Who pushed it over the edge? talking about poof

Ghost Writer vs Skinneej, who will be the victor?.

Seems the Old timer may have a rival spirit with new ghost writer!

:smiley: picking guys…carry on.

Originally posted by Fred67

Ghost Writer vs Skinneej, who will be the victor?.

Seems the Old timer may have a rival spirit with new ghost writer!

:smiley: picking guys…carry on.

No further engagement needed. Pretty useless extending the discussion any further. Probably the one mutual perspective between us.


How can I call you a liar when you STILL haven’t answered the question? Who or what should everyone not engage?

Let me help you. Let’s take it “step by step”…

X should not engage Y

You have given that X = “everyone”.

So, “Everyone should not engage Y”.

Please solve for Y.

Originally posted by skinneej

How can I call you a liar when you STILL haven’t answered the question? Who or what should everyone not engage?

Let me help you. Let’s take it “step by step”…

X should not engage Y

You have given that X = “everyone”.

So, “Everyone should not engage Y”.

Please solve for Y.

Y=Anyone that is obviously trying to lure you in

Again, it was a general statement to everyone, not a part of the first paragraph where I directed the statement at MD. Think about it, why would I make a direct statement regarding MD in the 1st paragraph, and then not do so in the next phrase? If it was intended for him specifically, then I would have left it in the 1st paragraph and stated MD, or him, since he had already been referenced in the same paragraph.

Here it is to illustrate my point:

MD has been to war, his own personal war by his own words. It is getting rather humanitarian in my mind. There really is no need to ask anything personal about him. He won’t answer and will use the inquiry against you later to try to create anger and backlash, so it will appear there is a victim in the exchange.

At this point EVERYONE (X), it is best not to engage ANYONE THAT IS OBVIOUSLY TRYING TO LURE YOU IN (Y) as it will only provide more fodder to fuel the rants, AND JUDGEMENT.

Sadly enough, I do not always tend to follow my own advise. Oh well, I am only human…


Beer Froth, when you have been aiming ALL your personal attacks at ONE individual for 3 weeks, no one is going to believe you meant someone else.

Not to mention, that person has been the ONLY topic other than some gross off subject obvious comments.

Man up, and admit you ARE referring to MD, and make the conversation simpler, and stop trying to avoid the trap with your ghost writer apparition.

All of a sudden, you like my third person stance rather than going head to head, if true, just say so.

You guys took a entire page to clarify yourselves, and still didn’t succeed, and I get accused of rambling by 7cs.

Again, predictable, just keep ranting rather than making ANY constructive addition to the conversation.

Thus, the “dark side” label fits, personal attacks being your ONLY conversation, except grossness that even 10 year old children would find ‘childish’.

Shows the level of deep thought exercised by the “dark side” boys, BUT, they just cannot resist a Christian teaching or conversation to meddle into, and try to destroy, due to their relationship with “the destroyer”, satan.

“The big one’s still swimming, let’s go.”

Well now that MD, is up and about for the day, maybe he will tell us a little about his military service, in VN:question:

Originally posted by mac daddy

Beer Froth, when you have been aiming ALL your personal attacks at ONE individual for 3 weeks, no one is going to believe you meant someone else.

Not to mention, that person has been the ONLY topic other than some gross off subject obvious comments.

Man up, and admit you ARE referring to MD, and make the conversation simpler, and stop trying to avoid the trap with your ghost writer apparition.

All of a sudden, you like my third person stance rather than going head to head, if true, just say so.

You guys took a entire page to clarify yourselves, and still didn’t succeed, and I get accused of rambling by 7cs.

Again, predictable, just keep ranting rather than making ANY constructive addition to the conversation.

Thus, the “dark side” label fits, personal attacks being your ONLY conversation, except grossness that even 10 year old children would find ‘childish’.

Shows the level of deep thought exercised by the “dark side” boys, BUT, they just cannot resist a Christian teaching or conversation to meddle into, and try to destroy, due to their relationship with “the destroyer”, satan.

“The big one’s still swimming, let’s go.”

I will not answer the question twice. You have my answer to the phrase in question. I have no problem addressing questions head on. When it comes to answering questions, I believe there are several from others regarding your military service. Perhaps you should answer those questions directly. Perhaps you should follow you own advise and “man-up”. Until you do, it will appear you are not being forthright. I believe being so is a core requirement of our military, and a fundamental tenet of Christianity.

Just curious, why do you reference yourself in third person?


I explained long ago, the third person is to avoid the thread being deleted, but it doesn’t seem to matter, with what you guys get away with.

The military TRAP is just another issue for ya’ll to explore.

If I was Rambo, or pansy Pete, wouldn’t matter to ya’ll, you would try to destroy, as usual, so no more fodder for ya’ll to chew on.

“The big one’s still swimming, let’s go.”

Originally posted by mac daddy

I explained long ago, the third person is to avoid the thread being deleted, but it doesn’t seem to matter, with what you guys get away with.

The military TRAP is just another issue for ya’ll to explore.

If I was Rambo, or pansy Pete, wouldn’t matter to ya’ll, you would try to destroy, as usual, so no more fodder for ya’ll to chew on.

“The big one’s still swimming, let’s go.”

Why would the thread be deleted if you referred to yourself in 1st person? Andy deleted the prior thread based on your request. In reality, you can delete you own thread, so I am not sure why you would have asked if you could have done it yourself. That’s a whole difference topic.

I believe you should give everyone the benefit of the doubt. The question was not how bad someone had it in VN, just provide your credentials. I believe those that served are not going to ridicule someone if they did not fight in a horrific event. If so, then I would not support it. Everyone involved had a role to play in the “theater”. minimizing anyones efforts would put them in a poor light.

The question at hand is not how you served, but did you serve. At least, that is the way I interpreted the question initially. When it goes unanswered then it appears you did not.

Take it for what it is worth.


Originally posted by mac daddy

I explained long ago, the third person is to avoid the thread being deleted, but it doesn’t seem to matter, with what you guys get away with.

The military TRAP is just another issue for ya’ll to explore.

If I was Rambo, or pansy Pete, wouldn’t matter to ya’ll, you would try to destroy, as usual, so no more fodder for ya’ll to chew on.

“The big one’s still swimming, let’s go.”

Is this post an error. It is exactly the same as the prior?


MD, you brought your military service in VN into play, now won’t back it up! Did you or did you not, serve in VN? Simple question! There are a few of us that did and aren’t ashamed to state our records if questioned on the subject! I served in Echo Company 1/46th Infantry Battalion, 196th Light Infantry Brigade, 23rd Infantry Division (Americal) 68-69! Now that wasn’t so hard, was it? How about you? Where were you and what years? You could PM me if you wish! I won’t post it and you will either confirm or not! I just want to know that you aren’t posing as something you’re not.

Originally posted by Easy

MD, you brought your military service in VN into play, now won’t back it up! Did you or did you not, serve in VN? Simple question! There are a few of us that did and aren’t ashamed to state our records if questioned on the subject! I served in Echo Company 1/46th Infantry Battalion, 196th Light Infantry Brigade, 23rd Infantry Division (Americal) 68-69! Now that wasn’t so hard, was it? How about you? Where were you and what years? You could PM me if you wish! I won’t post it and you will either confirm or not! I just want to know that you aren’t posing as something you’re not.

Proud of you Easy! that was the time frame before the hippies, green officers, political correctness, and mass dope showed up. We lost 40,000 troops between 67-69. :roll_eyes::roll_eyes: Dad was there 65-68 along with 3 of his brothers.

Fred, we did a good job over there and could have won it, if the politicians hadn’t got cold feet! In 69, we had them on their azzs. It went downhill from there.

Originally posted by Easy

Fred, we did a good job over there and could have won it, if the politician hadn’t got cold feet! In 69, we had them on their azzs. It went downhill from there.

I believe the official newly coined phrase for cold feet was referred to as “Vietnamization”…


I don’t give a rats azz, what they call it! If they had left it to the Military, the whole country North and South could have been smoothed out, paved over and had lines painted on it and rented out as a parking lot!

Originally posted by Easy

I don’t give a rats azz, what they call it! If they had left it to the Military, the whole country North and South could have been smoothed out, paved over and had lines painted on it and rented out as a parking lot!

Interesting look and read. You have a much better perspective having been there. I am just an outsider looking in, studying history.



The main difference between the North and South Vietnamese was that they all fought at the point of a gun. The North because they knew if they wanted to make it home, they had to fight! The VC fought because if they didn’t, their families would be killed! If we had had a Professional Military then, like we do now, instead of a conscript Military, it would have been over a lot sooner with the win !

Fred, we did a good job over there and could have won it, if the politicians hadn't got cold feet!

Hell yes we did. We could have won it easy, except for the politicians, news media, Jane Fonda, and public opinion wouldn’t let the fighting men fight. Instead we gave away about 57,000 American lives, wounded 300,000 more, about a million with mental injuries they will never forget, and we or the world didn’t gain a dang thing from it. We cut and ran when we could have kicked ass if they had let us. And after we ran, there were about 3,000,000 South Vietnamese and Cambodians slaughtered. The USA hasn’t won a war since, IMO.

Capt. Larry Teuton
Swamp Worshiper

“Ships are the nearest things to dreams that hands have ever made.” -Robert N. Rose

Originally posted by Richard Beer Froth

At this point EVERYONE (X), it is best not to engage ANYONE THAT IS OBVIOUSLY TRYING TO LURE YOU IN (Y) as it will only provide more fodder to fuel the rants</font id=“red”>, AND JUDGEMENT.

Okay, you'll have to excuse me. I'm a little slow, but it seems to be coming together. Now can you explain what you mean by the part I highlighted in red?

You said “THE rants” instead of just “rants”, which means (in the king’s english) that you are referencing very specific rants. So, I am wondering which rants you were referring to. Can you explain which ones and who would have been making those rants?


Originally posted by Cracker Larry

[quote]The USA hasn’t won a war since, IMO.

Since WW2!