let’s go.”

Signs & Symptoms

The symptoms of schizophrenia fall into three broad categories: positive symptoms, negative symptom

And certain people wanted this post deleted, like it was dead! Not dead, just waiting for MD, to be raised from the sarcophagus! All the true believers, knew it would come to pass and (Here’s Mac Daddy):smiley:

Easy, I only set traps for people who claim to be what they are not.

7cs, you trust in man, I will trust in God, we’ll see who wins.

“The big one’s still swimming, let’s go.”

Mac Daddy, you keep on keepin’ on…and keep up the good fight…and remember, it’s not paranoia if they’re really after you…

Next time you come in, come heavy, or not at all…

Originally posted by mac daddy

Easy, I only set traps for people who claim to be what they are not.

7cs, you trust in man, I will trust in God, we’ll see who wins.

“The big one’s still swimming, let’s go.”

Mac, I am truly disappointed to think that you believe I am evil for taking a tangent on farting. And to say and admit you actually set traps? That could become a very evil path your on. That would insinuate that you are actually trying to judge others. I believe that is wrong? Right?

I have no hate towards you, just slowly learning that your Technics on supposed teaching is a bit off scale.

Loosen up Mac Daddy! I don’t think GOD wants us miserable and I know (no I don’t have scripture to support this) that GOD has a sense of humor. Just look at a platypus duck.

Messiah Complex Psychology

Most people today are having curiosity about messiah complex psychology. Actually, this is a complex psychological state when a person believes that he or she is a savior today or he or she will be like that in the near future. The world ?messiah complex? is does not concentrates on the statistical and diagnostic delusions or delusion of grandeur. This kind of psychological issue is usually acquired by patients who have schizophrenia and bipolar disorders. According to some surveys, about 10 percent of psychological patients suffer from this. It is true that people can always be a savior. However, acting as the savior of the whole world is somewhat impossible.

Prescribed Medication

Messiah complex psychology is one of the significant topics that are usually discussed by most doctors. These professionals want to discover the safe and efficient medications for it. Aside from that, because the number of people who are suffering from this condition is increasing, doctors are doing their best just to look for the best solution for this health issue. Some celebrities like Inri Cristo, Jim Jones, and David Koresh suffer from this psychological disorder.

What Influences the Messiah Complex

It actually takes for granted the significant factors that influence the personality of a person in the deepest unconsciousness. Aside from that, it is too far in mapping the psych and it is also an essential theoretical item which is very common in therapy. Until now, there are no findings or official treatments for this psychological disorder. However, doctors and other medical personnel are still searching for the right treatment that they will give to the patients who suffer from it.

It is a big question for everyone that why do some people think that they are the messiah or the future Jesus Christ. According to the modern psychology, it is not difficult to understand the people who want to be like God. It is true that all the people desire to have extr

Fred, the tanget I referred to was you listed God as a tangent.

I explained the trap thing as just to bring out the TRUTH, and it worked.

As to judging–1 Corinthians 6:2-Do ye not know that the saints shall judge the world? And if the world shall be judged by you, are ye not worthy to JUDGE the smallest matters?

3- Know ye not that we shall judge angels? How much more things that pertain to THIS LIFE?

So, this teaching about NOT judging is shot out of the water for good; please stop accusing me of doing wrong in judging.

Another scripture says “judge with righteous judgment”, as I have quoted before.

Last, I did not judge them, they judged themselves by admitting their motives.

“The big one’s still swimming, let’s go.”

Originally posted by mac daddy

2Corinthians 11:14–And no marvel; for satan himself is transformed into an angel of light.

warbler, pea pod, beer froth, fritz, edaniel, easy, 7cs, Larry, and others. NOW, even Fred has joined their forces.

Even SurfFishlife respectfully used the word " WE can do better". Be ye separate, SurfFishlife, may be a result of TOO MUCH love teaching, careful.

It could be too much love teaching, but I don’t think so. This is the main reason I think we don’t have to worry very much about too much love teaching:

Jesus replied: “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.</font id=“red”>” Matthew 22:36-40

Jesus thought love was more important than anything else. I’m going to go ahead and hang my hat on that.

If you’re lucky enough to be fishing, you’re lucky enough.

First, I am just curious as to where I fell in this trap MD? Funny thing to me is my first thought on your first post in the your first thread felt like a trap to me. You came across as disingenuous to me from the very start and yes, God gave me that feeling.

Second, Jesus knew that if one could follow those first two commandments, then the rest would take care of themselves, but if you leave one of those first two out and still try to follow the rest, it will be very difficult as we are just not capable of doing that without God!

I just wanted to learn about the jetty shad run.

Charleston City Papers Best Guide of 2014

Originally posted by CaptFritz

I just wanted to learn about the jetty shad run.

Charleston City Papers Best Guide of 2014

Your that guy that that tells the same joke over and over until it isn’t funny anymore, aren’t you?

Capt. F

Jetty Shad run?

Isn’t late May a little early?


illigitimi non-carborundum . . .

MD can you give admin permission to delete this thread pls? And then when he refuses, admin, will you please do it anyway? This needs to die.

I CANNOT believe it took 30 pages for the truth to come out. WOW!!!###!!!

That in itself shows the depth of poor teaching in the churches, ONLY RWL had enough SPIRITUAL DISCERNMENT from God to see the TRUTH. Even now, after30 pages of teaching truth and exposing falsehoods, we still have the believers refusing to see the light, reference judging, love, spreading the word, trying to convert ‘devout’ sinners(satan lovers), believ ers not interested in becoming ‘devout believers’, just stay ‘like I am’, I am fine.

RWL, you are 100% on the money, the only one, unfortunately.

The other believers WILL NOT get out of their little shell, and broaden their teachers and learning, due to FEAR of the devil, false prophets, etc.

The teaching that spiritual gifts are not for today, and they are from satan is EXACTLY what the Pharisees accused of Jesus. “He casts out devils in the name of the devil”. You believers need to listen to your spiritual gift of discernment, and STOP listening to YOUR false teachers who you believe are perfect in their teaching because they teach love, love, love!!!

Simple question, I asked over 20 pages ago-- How did Jesus treat the Pharisees(church leaders)???

Did He “love” them into the kingdom??? Did He answer their accusations against Him, and their BLASPHEMOUS questions with love???

PLEASEEEEEE don’t say “you are not Jesus”, what does CHRISTian mean??? I
know, followers, why did Jesus say “do the things that I do”???

Thus, the WHOLE purpose of these threads is to WAKE UP believers before the end time comes, then it will be too late for most believers, because they will stay in their ‘safe shell’, and fall right into the deception of the Antichrist, because of his signs, wonders, and SAYING he is God(Christ by name).

FEARRRRRR will be the winning tool, and that tool is being installed in believers for the Antichrist by Pastors, Teachers, and loved ones of believers EVERY DAY!!!###

Fear of the devil, fear of judging, fear of not LOVING enough, fear of sinning,

ED, if he did that, he couldn’t say that Admin was a Godless Heathen, being controlled by the rest of the Heathens around here!

You guys on the WICKED HUMAN BEINGS category sure would love these threads to go away, but the right teaching has a place in the world too, for the very small portion who appreciate it.

“The big one’s still swimming, let’s go.”

That would be YOUR ■■■■■:wink: