Who pushed it over the edge? talking about poof

You and your buddies do most of the “making fun” as YOU call it, only fun for sadistic individuals, the others have said how sad that is.

Obviously, it’s less than 50%, because of my posts being the majority of this thread.

You can’t even tell the truth when condemning, how do you ever tell the truth??? You don’t need to lie to condemn, that is soooo easy, for everyone.

I see you have no response to the subject of end time prophecies, maybe don’t know enough to lie about that subject, huh???

“The big one’s still swimming, let’s go.”

you’re right. lets get back on track

You’ve posted 171 times in this thread so far? b/c that’s half. Maths

PS, the topic of this thread is: Who pushed it over the edge? talking about poof. Which means I’m on topic, you’re not.

Good company, like someone said about the WICKED HUMAN BEINGS category here

ONLY crazies call others crazies, that is fact, not fiction.

All relative, after the witnesses are dead 2 1/2 days, we CAN say “the world will end tomorrow”, just don’t know EXACTLY when they will die. So many saying as Larry, “I’m not worried about that subject”, and so many saying “you don’t need to worry”, and so many saying “you don’t need to study the book of Revelation”, AND, so many just “having fun 'til it’s over”, so few ARE CONCERNED THAT THE END TIME IS COMING, Antichrist will have an EASY time deceiving Christians who have been taught to be at ease.

The signs in the post won’t do any good anyway, so rail on.


“The big one’s still swimming, let’s go.”

Originally posted by mac daddy

Good company, like someone said about the WICKED HUMAN BEINGS category here

ONLY crazies call others crazies, that is fact, not fiction.

“The big one’s still swimming, let’s go.”

Where has that been proven fact?

Originally posted by mac daddy

Good company, like someone said about the WICKED HUMAN BEINGS category here

ONLY crazies call others crazies, that is fact, not fiction.

“The big one’s still swimming, let’s go.”

Answer my question about your Vietnam experience, please.

Next time you come in, come heavy, or not at all…

I don’t fall in traps, warbler; you should know that, but your “bottom of my heart” trap did catch me a LITTLE off guard. Should have known your heart is desperately wicked, as the word says.

7cs, you are the psychology expert, you find the answer, I couldn’t care less.

Paranoia should ring your bell, but you only quote, you don’t originate.

“The big one’s still swimming, let’s go.”

Originally posted by mac daddy

I don’t fall in traps, warbler; you should know that, but your “bottom of my heart” trap did catch me a LITTLE off guard. Should have known your heart is desperately wicked, as the word says.

7cs, you are the psychology expert, you find the answer, I couldn’t care less.

“The big one’s still swimming, let’s go.”

In other words, you told something you didn’t know to be true.

Originally posted by mac daddy

I don’t fall in traps, warbler; you should know that, but your “bottom of my heart” trap did catch me a LITTLE off guard. Should have known your heart is desperately wicked, as the word says.

7cs, you are the psychology expert, you find the answer, I couldn’t care less.

Paranoia should ring your bell, but you only quote, you don’t originate.

“The big one’s still swimming, let’s go.”

Hmmm, more lies exposed…

Next time you come in, come heavy, or not at all…

MD, Answer the question about you VN experience! I don’t truck with poser’ or wantabee’s!

Easy, I have no intention of “trucking” with you, or you with me, so get over yourself, if you think I care.

EVERYONE with half a brain knows paranoia calls everyone else crazy, they are just “the victims”, as YOU GUYS say you are victims of my teaching being false.

You are the victims of your own counterpoint, shows PREDICTABLE, SO PREDICTABLE!!!### ie: call the kettle black rings a bell.

You just love TRYING TO BULLY so much, you couldn’t leave this thread if your life depended on it. “Making fun” you call it, sane people call it sadistic behavior, followed by dreams of grandeur in your warped minds.

Enough playing in YOUR playhouses, I’m moving on.

“The big one’s still swimming, let’s go.”

?For those who guide the people are leading them astray; And those who are guided by them are brought to confusion.?
Isaiah 9:16

Capt. Larry Teuton
Swamp Worshiper

“Ships are the nearest things to dreams that hands have ever made.” -Robert N. Rose

Originally posted by mac daddy

Easy, I have no intention of “trucking” with you, or you with me, so get over yourself, if you think I care.

EVERYONE with half a brain knows paranoia calls everyone else crazy, they are just “the victims”, as YOU GUYS say you are victims of my teaching being false.

You are the victims of your own counterpoint, shows PREDICTABLE, SO PREDICTABLE!!!### ie: call the kettle black rings a bell.

You just love TRYING TO BULLY so much, you couldn’t leave this thread if your life depended on it. “Making fun” you call it, sane people call it sadistic behavior, followed by dreams of grandeur in your warped minds.

Enough playing in YOUR playhouses, I’m moving on.

“The big one’s still swimming, let’s go.”

Confirmed. Despicable.

Next time you come in, come heavy, or not at all…

Continuing end time prophecies, after Jesus destroys the WICKED HUMAN BEINGS including those ready to attack Jerusalem, led by Antichrist. and the earth’s elements by fire, the REMNANT of God(very few by comparison of previous population) will be NOW RAPTURED, the dead in Christ will rise first, because they are ALREADY GONE. 1 Thessalonians 4:13, NOT 17.

Then, the 1,000 year reign will begin, with TRUE BELIEVERS being kings and priests, thus, TEACHING the believers who BARELY made it,because they said “as long as I make it, OK”. These believers still have a short period of testing to endure after 1,000 years of teaching, when satan is loosed again to tempt the weaker believers, with his deception, and lies, here on earth, NOT in Heaven, or hades.

After that short time, the NEW Heaven and the NEW(renovated in Greek) earth will come down to where Jesus is for the Judgement day, for ALL people who ever lived, except satan, he is already judged to death, Ezekiel chapter 28, as Lucifer, star of the morning(like Christ is “the morning star”), counterfeit Jesus.(as Antichrist) or “abomination of desolation”. At that judgement, the beast, THE FALSE PROPHET, and Antichrist will be cast into THE LAKE OF FIRE, not hell, not hades, not death.

Then, death and hell will be cast into the LAKE OF FIRE, also. REVELATION 20:10 & 20:14

ONLY the beast, false prophet, and Antichrist will be TORMENTED FOREVER AND EVER, does NOT say others will be TORMENTED FOREVER and ever according to the word of God. The word of God says “THE SMOKE” of others torment goes up forever and ever. Smoke is forever(aion Greek, an age or period, MAY be indefinite).

No more death or hades, burned up(God is a consuming fire).

Eternal Greek definition-- perpetual, past, and future, but having a TIME SPAN, as beginning to end.

God has a perpetual plan, that has no beginning time, nor any FINAL END TIME, the word of God stops, time does NOT, only the time span of mankind as we knowIit.

The NEW HEAVEN AND EARTH is God’s promise


Continue verse 17: The Lord shall have NO JOY in their young men, neither shall have mercy on their fatherless(orphans) and widows; for every one is a HYPOCRITE AND AN EVILDOER, and every mouth speaketh FOLLY, for ALL this, His(God) ANGER IS NOT turned away, BUT HIS(GOD) HAND IS STRETCHED OUT(IN ANGER) STILL.

Thank you, Larry, just the post(s) we need, EXPOSING false teaching, thus, the purpose for my posting and teaching EXACTLY.

Unfortunately, the enemy NEVER wants the word of God to be taught in truth, half truth makes him happy, but THE TRUTH infuriates him to being destructive in ANY way he can.

These threads are so obvious, wise men will seek the truth, but men who want to trust in man for their confidence, Will refuse to hear the truth, and be deceived until the end of this time.


“The big one’s still swimming, let’s go.”

I feel so much better now :smiley:

Stumbled across this on Fox today, it predicts the end before Jan 2017. What do you think of this?


Capt. Larry Teuton
Swamp Worshiper

“Ships are the nearest things to dreams that hands have ever made.” -Robert N. Rose

Interesting, but not convincing enough to get my $37

Daggum, you’re one “Wicked Cracker”, from the Black Lagoon.

Originally posted by Cracker Larry

I feel so much better now :smiley:

Stumbled across this on Fox today, it predicts the end before Jan 2017. What do you think of this?


Capt. Larry Teuton
Swamp Worshiper

“Ships are the nearest things to dreams that hands have ever made.” -Robert N. Rose

What perplexes me is why someone would want to live after an event such as this? This type of fear mongering is directed to the ones that are worried they will not make it to Heaven. Nobody knows whether they will, or won?t. But trying to extend ones own life still won’t make a difference in the Decision Maker?s decision.

This is all about identifying weak minded individuals willing to give up $$$$ to try to save their wreched soul…