Who pushed it over the edge? talking about poof

You can’t just go full crazy for 20 pages and then say, “LOL, just teaching!” Nobody believes that.

I, for one, think this is a glorious thread…

Next time you come in, come heavy, or not at all…

You can't just go full crazy for 20 pages and then say, "LOL, just teaching!"

Apparently he thinks he can.

Capt. Larry Teuton
Swamp Worshiper

“Ships are the nearest things to dreams that hands have ever made.” -Robert N. Rose

Well, easy and Larry, you would NOT know good or bad teaching, you didn’t even know traps were set, only RWL knew, because he is in the SMALL number, no, not MY ■■■■■, God’s ■■■■■; but that is a foreign language you guys are trying to speak, ■■■■■, teaching, etc. May as well be french.

THAT, was not full crazy, messiah complex, paranoia, meds, THAT IS FULL CRAZY talking, BUT, just every day stuff for wicked people, Larry included.

Of course, warbler loves it, so he has someone to rail on, he has no need to rail on ‘LUKEWARM’ believers, they are not hurting his cause anyway.

Wicked people and satan LOVE(that word again) lukewarm believers and churches, because they “aid and abet” their cause tremendously. BUT, 50’000 a week are waking up and WALKING OUT of the world-loving churches in America weekly, THANK GOD!!!###

See, the “good ole’ boys” think that’s terrible, because as long as they “hear the word”, they have a chance to be “saved”, NOT very likely with the pitiful examples of Christianity they are sitting next to, or the “same ole’ message” preached, not taught, week after week, just trying to “win the lost”, and let the true believers dry up and die without teaching.

“The big one’s still swimming, let’s go.”

LOL, Larry included! LOL LOL! Larry, you are in rare company! I really feel for you. If I can do anything for you, please call! It appears that DM, has a hard on for ya! If it was me, I’d run cause he is swinging a BIG CLUB :imp::smiley::wink:

does PN even have enough storage over there for all this gobbledygook?

Easy, I’m so upset that I don’t know if I can sleep tonight. I don’t think he likes me any more than I like him :smiley:

If I can do anything for you, please call! It appears that DM, has a hard on for ya! If it was me, I'd run cause he is swinging a BIG CLUB

Thanks, but I can handle it. God never blessed me with a reverse gear. Only neutral and 4 forward.

Capt. Larry Teuton
Swamp Worshiper

“Ships are the nearest things to dreams that hands have ever made.” -Robert N. Rose

RWL said God gave him that feeling, and you wicked pretenders just let that slide, shows YOU GUYS ARE THE ONES in love with someone here, that has been obvious, now poor pea pod thinks this is gobbledygook, hurt my feelings again. Lol gobbledygook indeed, iyo

“The big one’s still swimming, let’s go.”

What is my “cause,” mac daddy? Also, how many churches have you been kicked out of?

Next time you come in, come heavy, or not at all…

What is the cause of all who act wickedly, and PRETEND to be believers??? The good ole’ boys would never confront you, they would just talk behind your back, their preferred way of passing judgement(hiding from God), and passing information, secretly, and softly, so as not to offend anyone or God.

Jesus said “you shall be offended because of me”, but most believers never have to worry about being offended.

I have not been kicked out of enough churches, that would be a favor, NOT a disgrace, in most cases…
“The big one’s still swimming, let’s go.”

Originally posted by Edistodaniel

You can’t just go full crazy for 20 pages and then say, “LOL, just teaching!” Nobody believes that.

I concur.

Originally posted by mac daddy

What is the cause of all who act wickedly, and PRETEND to be believers??? The good ole’ boys would never confront you, they would just talk behind your back, their preferred way of passing judgement(hiding from God), and passing information, secretly, and softly, so as not to offend anyone or God.

Jesus said “you shall be offended because of me”, but most believers never have to worry about being offended.

I have not been kicked out of enough churches, that would be a favor, NOT a disgrace, in most cases…
“The big one’s still swimming, let’s go.”

Do you think people talk behind your back Mac Daddy? And stop saying I’m “wicked”. Judge not lest ye be judged, remember?

Next time you come in, come heavy, or not at all…

RWL, keep your discernment sharp. You KNOW the enemy loves to twist scriptures. They also twist my words, obviously.

I said teaching AND exposing falsehoods, the DECEPTION is working on you,be careful, PLUS, I did not say “just” anything.

I battled these guys 5 years ago, same ole tricks, PREDICTABLE, of course, you don’t know, but sharpen up. warbler right now is using their second favorite trick, judging accusation. Their fave is “who’s going to hell”??? Judging also. Or, as warbler keeps doing, bring hell in any way they can. Obviously, their fantasy island, because they think make believe, because satan DEFINITELY has them deceived in his back pocket.

RWL, your answer, exposing falsehoods, was the trap parts, NOT crazy though, they just tried that favorite trick too, calling a believer CRAZY, when we all know the TRUTH about that.

RWL, don’t get out of the box too far yet, you’re not ready for the pro circuit until you are a seasoned veteran with devils, strongholds, warfare, and, of course, knowledge of the word. THE WORD will defeat the enemy quickly, but you must know when it gets twisted, to put the TRAP back in their yard.

MOST IMPORTANT, take your time answering, don’t get overexcited.

“The big one’s still swimming, let’s go.”

(whispers) Interesting - he thinks RWL agrees with him. Let’s see how this plays out.

There isn’t enough popcorn in Charleston to sit here and read all this crap… lol

Skeeter ZX2200 W/ Yamaha 200

Is there a doctor in the house?

Capt. Larry Teuton
Swamp Worshiper

“Ships are the nearest things to dreams that hands have ever made.” -Robert N. Rose

Originally posted by mac daddy

I CANNOT believe it took 30 pages for the truth to come out. WOW!!!###!!!

That in itself shows the depth of poor teaching in the churches, ONLY RWL had enough SPIRITUAL DISCERNMENT from God to see the TRUTH. Even now, after30 pages of teaching truth and exposing falsehoods, we still have the believers refusing to see the light, reference judging, love, spreading the word, trying to convert ‘devout’ sinners(satan lovers), believ ers not interested in becoming ‘devout believers’, just stay ‘like I am’, I am fine.

RWL, you are 100% on the money, the only one, unfortunately.

The other believers WILL NOT get out of their little shell, and broaden their teachers and learning, due to FEAR of the devil, false prophets, etc.

The teaching that spiritual gifts are not for today, and they are from satan is EXACTLY what the Pharisees accused of Jesus. “He casts out devils in the name of the devil”. You believers need to listen to your spiritual gift of discernment, and STOP listening to YOUR false teachers who you believe are perfect in their teaching because they teach love, love, love!!!

Simple question, I asked over 20 pages ago-- How did Jesus treat the Pharisees(church leaders)???

Did He “love” them into the kingdom??? Did He answer their accusations against Him, and their BLASPHEMOUS questions with love???

PLEASEEEEEE don’t say “you are not Jesus”, what does CHRISTian mean??? I
know, followers, why did Jesus say “do the things that I do”???

Thus, the WHOLE purpose of these threads is to WAKE UP believers before the end time comes, then it will be too late for most believers, because they will stay in their ‘safe shell’, and fall right into the deception of the Antichrist, because of his signs, wonders, and SAYING he is God(Christ by name).

FEARRRRRR will be the winning tool, and that tool is being installed in believers f

Calling people CRAZY is what children and dim-witted adults do ONLY when they have NO ANSWER to contribute constructively to the subject of conversation.

VERY OBVIOUS, even so called experts know that is true. The comments about this thread not being worth reading, coming from clowns who can’t even get a thread past ONE PAGE. So easy to condemn others and ignore your own “crap” postings. So easy indeed.

“The big one’s still swimming, let’s go.”

where’s a suicide bomber when ya need one?