Who pushed it over the edge? talking about poof

MD, have you ever heard of Stolen Valor? I’m very proud of my service and will and can prove every day of it! You seem to be avoiding the subject of your VN service! You’re the one that brought your service into the discussion, now you can’t or won’t back it up! Either back it up, or nothing you have to say on any subject will ever be believed on this site, ever again. Remember, whatever you come up with will be checked by me, through any and all means and you will be held accountable!

Originally posted by Easy

MD, have you ever heard of Stolen Valor? I’m very proud of my service and will and can prove every day of it! You seem to be avoiding the subject of your VN service! You’re the one that brought your service into the discussion, now you can’t or won’t back it up! Either back it up, or nothing you have to say on any subject will ever be believed on this site, ever again. Remember, whatever you come up with will be checked by me, through any and all means and you will be held accountable!

MD ignoring, or deflecting, in 3, 2, 1…

Easy, are you saying macdaddy’s nam tour didn’t happen?

It’s getting serious

RBF, he might be busy doing an internet search, on military units! He better do a good one!

Originally posted by Easy

RBF, he might be busy doing an internet search, on military units! He better do a good one!


I’ll leave this topic to you. I have no room to improve on this one.

Now, if we can get back to farts, popcorn, and moonshine, then that’s my bailiwick…


OK, RBF! He better know what he’s going to say! This coming Thursday I’m going to Branson, MO, to attend my VN Unit Reunion, so I do know what I’m talking about.

Originally posted by Easy

OK, RBF! He better know what he’s going to say! This coming Thursday I’m going to Branson, MO, to attend my VN Unit Reunion, so I do know what I’m talking about.


Thank you, and Godspeed.


Originally posted by Easy

OK, RBF! He better know what he’s going to say! This coming Thursday I’m going to Branson, MO, to attend my VN Unit Reunion, so I do know what I’m talking about.

Safe travels.

Next time you come in, come heavy, or not at all…

Originally posted by Easy

RBF, he might be busy doing an internet search, on military units! He better do a good one!

His electron Bible made him a cut'n paste kind of guy.

Thanks guys! We have these reunions every 2 years! Lot of catching up, beer and laughs! Always a memorial service, for the guys we lost over there and the ones since! Makes you reflect on how lucky we are!

Larry, I watched the video three times, this news of the electrical failure has been on the news numerous times, nothing new there.

The Bible study information is VERY INTERESTING, and quite new. My last teacher taught a lot of what he is saying, especially Isaiah chapter 18 being the U. S. His reference to Jeremiah and other Isaiah chapters usually is held to Antichrist only, but the U. S. COULD fit there, except for world domination in THE END, that can ONLY be Antichrist, in my opinion.

The North(Russia) attacking the South(U. S.) Is new. You However, it is in reference to Jerusalem, so South of Jerusalem being the U. S. Is far fetched for sure. It is easy to imagine that being Egypt, since they have always been Israel’s enemy, and they are very large in size.

The prophecies reference a nation divided by two rivers, which could be the U. S., but also is Babylon, (Iraq). The mystery Babylon label tells us that this nation will be LIKE Babylon, if not Babylon. Again, the U. S. IS LIKE Babylon, except for being against Israel, now Obama has us in that category too.

As to Obama being our LAST President, Clinton said he WOULD be America’s last president. As to WWIII coming during Obama’s remaining term, could well be.

I have not given any date except the next five years for the end, but I do have a theory for the year 2017, as the video stated. Actually, it came from a TV prophecies teacher, and my last teacher combined.

The teaching on that video is EXTREMELY INTERESTING to say the least, and does contain much Biblical accuracy.

Beer froth’s reaction is typical of worldly thinking: FEAR, and money grabbing. I don’t have any comment on that portion really, except the Bible says “a workman is worthy of his hire” in serving God. Whether the video is serving God or not, I won’t say, God knows.

Regardless of how accurate, there is much truth in that video, how much only God knows. I do believe WWIII will be the battle of GOG(North) and Magog(South or West, depending on who you beli

Originally posted by wearthefishes
Originally posted by Easy

RBF, he might be busy doing an internet search, on military units! He better do a good one!

His electron Bible made him a cut'n paste kind of guy.

MD has been to war, his own personal war by his own words. It is getting rather humanitarian in my mind. There really is no need to ask anything personal about him. He won’t answer and will use the inquiry against you later to try to create anger and backlash, so it will appear there is a victim in the exchange.

At this point, it is best not to engage as it will only provide more fodder to fuel the rants, AND JUDGEMENT.

AGAIN, in the end we are all just regular folks praising and worshipping in our own way. Many of our military allowed for us to do so.

WITH that being said, America was founded not on freedom of speech, but freedom of religion. When a person stuffs a doctrine down the troats of their pupils without the 360 review process, it seems un-American to me.

I choose to worship Christ in the manner I choose, and my country was founded on that premise. No one individual can break that social contract.

That social contract we all obey is the right for me to fart, eat popcorn, and drink moonshine. I never said I did all those at one time…but “fart-popped pop corn after drinking moonshine” may be the next Shark Tank business - Branded as a Low Country delicacy for our OHIO friends…

Mr. Wonderful awaits my new business and wants a 5% royalty on all farts…


Interesting, but not convincing enough to get my $37

My thoughts exactly. I found it interesting, up until it became an obvious infomercial selling fear. I don’t think that if the end of the world comes before Jan. 2017, that me spending $37 today will save me. I didn’t even finish reading it and don’t know how it ended. But if $37 will get me a tinfoil hat, I’m going into the tinfoil hat business.

Capt. Larry Teuton
Swamp Worshiper

“Ships are the nearest things to dreams that hands have ever made.” -Robert N. Rose

That social contract we all obey is the right for me to fart, eat popcorn, and drink moonshine. I never said I did all those at one time..

Heck, I couldn’t honestly say I that haven’t :imp:

Capt. Larry Teuton
Swamp Worshiper

“Ships are the nearest things to dreams that hands have ever made.” -Robert N. Rose

Pea, he did elude to being there! He has since dropped out of that discussion! Must not be very proud of his service or lack of! I’m proud of every minute I served and you can serve God and be a warrior at the same time! After all, we were fighting Godless Commies!

Originally posted by Cracker Larry
That social contract we all obey is the right for me to fart, eat popcorn, and drink moonshine. I never said I did all those at one time..

Heck, I couldn’t honestly say I that haven’t :imp:

Capt. Larry Teuton
Swamp Worshiper

“Ships are the nearest things to dreams that hands have ever made.” -Robert N. Rose

I have only done it once, that was when the wifey made me watch 50 shades of grey late one night. Solved that problem. She got 50 flavors of stank… and pop corn…


RBF, when you get over 60 years old, never trust a fart:face_with_head_bandage::wink::smiley:

Originally posted by Easy

RBF, when you get over 60 years old, never trust a fart:face_with_head_bandage::wink::smiley:

I hear ya. I have been on a strenuous training routine with my o-ring to identify mass vs. gas.

Can pull a few tunes out that rascal…

Check out my melody…Help from a few friends with the back-up farts…

And yes, no auto tune just me and a few folks farting acapella…




when the wifey made me watch 50 shades of grey late one night. Solved that problem. She got 50 flavors of stank.. and pop corn...

After my wife read that book I couldn’t walk for a week[:0] When it came on HBO, I left town and went fishing in Florida :smiley:

Capt. Larry Teuton
Swamp Worshiper

“Ships are the nearest things to dreams that hands have ever made.” -Robert N. Rose

Originally posted by Cracker Larry
when the wifey made me watch 50 shades of grey late one night. Solved that problem. She got 50 flavors of stank.. and pop corn...

After my wife read that book I couldn’t walk for a week[:0] When it came on HBO, I left town and went fishing in Florida :smiley:

Capt. Larry Teuton
Swamp Worshiper

“Ships are the nearest things to dreams that hands have ever made.” -Robert N. Rose

I now hide under the bed and act like I am not home. Then she’ll hook me like the bad act at Showtime at The Apollo and drags me out from under there when she hears me laugh at CF.com comments…