Who pushed it over the edge? talking about poof

I can’t help but think that if the reward for the good guys is they get to spend all of eternity with the likes of MD, what kind of awful unspeakable eternity is in store for all of the rest of us.
Yet oddly enough I’m left feeling stuck between a rock and a hard place.

Originally posted by mac daddy

Calling people CRAZY is what children and dim-witted adults do ONLY when they have NO ANSWER to contribute constructively to the subject of conversation.

VERY OBVIOUS, even so called experts know that is true. The comments about this thread not being worth reading, coming from clowns who can’t even get a thread past ONE PAGE. So easy to condemn others and ignore your own “crap” postings. So easy indeed.

“The big one’s still swimming, let’s go.”

Lol, whacko

[/URL] [/img]

[quote]Originally posted by Edistodaniel

MD can you give admin permission to delete this thread pls? And then when he refuses, admin, will you please do it anyway? This needs to die.

Edisto, you say this thread needs to die, but you continue to post on it???

Hummmmm… confused?.. Actually minus Mac putting me on the “dark side” I still think it is pretty neat. :smiley:

Some really deep thought along with much shallow derogatory comments have come out of the “poofed” thread and this new revised questioning thread.

Neat stuff if you ask me, not that you will, but neat non the less. And to think Mac Daddy put me of all people on the “dark Side”. And I set no traps. Don’t have the memory for that.

I kind of envy Larry for being labeled a “swamp” worshiper. I worship that and much more of GOD’s creations.

All above aside: What’s the deal with the Jettie Shad run Fritz? A real deal or just some tangent b.s. :question:

Truth be told, the Shad do run by the Jetties!

Fred, I just re-read your post about tangents, I apologize, I misread that to say God is a tangent. You said tangents, THEN GOD, I misread, sorry.

We will get this thread back on track soon, away from the crazy talk.

There are lots of people reading this thread who are not posting on it, some are curious about the word of God, and end time prophecies still.

Fred, you and me can keep this thread going without the garbage heap crowd that I have falsely been attached to.

“The big one’s still swimming, let’s go.”

Easy, that is what I told fritz, the reason he ragged on me was I agreed with him.

“The big one’s still swimming, let’s go.”

MD, that was your first mistake! No one agrees with Fritz:wink:

Neat stuff if you ask me, not that you will, but neat non the less. And to think Mac Daddy put me of all people on the "dark Side". And I set no traps. Don't have the memory for that.

Me too, no need to delete :sunglasses: We are all adults I think. Anybody can leave, comment, or read or say nothing.

I kind of envy Larry for being labeled a "swamp" worshiper. I worship that and much more of GOD's creations.

I like that too, might even have to change my screen name :smiley:

Capt. Larry Teuton
Swamp Worshiper

“Ships are the nearest things to dreams that hands have ever made.” -Robert N. Rose

Larry, same as fritz, I started out with you by a compliment, the enemy probably twisted that message and the “swamp boy” compliment too.

Swamp boys and country boys are farrrrrr more spiritual normally than city “scholars”, etc.

I was baptized in a pond in the country as a boy, where we had great revival services, reunions, and prayer services for URGENT NEED prayers.

Those days ARE coming again, when people get over their “rich”, lustful, me-me attitudes.

All that tangent stuff I did was to make people realize how foolish behaviour falsely accusing, and playing games with God has put us where we are in America today, and tonight.

God WILL bless America if we will only REPENT, and get on our knees. The Bible says “EVERY KNEE WILL BOW”, WHETHER THEY WANT TO OR NOT.

Bring it on, Lord Jesus.

“The big one’s still swimming, let’s go.”

Fred, 7,656 reads on YOUR thread, there are plenty reasons to be excited about this thread, and many NEW posters to come with great interest.

“The big one’s still swimming, let’s go.”

I think a contest is in order! Larry’s new screen name! The Cracker that came from the Swamp:smiley: Larry the Swamp Thing:smiley: The Swamp Thing:smiley:

The Cracker from the Black Lagoon?

If you’re lucky enough to be fishing, you’re lucky enough.

The shad run at the jetty stuff comes from the post you made asking someone about the shad they were catching… I think the title of the thread was 40" fish at morris island, I will bump it for you.


Charleston City Papers Best Guide of 2014

Originally posted by mcvlbound

I can’t help but think that if the reward for the good guys is they get to spend all of eternity with the likes of MD, what kind of awful unspeakable eternity is in store for all of the rest of us.
Yet oddly enough I’m left feeling stuck between a rock and a hard place.

The reward in Heaven will be spending eternity being able to praise God for what He is and living in a perfect world. We will only have one desire and that will be to praise God. We will not be worried about anything or anyone else, ever! Know, that doesn’t sound too good to some here on earth, but when one gets there, that desire will be strong that being able to praise God will be the most joyous thing one has ever done. There is nothing here on earth that will compare to that feeling, and one will get to do it every minute of every day for eternity.

Mac, what years were you in Vietnam and what units were you in?

Next time you come in, come heavy, or not at all…

Originally posted by Fred67

[quote]Originally posted by Edistodaniel

MD can you give admin permission to delete this thread pls? And then when he refuses, admin, will you please do it anyway? This needs to die.

Edisto, you say this thread needs to die, but you continue to post on it???

Hummmmm… confused?.. Actually minus Mac putting me on the “dark side” I still think it is pretty neat. :smiley:

Some really deep thought along with much shallow derogatory comments have come out of the “poofed” thread and this new revised questioning thread.

Neat stuff if you ask me, not that you will, but neat non the less. And to think Mac Daddy put me of all people on the “dark Side”. And I set no traps. Don’t have the memory for that.

I kind of envy Larry for being labeled a “swamp” worshiper. I worship that and much more of GOD’s creations.

All above aside: What’s the deal with the Jettie Shad run Fritz? A real deal or just some tangent b.s. :question:

Oh just because it needs to die doesn't mean i'm going to keep messing around in it.

it does not need to die. needs to be left up for posterity.

that jetty shad run is real. secret but real.

I think edaniel will keep “messing” where he should not mess, like warbler messing with the Viet Nam post to set the trap.

The thread is getting on the right track, we have to ignore the derailers who are only here for one purpose, to DESTROY the word of God and the end time thread.

Fred, Larry, RWL, SurfFishlife, and some others, when they come back, along with MD can keep the thread on track.

Now, about that end time prophecies period, the next event to look for is the 7 year peace treaty between Israel and it’s enemies.

That will begin the 7 year tribulation period, which will start with peace, prosperity, and great success for the “one world order” as referred to by Bush, Jr.

The Bible says it will be a “world authority”, also says the “Prince”(not king) will give the WEALTH to the people, making him THE MOST POPULAR RULER IN HISTORY. That will lay the groundwork for him being “worshipped”, wealth shared with the common man will no doubt make people do ANYTHING for this man. That, coupled with peace in the Middle East, will have the people believing this man ‘can do no wrong’.

BUT, BUT, right in the Middle of the treaty, satan is cast out of Heaven to earth, to take over the Prince’s kingdom, and set up HIS kingdom in the Temple on Mount Zion, saying he IS GOD,(as Christ). Like the sarcastic ones here have referred to MD.

Satan has ALWAYS been a man, as Lucifer, the arch angel, as a Cherub angel protected the mercy seat of Christ. WHY did it need to be protected in Heaven???

Because of the FALLEN(sinful) angels, who were disobedient, that tells us even angels have free will, God is NOT a tyrant ruler, like many men, as Obama would love to be.

At the Middle of the tribulation period, Jesus says then comes GREAT TRIBULATION, SUCH AS WAS NEVER KNOWN. This 3 1/2 year period will be SHORTENED For the elect’s sake, during this period, God will send 2 witnesses(with Prophets power to stop rain, etc) who will be KILLED by Antichrist, their bodies will lay in the streets of Jerusalem 3

Originally posted by mac daddy

I think edaniel will keep “messing” where he should not mess

*Whispers* It appears he has a fixation with me. Interesting, let's see how this plays out.

Your obsession with me is weird when 99% of the posts in this thread have been making fun of you.